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mirror of https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo.git synced 2025-03-20 13:10:56 +00:00

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This commit is contained in:
bep 2015-03-05 23:19:10 +01:00
parent 8557e2cbb8
commit 6e1b0e0c00
7 changed files with 44 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ func NewContent(kind, name string) (err error) {
return err
for k, _ := range newmetadata {
for k := range newmetadata {
switch strings.ToLower(k) {
case "date":
newmetadata[k] = time.Now()
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ func NewContent(kind, name string) (err error) {
caseimatch := func(m map[string]interface{}, key string) bool {
for k, _ := range m {
for k := range m {
if strings.ToLower(k) == strings.ToLower(key) {
return true

View file

@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ var shortCodeLexerTests = []shortCodeLexerTest{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1,
{tError, 0, "unclosed shortcode"}}},
{"Youtube id", `{{< sc1 -ziL-Q_456igdO-4 >}}`, []item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, item{tScParam, 0, "-ziL-Q_456igdO-4"}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, {tScParam, 0, "-ziL-Q_456igdO-4"}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"non-alphanumerics param quoted", `{{< sc1 "-ziL-.%QigdO-4" >}}`, []item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, item{tScParam, 0, "-ziL-.%QigdO-4"}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, {tScParam, 0, "-ziL-.%QigdO-4"}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"two params", `{{< sc1 param1 param2 >}}`, []item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstParam2, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
@ -74,21 +74,21 @@ var shortCodeLexerTests = []shortCodeLexerTest{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"nested complex", `{{< sc1 >}}ab{{% sc2 param1 %}}cd{{< sc3 >}}ef{{< /sc3 >}}gh{{% /sc2 %}}ij{{< /sc1 >}}kl`, []item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD,
item{tText, 0, "ab"},
{tText, 0, "ab"},
tstLeftMD, tstSC2, tstParam1, tstRightMD,
item{tText, 0, "cd"},
{tText, 0, "cd"},
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC3, tstRightNoMD,
item{tText, 0, "ef"},
{tText, 0, "ef"},
tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC3, tstRightNoMD,
item{tText, 0, "gh"},
{tText, 0, "gh"},
tstLeftMD, tstSCClose, tstSC2, tstRightMD,
item{tText, 0, "ij"},
{tText, 0, "ij"},
tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD,
item{tText, 0, "kl"}, tstEOF,
{tText, 0, "kl"}, tstEOF,
{"two quoted params", `{{< sc1 "param nr. 1" "param nr. 2" >}}`, []item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, item{tScParam, 0, "param nr. 1"}, item{tScParam, 0, "param nr. 2"}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, {tScParam, 0, "param nr. 1"}, {tScParam, 0, "param nr. 2"}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"two named params", `{{< sc1 param1="Hello World" param2="p2Val">}}`, []item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstVal, tstParam2, {tScParamVal, 0, "p2Val"}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"escaped quotes", `{{< sc1 param1=\"Hello World\" >}}`, []item{
@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ var shortCodeLexerTests = []shortCodeLexerTest{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"escaped quotes inside escaped quotes", `{{< sc1 param1=\"Hello \"escaped\" World\" >}}`, []item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1,
item{tScParamVal, 0, `Hello `}, {tError, 0, `got positional parameter 'escaped'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters`}}},
{tScParamVal, 0, `Hello `}, {tError, 0, `got positional parameter 'escaped'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters`}}},
{"escaped quotes inside nonescaped quotes",
`{{< sc1 param1="Hello \"escaped\" World" >}}`, []item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, item{tScParamVal, 0, `Hello "escaped" World`}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, {tScParamVal, 0, `Hello "escaped" World`}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"escaped quotes inside nonescaped quotes in positional param",
`{{< sc1 "Hello \"escaped\" World" >}}`, []item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, item{tScParam, 0, `Hello "escaped" World`}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, {tScParam, 0, `Hello "escaped" World`}, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"unterminated quote", `{{< sc1 param2="Hello World>}}`, []item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam2, {tError, 0, "unterminated quoted string in shortcode parameter-argument: 'Hello World>}}'"}}},
{"one named param, one not", `{{< sc1 param1="Hello World" p2 >}}`, []item{
@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ var shortCodeLexerTests = []shortCodeLexerTest{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1,
{tError, 0, "got named parameter 'param2'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters"}}},
{"commented out", `{{</* sc1 */>}}`, []item{
item{tText, 0, "{{<"}, item{tText, 0, " sc1 "}, item{tText, 0, ">}}"}, tstEOF}},
{tText, 0, "{{<"}, {tText, 0, " sc1 "}, {tText, 0, ">}}"}, tstEOF}},
{"commented out, missing close", `{{</* sc1 >}}`, []item{
{tError, 0, "comment must be closed"}}},
{"commented out, misplaced close", `{{</* sc1 >}}*/`, []item{
item{tText, 0, "{{<"}, item{tText, 0, " sc1 >}}"}, {tError, 0, "comment ends before the right shortcode delimiter"}}},
{tText, 0, "{{<"}, {tText, 0, " sc1 >}}"}, {tError, 0, "comment ends before the right shortcode delimiter"}}},
func TestShortcodeLexer(t *testing.T) {

