mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 11:03:47 +00:00
4 changed files with 9 additions and 603 deletions
@ -47,10 +47,6 @@ type HugoSites struct {
runMode runmode
multilingual *Multilingual
// Maps internalID to a set of nodes.
nodeMap map[string]Nodes
nodeMapMu sync.RWMutex
// NewHugoSites creates a new collection of sites given the input sites, building
@ -62,7 +58,7 @@ func newHugoSites(sites ...*Site) (*HugoSites, error) {
return nil, err
h := &HugoSites{multilingual: langConfig, Sites: sites, nodeMap: make(map[string]Nodes)}
h := &HugoSites{multilingual: langConfig, Sites: sites}
for _, s := range sites {
s.owner = h
@ -104,33 +100,8 @@ func createSitesFromConfig() ([]*Site, error) {
return sites, nil
func (h *HugoSites) addNode(nodeID string, node *Node) {
if nodes, ok := h.nodeMap[nodeID]; ok {
h.nodeMap[nodeID] = append(nodes, node)
} else {
h.nodeMap[nodeID] = Nodes{node}
func (h *HugoSites) getNodes(nodeID string) Nodes {
if nodeID != "" {
nodes, ok := h.nodeMap[nodeID]
if ok {
return nodes
// Paginator pages will not have related nodes.
return Nodes{}
// Reset resets the sites and template caches, making it ready for a full rebuild.
func (h *HugoSites) reset() {
h.nodeMap = make(map[string]Nodes)
for i, s := range h.Sites {
h.Sites[i] = s.reset()
@ -139,7 +110,6 @@ func (h *HugoSites) reset() {
func (h *HugoSites) reCreateFromConfig() error {
h.nodeMap = make(map[string]Nodes)
sites, err := createSitesFromConfig()
@ -306,7 +276,6 @@ func (h *HugoSites) Rebuild(config BuildCfg, events ...fsnotify.Event) error {
firstSite := h.Sites[0]
h.nodeMap = make(map[string]Nodes)
for _, s := range h.Sites {
@ -640,26 +609,6 @@ func (h *HugoSites) setupTranslationsForRegularPages() {
// TODO(bep) np clean
func (h *HugoSites) preRender(cfg BuildCfg, changed whatChanged) error {
for _, s := range h.Sites {
if err := s.setCurrentLanguageConfig(); err != nil {
return err
// Run "render prepare"
if err := s.renderHomePage(true); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.renderTaxonomiesLists(true); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.renderListsOfTaxonomyTerms(true); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.renderSectionLists(true); err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range h.Sites {
if err := s.setCurrentLanguageConfig(); err != nil {
return err
@ -810,11 +759,6 @@ func (h *HugoSites) findAllPagesByNodeTypeNotIn(n NodeType) Pages {
return h.findPagesByNodeTypeNotIn(n, h.Sites[0].AllNodes)
func (h *HugoSites) findRawAllPagesByNodeType(n NodeType) Pages {
return h.Sites[0].findRawAllPagesByNodeType(n)
// Convenience func used in tests to build a single site/language excluding render phase.
func buildSiteSkipRender(s *Site, additionalTemplates ...string) error {
return doBuildSite(s, false, additionalTemplates...)
@ -873,10 +817,6 @@ func newHugoSitesFromSourceAndLanguages(input []source.ByteSource, languages hel
// Convenience func used in tests.
func newHugoSitesFromLanguages(languages helpers.Languages) (*HugoSites, error) {
return newHugoSitesFromSourceAndLanguages(nil, languages)
func newHugoSitesDefaultLanguage() (*HugoSites, error) {
return newHugoSitesFromSourceAndLanguages(nil, helpers.Languages{helpers.NewDefaultLanguage()})
@ -457,6 +457,12 @@ func doTestSectionPagesMenu(canonifyURLs bool, t *testing.T) {
func TestTaxonomyNodeMenu(t *testing.T) {
type taxRenderInfo struct {
key string
singular string
plural string
viper.Set("canonifyURLs", true)
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ import (
// TODO(bep) np add String()
// TODO(bep) np clean up node vs page
type NodeType int
const (
@ -81,11 +82,6 @@ func (p NodeType) IsNode() bool {
type Node struct {
NodeType NodeType
// a natural key that should be unique for this site
// for the home page this will typically be "home", but it can anything
// as long as it is the same for repeated builds.
