mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 20:54:06 +00:00
tpl: Sort the smoke tests
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 77 additions and 76 deletions
@ -77,99 +77,100 @@ func TestFuncsInTemplate(t *testing.T) {
// Add the examples from the docs: As a smoke test and to make sure the examples work.
// TODO(bep): docs: fix title example
in :=
`chomp: {{chomp "<p>Blockhead</p>\n" }}
`absURL: {{ "http://gohugo.io/" | absURL }}
absURL: {{ "mystyle.css" | absURL }}
add: {{add 1 2}}
base64Decode 1: {{ "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" | base64Decode }}
base64Decode 2: {{ 42 | base64Encode | base64Decode }}
base64Encode: {{ "Hello world" | base64Encode }}
chomp: {{chomp "<p>Blockhead</p>\n" }}
dateFormat: {{ dateFormat "Monday, Jan 2, 2006" "2015-01-21" }}
delimit: {{ delimit (slice "A" "B" "C") ", " " and " }}
div: {{div 6 3}}
emojify: {{ "I :heart: Hugo" | emojify }}
eq: {{ if eq .Section "blog" }}current{{ end }}
hasPrefix: {{ hasPrefix "Hugo" "Hu" }}
in: {{ if in "this string contains a substring" "substring" }}Substring found!{{ end }}
jsonify: {{ (slice "A" "B" "C") | jsonify }}
lower: {{lower "BatMan"}}
markdownify: {{ .Title | markdownify}}
pluralize: {{ "cat" | pluralize }}
replace: {{ replace "Batman and Robin" "Robin" "Catwoman" }}
singularize: {{ "cats" | singularize }}
slicestr: {{slicestr "BatMan" 3}}
slicestr: {{slicestr "BatMan" 0 3}}
substr: {{substr "BatMan" 0 -3}}
substr: {{substr "BatMan" 3 3}}
title: {{title "Bat man"}}
hasPrefix: {{ hasPrefix "Hugo" "Hu" }}
trim: {{ trim "++Batman--" "+-" }}
upper: {{upper "BatMan"}}
absURL: {{ "mystyle.css" | absURL }}
relURL: {{ "mystyle.css" | relURL }}
relURL: {{ "http://gohugo.io/" | relURL }}
absURL: {{ "http://gohugo.io/" | absURL }}
urlize: {{ "Bat Man" | urlize }}
base64Encode: {{ "Hello world" | base64Encode }}
base64Decode: {{ "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" | base64Decode }}
base64Decode: {{ 42 | base64Encode | base64Decode }}
add: {{add 1 2}}
div: {{div 6 3}}
md5: {{ md5 "Hello world, gophers!" }}
mod: {{mod 15 3}}
modBool: {{modBool 15 3}}
mul: {{mul 2 3}}
sub: {{sub 3 2}}
eq: {{ if eq .Section "blog" }}current{{ end }}
in: {{ if in "this string contains a substring" "substring" }}Substring found!{{ end }}
seq: {{ seq 3 }}
sort: {{ slice "B" "C" "A" | sort }}
delimit: {{ delimit (slice "A" "B" "C") ", " " and " }}
jsonify: {{ (slice "A" "B" "C") | jsonify }}
md5: {{ md5 "Hello world, gophers!" }}
sha1: {{ sha1 "Hello world, gophers!" }}
emojify: {{ "I :heart: Hugo" | emojify }}
safeHTML: {{ "Bat&Man" | safeHTML }}
safeHTML: {{ "Bat&Man" | safeHTML | safeHTML }}
safeCSS: {{ "Bat&Man" | safeCSS | safeCSS }}
safeURL: {{ "http://gohugo.io" | safeURL | safeURL }}
safeJS: {{ "(1*2)" | safeJS | safeJS }}