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func TestSiteInfoParams(t *testing.T) {
func TestSiteInfoPermalinks (t *testing.T) {
func TestSiteInfoPermalinks(t *testing.T) {
viper.Set("Permalinks", map[string]interface{}{"section": "/:title"})
s := &Site{}

View file

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ func TestIgnoreDotFilesAndDirectories(t *testing.T) {
path string
ignore bool
{".foobar/", true },
{"foobar/.barfoo/", true },
{".foobar/", true},
{"foobar/.barfoo/", true},
{"barfoo.md", false},
{"foobar/barfoo.md", false},
{"foobar/.barfoo.md", true},

View file

@ -474,38 +474,38 @@ func TestWhere(t *testing.T) {
sequence: []*map[int]string{
&map[int]string{1: "a", 2: "m"}, &map[int]string{1: "c", 2: "d"}, &map[int]string{1: "e", 3: "m"},
{1: "a", 2: "m"}, {1: "c", 2: "d"}, {1: "e", 3: "m"},
key: 2, match: "m",
expect: []*map[int]string{
&map[int]string{1: "a", 2: "m"},
{1: "a", 2: "m"},
sequence: []*TstX{
&TstX{A: "a", B: "b"}, &TstX{A: "c", B: "d"}, &TstX{A: "e", B: "f"},
{A: "a", B: "b"}, {A: "c", B: "d"}, {A: "e", B: "f"},
key: "B", match: "f",
expect: []*TstX{
&TstX{A: "e", B: "f"},
{A: "e", B: "f"},
sequence: []*TstX{
&TstX{A: "a", B: "b"}, &TstX{A: "c", B: "d"}, &TstX{A: "e", B: "c"},
{A: "a", B: "b"}, {A: "c", B: "d"}, {A: "e", B: "c"},
key: "TstRp", match: "rc",
expect: []*TstX{
&TstX{A: "c", B: "d"},
{A: "c", B: "d"},
sequence: []TstX{
TstX{A: "a", B: "b"}, TstX{A: "c", B: "d"}, TstX{A: "e", B: "c"},
{A: "a", B: "b"}, {A: "c", B: "d"}, {A: "e", B: "c"},
key: "TstRv", match: "rc",
expect: []TstX{
TstX{A: "e", B: "c"},
{A: "e", B: "c"},
@ -738,19 +738,19 @@ func TestSort(t *testing.T) {
{map[string]int{"3": 10, "2": 20, "1": 30, "4": 40, "5": 50}, "value", "asc", []interface{}{10, 20, 30, 40, 50}},
// test map sorting by field value
map[string]ts{"1": ts{10, 10.5, "ten"}, "2": ts{20, 20.5, "twenty"}, "3": ts{30, 30.5, "thirty"}, "4": ts{40, 40.5, "forty"}, "5": ts{50, 50.5, "fifty"}},
map[string]ts{"1": {10, 10.5, "ten"}, "2": {20, 20.5, "twenty"}, "3": {30, 30.5, "thirty"}, "4": {40, 40.5, "forty"}, "5": {50, 50.5, "fifty"}},
[]interface{}{ts{10, 10.5, "ten"}, ts{20, 20.5, "twenty"}, ts{30, 30.5, "thirty"}, ts{40, 40.5, "forty"}, ts{50, 50.5, "fifty"}},
map[string]ts{"1": ts{10, 10.5, "ten"}, "2": ts{20, 20.5, "twenty"}, "3": ts{30, 30.5, "thirty"}, "4": ts{40, 40.5, "forty"}, "5": ts{50, 50.5, "fifty"}},
map[string]ts{"1": {10, 10.5, "ten"}, "2": {20, 20.5, "twenty"}, "3": {30, 30.5, "thirty"}, "4": {40, 40.5, "forty"}, "5": {50, 50.5, "fifty"}},
[]interface{}{ts{10, 10.5, "ten"}, ts{20, 20.5, "twenty"}, ts{30, 30.5, "thirty"}, ts{40, 40.5, "forty"}, ts{50, 50.5, "fifty"}},
map[string]ts{"1": ts{10, 10.5, "ten"}, "2": ts{20, 20.5, "twenty"}, "3": ts{30, 30.5, "thirty"}, "4": ts{40, 40.5, "forty"}, "5": ts{50, 50.5, "fifty"}},
map[string]ts{"1": {10, 10.5, "ten"}, "2": {20, 20.5, "twenty"}, "3": {30, 30.5, "thirty"}, "4": {40, 40.5, "forty"}, "5": {50, 50.5, "fifty"}},
[]interface{}{ts{50, 50.5, "fifty"}, ts{40, 40.5, "forty"}, ts{10, 10.5, "ten"}, ts{30, 30.5, "thirty"}, ts{20, 20.5, "twenty"}},
@ -786,12 +786,12 @@ func TestReturnWhenSet(t *testing.T) {
{[]uint{1, 2, 3}, 1, uint64(2)},
{[]float64{1.1, 2.2, 3.3}, 1, float64(2.2)},
{[]string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}, 1, "bar"},
{[]TstX{TstX{A: "a", B: "b"}, TstX{A: "c", B: "d"}, TstX{A: "e", B: "f"}}, 1, ""},
{[]TstX{{A: "a", B: "b"}, {A: "c", B: "d"}, {A: "e", B: "f"}}, 1, ""},
{map[string]int{"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3}, "bar", int64(2)},
{map[string]uint{"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3}, "bar", uint64(2)},
{map[string]float64{"foo": 1.1, "bar": 2.2, "baz": 3.3}, "bar", float64(2.2)},
{map[string]string{"foo": "FOO", "bar": "BAR", "baz": "BAZ"}, "bar", "BAR"},
{map[string]TstX{"foo": TstX{A: "a", B: "b"}, "bar": TstX{A: "c", B: "d"}, "baz": TstX{A: "e", B: "f"}}, "bar", ""},
{map[string]TstX{"foo": {A: "a", B: "b"}, "bar": {A: "c", B: "d"}, "baz": {A: "e", B: "f"}}, "bar", ""},
{(*[]string)(nil), "bar", ""},
} {
result := ReturnWhenSet(this.data, this.key)
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ func TestTrim(t *testing.T) {
func TestDateFormat(t *testing.T) {
for i, this := range []struct {
layout string
value interface{}
value interface{}
expect interface{}
{"Monday, Jan 2, 2006", "2015-01-21", "Wednesday, Jan 21, 2015"},