nodeID string
RSSLink template.HTML
Site *SiteInfo `json:"-"`
// layout string
@ -105,9 +101,6 @@ type Node struct {
language *helpers.Language
languageInit sync.Once
lang string
translations Nodes
translationsInit sync.Once
// The Nodes type is temporary until we get https://github.com/spf13/hugo/issues/2297 fixed.
@ -337,40 +330,6 @@ func (n *Node) LanguagePrefix() string {
return n.Site.LanguagePrefix
// AllTranslations returns all translations, including the current Node.
// Note that this and the one below is kind of a temporary hack before #2297 is solved.
func (n *Node) AllTranslations() Nodes {
return n.translations
// Translations returns the translations excluding the current Node.
func (n *Node) Translations() Nodes {
translations := make(Nodes, 0)
for _, t := range n.translations {
if t != n {
translations = append(translations, t)
return translations
// IsTranslated returns whether this node is translated to
// other language(s).
func (n *Node) IsTranslated() bool {
return len(n.translations) > 1
func (n *Node) initTranslations() {
n.translationsInit.Do(func() {
n.translations = n.Site.owner.getNodes(n.nodeID)
func (n *Node) addLangPathPrefix(outfile string) string {
return n.addLangPathPrefixIfFlagSet(outfile, n.shouldAddLanguagePrefix())
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import (
@ -58,15 +57,6 @@ var (
distinctFeedbackLogger = helpers.NewDistinctFeedbackLogger()
type nodeCache struct {
m map[string]*Node
func (c *nodeCache) reset() {
c.m = make(map[string]*Node)
// Site contains all the information relevant for constructing a static
// site. The basic flow of information is as follows:
@ -87,10 +77,6 @@ func (c *nodeCache) reset() {
type Site struct {
owner *HugoSites
// Used internally to discover duplicates.
nodeCache *nodeCache
nodeCacheInit sync.Once
Files []*source.File
@ -213,8 +199,6 @@ type siteBuilderCfg struct {
language *helpers.Language
pageCollections *PageCollections
baseURL string
pages Pages
func newSiteInfo(cfg siteBuilderCfg) SiteInfo {
@ -1545,8 +1529,6 @@ func (s *Site) assembleTaxonomies() {
// Prepare site for a new full build.
func (s *Site) resetBuildState() {
s.PageCollections = newPageCollections()
s.Info.paginationPageCount = 0
@ -1655,405 +1637,6 @@ func (s *Site) appendThemeTemplates(in []string) []string {
type taxRenderInfo struct {
key string
pages WeightedPages
singular string
plural string
// renderTaxonomiesLists renders the listing pages based on the meta data
// each unique term within a taxonomy will have a page created
func (s *Site) renderTaxonomiesLists(prepare bool) error {
if nodePageFeatureFlag {
return nil
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
taxes := make(chan taxRenderInfo)
results := make(chan error)
procs := getGoMaxProcs()
for i := 0; i < procs*4; i++ {
go taxonomyRenderer(prepare, s, taxes, results, wg)
errs := make(chan error)
go errorCollator(results, errs)
taxonomies := s.Language.GetStringMapString("taxonomies")
for singular, plural := range taxonomies {
for key, pages := range s.Taxonomies[plural] {
taxes <- taxRenderInfo{key, pages, singular, plural}
err := <-errs
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error(s) rendering taxonomies: %s", err)
return nil
func (s *Site) newTaxonomyNode(prepare bool, t taxRenderInfo, counter int) (*Node, string) {
key := t.key
n := s.nodeLookup(fmt.Sprintf("tax-%s-%s", t.plural, key), counter, prepare)
if s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames {
key = s.Info.pathSpec.MakePathSanitized(key)
base := t.plural + "/" + key
if !prepare {
return n, base
if s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames {
// keep as is in the title
n.Title = t.key
} else {
n.Title = strings.Replace(strings.Title(t.key), "-", " ", -1)
s.setURLs(n, base)
if len(t.pages) > 0 {
n.Date = t.pages[0].Page.Date
n.Lastmod = t.pages[0].Page.Lastmod
n.Data[t.singular] = t.pages
n.Data["Singular"] = t.singular
n.Data["Plural"] = t.plural
n.Data["Pages"] = t.pages.Pages()
return n, base