plainify: {{ plainify "Hello <strong>world</strong>, gophers!" }}
readFile: {{ readFile "README.txt" }}
pluralize: {{ "cat" | pluralize }}
readDir: {{ range (readDir ".") }}{{ .Name }}{{ end }}
readFile: {{ readFile "README.txt" }}
relURL 1: {{ "http://gohugo.io/" | relURL }}
relURL 2: {{ "mystyle.css" | relURL }}
replace: {{ replace "Batman and Robin" "Robin" "Catwoman" }}
safeCSS: {{ "Bat&Man" | safeCSS | safeCSS }}
safeHTML: {{ "Bat&Man" | safeHTML | safeHTML }}
safeHTML: {{ "Bat&Man" | safeHTML }}
safeJS: {{ "(1*2)" | safeJS | safeJS }}
safeURL: {{ "http://gohugo.io" | safeURL | safeURL }}
seq: {{ seq 3 }}
sha1: {{ sha1 "Hello world, gophers!" }}
singularize: {{ "cats" | singularize }}
slicestr: {{slicestr "BatMan" 0 3}}
slicestr: {{slicestr "BatMan" 3}}
sort: {{ slice "B" "C" "A" | sort }}
sub: {{sub 3 2}}
substr: {{substr "BatMan" 0 -3}}
substr: {{substr "BatMan" 3 3}}
title: {{title "Bat man"}}
trim: {{ trim "++Batman--" "+-" }}
upper: {{upper "BatMan"}}
urlize: {{ "Bat Man" | urlize }}
expected := `chomp: <p>Blockhead</p>
expected := `absURL: http://gohugo.io/
absURL: http://mysite.com/hugo/mystyle.css
add: 3
base64Decode 1: Hello world
base64Decode 2: 42
base64Encode: SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=
chomp: <p>Blockhead</p>
dateFormat: Wednesday, Jan 21, 2015
delimit: A, B and C
div: 2
emojify: I ❤️ Hugo
eq: current
hasPrefix: true
in: Substring found!
jsonify: ["A","B","C"]
lower: batman
markdownify: <strong>BatMan</strong>
pluralize: cats
replace: Batman and Catwoman
singularize: cat
slicestr: Man
slicestr: Bat
substr: Bat
substr: Man
title: Bat Man
hasPrefix: true
trim: Batman
upper: BATMAN
absURL: http://mysite.com/hugo/mystyle.css
relURL: /hugo/mystyle.css
relURL: http://gohugo.io/
absURL: http://gohugo.io/
urlize: bat-man
base64Encode: SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=
base64Decode: Hello world
base64Decode: 42
add: 3
div: 2
md5: b3029f756f98f79e7f1b7f1d1f0dd53b
mod: 0
modBool: true
mul: 6
sub: 1
eq: current
in: Substring found!
seq: [1 2 3]
sort: [A B C]
delimit: A, B and C
jsonify: ["A","B","C"]
md5: b3029f756f98f79e7f1b7f1d1f0dd53b
sha1: c8b5b0e33d408246e30f53e32b8f7627a7a649d4
emojify: I ❤️ Hugo
safeHTML: Bat&Man
safeHTML: Bat&Man
safeCSS: Bat&Man
safeURL: http://gohugo.io
safeJS: (1*2)
plainify: Hello world, gophers!
readFile: Hugo Rocks!
pluralize: cats
readDir: README.txt
readFile: Hugo Rocks!
relURL 1: http://gohugo.io/
relURL 2: /hugo/mystyle.css
replace: Batman and Catwoman
safeCSS: Bat&Man
safeHTML: Bat&Man
safeHTML: Bat&Man
safeJS: (1*2)
safeURL: http://gohugo.io
seq: [1 2 3]
sha1: c8b5b0e33d408246e30f53e32b8f7627a7a649d4
singularize: cat
slicestr: Bat
slicestr: Man
sort: [A B C]
sub: 1
substr: Bat
substr: Man
title: Bat Man
trim: Batman
upper: BATMAN
urlize: bat-man
var b bytes.Buffer
Reference in a new issue