View file

@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ func StopOnErr(err error, s ...string) {
// cutUsageMessage splits the incoming string on the beginning of the usage
// message text. Anything in the first element of the returned slice, trimmed
// of its Unicode defined spaces, should be returned. The 2nd element of the
// of its Unicode defined spaces, should be returned. The 2nd element of the
// slice will have the usage message that we wish to elide.
// This is done because Cobra already prints Hugo's usage message; not eliding
// would result in the usage output being printed twice, which leads to bug
// would result in the usage output being printed twice, which leads to bug
// reports, more specifically: https://github.com/spf13/hugo/issues/374
func cutUsageMessage(s string) string {
pieces := strings.Split(s, "Usage of")
pieces := strings.Split(s, "Usage of")
return strings.TrimSpace(pieces[0])

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@ -2,21 +2,19 @@ package utils
import (
func TestCutUsageMessage(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{
message string
tests := []struct {
message string
cutMessage string
{"", ""},
{" Usage of hugo: \n -b, --baseUrl=...", ""},
{"Some error Usage of hugo: \n", "Some error"},
{"Usage of hugo: \n -b --baseU", ""},
{"CRITICAL error for usage of hugo ", "CRITICAL error for usage of hugo"},
{"Invalid short flag a in -abcde", "Invalid short flag a in -abcde"},
{" Usage of hugo: \n -b, --baseUrl=...", ""},
{"Some error Usage of hugo: \n", "Some error"},
{"Usage of hugo: \n -b --baseU", ""},
{"CRITICAL error for usage of hugo ", "CRITICAL error for usage of hugo"},
{"Invalid short flag a in -abcde", "Invalid short flag a in -abcde"},
for _, test := range tests {