func taxonomyRenderer(prepare bool, s *Site, taxes <-chan taxRenderInfo, results chan<- error, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
var n *Node
for t := range taxes {
var (
base string
baseWithLanguagePrefix string
paginatePath string
layouts []string
n, base = s.newTaxonomyNode(prepare, t, 0)
if prepare {
baseWithLanguagePrefix = n.addLangPathPrefix(base)
layouts = s.appendThemeTemplates(
[]string{"taxonomy/" + t.singular + ".html", "indexes/" + t.singular + ".html", "_default/taxonomy.html", "_default/list.html"})
dest := base
if viper.GetBool("uglyURLs") {
dest = helpers.Uglify(baseWithLanguagePrefix + ".html")
} else {
dest = helpers.PrettifyPath(baseWithLanguagePrefix + "/index.html")
if err := s.renderAndWritePage("taxonomy "+t.singular, dest, n, layouts...); err != nil {
results <- err
if n.paginator != nil {
paginatePath = helpers.Config().GetString("paginatePath")
// write alias for page 1
s.writeDestAlias(helpers.PaginateAliasPath(baseWithLanguagePrefix, 1), n.Permalink(), nil)
pagers := n.paginator.Pagers()
for i, pager := range pagers {
if i == 0 {
// already created
taxonomyPagerNode, _ := s.newTaxonomyNode(true, t, i)
taxonomyPagerNode.paginator = pager
if pager.TotalPages() > 0 {
first, _ := pager.page(0)
taxonomyPagerNode.Date = first.Date
taxonomyPagerNode.Lastmod = first.Lastmod
pageNumber := i + 1
htmlBase := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%d", baseWithLanguagePrefix, paginatePath, pageNumber)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage(fmt.Sprintf("taxonomy %s", t.singular), htmlBase, taxonomyPagerNode, layouts...); err != nil {
results <- err
if prepare {
if !viper.GetBool("disableRSS") {
// XML Feed
rssNode := s.newNode(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-rss", t.plural, t.key))
rssNode.Title = n.Title
rssURI := viper.GetString("rssURI")
s.setURLs(rssNode, base+"/"+rssURI)
rssNode.Data = n.Data
rssLayouts := []string{"taxonomy/" + t.singular + ".rss.xml", "_default/rss.xml", "rss.xml", "_internal/_default/rss.xml"}
if err := s.renderAndWriteXML("taxonomy "+t.singular+" rss", baseWithLanguagePrefix+"/"+rssURI, rssNode, s.appendThemeTemplates(rssLayouts)...); err != nil {
results <- err
// renderListsOfTaxonomyTerms renders a page per taxonomy that lists the terms for that taxonomy
func (s *Site) renderListsOfTaxonomyTerms(prepare bool) (err error) {
if nodePageFeatureFlag {
return nil
taxonomies := s.Language.GetStringMapString("Taxonomies")
for singular, plural := range taxonomies {
n := s.nodeLookup(fmt.Sprintf("taxlist-%s", plural), 0, prepare)
if prepare {
n.Title = strings.Title(plural)
s.setURLs(n, plural)
n.Data["Singular"] = singular
n.Data["Plural"] = plural
n.Data["Terms"] = s.Taxonomies[plural]
// keep the following just for legacy reasons
n.Data["OrderedIndex"] = n.Data["Terms"]
n.Data["Index"] = n.Data["Terms"]
layouts := []string{"taxonomy/" + singular + ".terms.html", "_default/terms.html", "indexes/indexes.html"}
layouts = s.appendThemeTemplates(layouts)
if s.layoutExists(layouts...) {
if err := s.renderAndWritePage("taxonomy terms for "+singular, n.addLangPathPrefix(plural+"/index.html"), n, layouts...); err != nil {
return err
func (s *Site) newSectionListNode(prepare bool, sectionName, section string, data WeightedPages, counter int) *Node {
n := s.nodeLookup(fmt.Sprintf("sect-%s", sectionName), counter, prepare)
if !prepare {
return n
sectionName = helpers.FirstUpper(sectionName)
if viper.GetBool("pluralizeListTitles") {
n.Title = inflect.Pluralize(sectionName)
} else {
n.Title = sectionName
s.setURLs(n, section)
n.Date = data[0].Page.Date
n.Lastmod = data[0].Page.Lastmod
n.Data["Pages"] = data.Pages()
return n
// renderSectionLists renders a page for each section
func (s *Site) renderSectionLists(prepare bool) error {
if nodePageFeatureFlag {
return nil
for section, data := range s.Sections {
// section keys can be lower case (depending on site.pathifyTaxonomyKeys)
// extract the original casing from the first page to get sensible titles.
sectionName := section
if !s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames && len(data) > 0 {
sectionName = data[0].Page.Section()
n := s.newSectionListNode(prepare, sectionName, section, data, 0)
if prepare {
layouts := s.appendThemeTemplates(
[]string{"section/" + section + ".html", "_default/section.html", "_default/list.html", "indexes/" + section + ".html", "_default/indexes.html"})
if s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames {
section = s.Info.pathSpec.MakePathSanitized(section)
base := n.addLangPathPrefix(section)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage(fmt.Sprintf("section %s", section), base, n, s.appendThemeTemplates(layouts)...); err != nil {
return err
if n.paginator != nil {
paginatePath := helpers.Config().GetString("paginatePath")
// write alias for page 1
s.writeDestAlias(helpers.PaginateAliasPath(base, 1), s.Info.permalink(base), nil)
pagers := n.paginator.Pagers()
for i, pager := range pagers {
if i == 0 {
// already created
sectionPagerNode := s.newSectionListNode(true, sectionName, section, data, i)
sectionPagerNode.paginator = pager
if pager.TotalPages() > 0 {
first, _ := pager.page(0)
sectionPagerNode.Date = first.Date
sectionPagerNode.Lastmod = first.Lastmod
pageNumber := i + 1
htmlBase := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%d", base, paginatePath, pageNumber)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage(fmt.Sprintf("section %s", section), filepath.FromSlash(htmlBase), sectionPagerNode, layouts...); err != nil {
return err
if prepare {
return nil
if !viper.GetBool("disableRSS") && section != "" {
// XML Feed
rssURI := viper.GetString("rssURI")
rssNode := s.newSectionListNode(true, sectionName+"-rss", section, data, 0)
rssNode.Title = n.Title
s.setURLs(rssNode, section+"/"+rssURI)
rssLayouts := []string{"section/" + section + ".rss.xml", "_default/rss.xml", "rss.xml", "_internal/_default/rss.xml"}
if err := s.renderAndWriteXML("section "+section+" rss", rssNode.addLangPathPrefix(section+"/"+rssURI), rssNode, s.appendThemeTemplates(rssLayouts)...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) renderHomePage(prepare bool) error {
// TODO(bep) np remove this and related
if nodePageFeatureFlag {
return nil
n := s.newHomeNode(prepare, 0)
if prepare {
return nil
layouts := s.appendThemeTemplates([]string{"index.html", "_default/list.html"})
base := n.addLangFilepathPrefix("")
if err := s.renderAndWritePage("homepage", base, n, layouts...); err != nil {
return err
if n.paginator != nil {
paginatePath := helpers.Config().GetString("paginatePath")
// write alias for page 1
// TODO(bep) ml all of these n.addLang ... fix.
s.writeDestAlias(n.addLangPathPrefix(helpers.PaginateAliasPath("", 1)), n.Permalink(), nil)
pagers := n.paginator.Pagers()
for i, pager := range pagers {
if i == 0 {
// already created
homePagerNode := s.newHomeNode(true, i)
homePagerNode.paginator = pager
if pager.TotalPages() > 0 {
first, _ := pager.page(0)
homePagerNode.Date = first.Date
homePagerNode.Lastmod = first.Lastmod
pageNumber := i + 1
htmlBase := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%d", paginatePath, pageNumber)
htmlBase = n.addLangPathPrefix(htmlBase)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage(fmt.Sprintf("homepage"),
filepath.FromSlash(htmlBase), homePagerNode, layouts...); err != nil {
return err
if !viper.GetBool("disableRSS") {
// XML Feed
rssNode := s.newNode("rss-home")
s.setURLs(rssNode, viper.GetString("rssURI"))
rssNode.Title = ""
high := 50
if len(s.Pages) < high {
high = len(s.Pages)
rssNode.Data["Pages"] = s.Pages[:high]
if len(s.Pages) > 0 {
rssNode.Date = s.Pages[0].Date
rssNode.Lastmod = s.Pages[0].Lastmod
rssLayouts := []string{"rss.xml", "_default/rss.xml", "_internal/_default/rss.xml"}
if err := s.renderAndWriteXML("homepage rss", rssNode.addLangPathPrefix(viper.GetString("rssURI")), rssNode, s.appendThemeTemplates(rssLayouts)...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) newHomeNode(prepare bool, counter int) *Node {
n := s.nodeLookup("home", counter, prepare)
n.Title = n.Site.Title
n.NodeType = NodeHome
s.setURLs(n, "/")
n.Data["Pages"] = s.Pages
if len(s.Pages) != 0 {
n.Date = s.Pages[0].Date
n.Lastmod = s.Pages[0].Lastmod
return n
// Stats prints Hugo builds stats to the console.
// This is what you see after a successful hugo build.
func (s *Site) Stats() {
@ -2072,12 +1655,6 @@ func (s *Site) Stats() {
func (s *Site) setURLs(n *Node, in string) {
n.URLPath.URL = s.Info.pathSpec.URLizeAndPrep(in)
n.URLPath.Permalink = s.Info.permalink(n.URLPath.URL)
n.RSSLink = template.HTML(s.Info.permalink(in + ".xml"))
func (s *SiteInfo) permalink(plink string) string {
return s.permalinkStr(plink)
@ -2088,82 +1665,6 @@ func (s *SiteInfo) permalinkStr(plink string) string {
// TODO(bep) np remove
func (s *Site) newNode(nodeID string) *Node {
return nil //s.nodeLookup(nodeID, 0, true)
func (s *Site) getNode(nodeID string) *Node {
return nil //s.getOrAddNode(nodeID, false)
func (s *Site) getOrAddNode(nodeID string, add bool) *Node {
if true {
return nil
s.nodeCacheInit.Do(func() {
s.nodeCache = &nodeCache{m: make(map[string]*Node)}
if n, ok := s.nodeCache.m[nodeID]; ok {
if !add {
return n
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Node with ID %q in use", nodeID))
if !add {
// this is a test type error, print the keys
for k := range s.nodeCache.m {
fmt.Println("Node:", k)
return nil
// Double check
if _, ok := s.nodeCache.m[nodeID]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Node with ID %q in use", nodeID))
n := &Node{
nodeID: nodeID,
Data: make(map[string]interface{}),
Site: &s.Info,
language: s.Language,
s.nodeCache.m[nodeID] = n
return n
func (s *Site) nodeLookup(nodeIDPrefix string, counter int, add bool) *Node {
nodeID := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", nodeIDPrefix, counter)
n := s.getOrAddNode(nodeID, add)
// Paginator nodes (counter > 0) gets created during rendering and cannot take part in any
// global translations mapping
if add && s.owner != nil && counter == 0 {
s.owner.addNode(nodeID, n)
return n
func (s *Site) layoutExists(layouts ...string) bool {
_, found := s.findFirstLayout(layouts...)
return found
func (s *Site) renderAndWriteXML(name string, dest string, d interface{}, layouts ...string) error {
jww.DEBUG.Printf("Render XML for %q to %q", name, dest)
renderBuffer := bp.GetBuffer()
Reference in a new issue