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synced 2025-03-13 23:14:16 +00:00
node to page: Handle URLs
This includes removing the error return value from Permalink and RelPermalink. We ignore that error all over the place, so we might as well remove it. Updates #2297
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 105 additions and 63 deletions
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ func (h *HugoSites) process(config *BuildCfg, events ...fsnotify.Event) error {
func (h *HugoSites) assemble(config *BuildCfg) error {
// TODO(bep) np we could probably wait and do this in one go later
// TODO(bep) we could probably wait and do this in one go later
if len(h.Sites) > 1 {
@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ func doTestMultiSitesMainLangInRoot(t *testing.T, defaultInSubDir bool) {
doc1en := enSite.RegularPages[0]
doc1fr := frSite.RegularPages[0]
enPerm, _ := doc1en.Permalink()
enRelPerm, _ := doc1en.RelPermalink()
enPerm := doc1en.Permalink()
enRelPerm := doc1en.RelPermalink()
require.Equal(t, "http://example.com/blog/en/sect/doc1-slug/", enPerm)
require.Equal(t, "/blog/en/sect/doc1-slug/", enRelPerm)
frPerm, _ := doc1fr.Permalink()
frRelPerm, _ := doc1fr.RelPermalink()
frPerm := doc1fr.Permalink()
frRelPerm := doc1fr.RelPermalink()
// Main language in root
require.Equal(t, replaceDefaultContentLanguageValue("http://example.com/blog/fr/sect/doc1/", defaultInSubDir), frPerm)
require.Equal(t, replaceDefaultContentLanguageValue("/blog/fr/sect/doc1/", defaultInSubDir), frRelPerm)
@ -223,18 +223,18 @@ func doTestMultiSitesBuild(t *testing.T, configTemplate, configSuffix string) {
assert.Len(t, enSite.AllPages, 28, "should have 28 total pages (including translations and index types)")
doc1en := enSite.RegularPages[0]
permalink, err := doc1en.Permalink()
permalink := doc1en.Permalink()
assert.NoError(t, err, "permalink call failed")
assert.Equal(t, "http://example.com/blog/en/sect/doc1-slug/", permalink, "invalid doc1.en permalink")
assert.Len(t, doc1en.Translations(), 1, "doc1-en should have one translation, excluding itself")
doc2 := enSite.RegularPages[1]
permalink, err = doc2.Permalink()
permalink = doc2.Permalink()
assert.NoError(t, err, "permalink call failed")
assert.Equal(t, "http://example.com/blog/en/sect/doc2/", permalink, "invalid doc2 permalink")
doc3 := enSite.RegularPages[2]
permalink, err = doc3.Permalink()
permalink = doc3.Permalink()
assert.NoError(t, err, "permalink call failed")
// Note that /superbob is a custom URL set in frontmatter.
// We respect that URL literally (it can be /search.json)
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ func doTestMultiSitesBuild(t *testing.T, configTemplate, configSuffix string) {
assert.Equal(t, doc2.Next, doc3, "doc3 should follow doc2, in .Next")
doc1fr := doc1en.Translations()[0]
permalink, err = doc1fr.Permalink()
permalink = doc1fr.Permalink()
assert.NoError(t, err, "permalink call failed")
assert.Equal(t, "http://example.com/blog/fr/sect/doc1/", permalink, "invalid doc1fr permalink")
@ -255,16 +255,14 @@ func doTestMultiSitesBuild(t *testing.T, configTemplate, configSuffix string) {
assert.Equal(t, "fr", doc1fr.Language().Lang)
doc4 := enSite.AllPages[4]
permalink, err = doc4.Permalink()
assert.NoError(t, err, "permalink call failed")
permalink = doc4.Permalink()
assert.Equal(t, "http://example.com/blog/fr/sect/doc4/", permalink, "invalid doc4 permalink")
assert.Equal(t, "/blog/fr/sect/doc4/", doc4.URL())
assert.Len(t, doc4.Translations(), 0, "found translations for doc4")
doc5 := enSite.AllPages[5]
permalink, err = doc5.Permalink()
assert.NoError(t, err, "permalink call failed")
permalink = doc5.Permalink()
assert.Equal(t, "http://example.com/blog/fr/somewhere/else/doc5", permalink, "invalid doc5 permalink")
// Taxonomies and their URLs
@ -560,7 +560,6 @@ func TestHomeNodeMenu(t *testing.T) {
s := setupMenuTests(t, menuPageSources)
home := s.getPage(KindHome)
homeMenuEntry := &MenuEntry{Name: home.Title, URL: home.URL()}
for i, this := range []struct {
@ -583,7 +582,7 @@ func TestHomeNodeMenu(t *testing.T) {
if isMenuCurrent != this.isMenuCurrent {
fmt.Println("isMenuCurrent", isMenuCurrent)
fmt.Printf("this: %#v\n", this)
t.Errorf("[%d] Wrong result from IsMenuCurrent: %v for %q", i, isMenuCurrent, this.menu)
t.Errorf("[%d] Wrong result from IsMenuCurrent: %v for %q", i, isMenuCurrent, this.menuItem)
if hasMenuCurrent != this.hasMenuCurrent {
@ -394,6 +394,7 @@ aliases:
viper.Set("paginate", 1)
viper.Set("baseURL", "http://base/")
viper.Set("title", "Hugo Rocks!")
s := newSiteDefaultLang()
@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ aliases:
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "index.html"), true, "Home With Alias")
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "my", "new", "home.html"), true, "content=\"0; url=/")
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "my", "new", "home.html"), true, "content=\"0; url=http://base/")
@ -431,6 +432,47 @@ My Section Content
func TestNodesWithURLs(t *testing.T) {
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "sect", "_index.md"), `---
title: MySection
url: foo.html
My Section Content
viper.Set("paginate", 1)
viper.Set("title", "Hugo Rocks!")
viper.Set("baseURL", "http://bep.is/base/")
s := newSiteDefaultLang()
if err := buildAndRenderSite(s); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to build site: %s", err)
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "sect", "index.html"), true, "My Section")
p := s.RegularPages[0]
require.Equal(t, "/base/sect1/regular1/", p.URL())
// Section with front matter and url set (which should not be used)
sect := s.getPage(KindSection, "sect")
require.Equal(t, "/base/sect/", sect.URL())
require.Equal(t, "http://bep.is/base/sect/", sect.Permalink())
require.Equal(t, "/base/sect/", sect.RelPermalink())
// Home page without front matter
require.Equal(t, "/base/", s.getPage(KindHome).URL())
func writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTests(t *testing.T) {
writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTestsWithLang(t, "")
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ const (
// The following are (currently) temporary nodes,
// i.e. nodes we create just to render in isolation.
kindRSS = "RSS"
kindSitemap = "sitemap"
kindRobotsTXT = "robotsTXT"
kind404 = "404"
@ -698,7 +699,18 @@ func (p *Page) analyzePage() {
func (p *Page) permalink() (*url.URL, error) {
// TODO(bep) this should probably be set once during build. Maybe.
// And simplified.
baseURL := string(p.Site.BaseURL)
if p.IsNode() {
// No permalink config for nodes (currently)
pURL := strings.TrimSpace(p.Site.pathSpec.URLize(p.URLPath.URL))
pURL = p.addLangPathPrefix(pURL)
url := helpers.MakePermalink(baseURL, pURL)
return url, nil
dir := strings.TrimSpace(p.Site.pathSpec.MakePath(filepath.ToSlash(strings.ToLower(p.Source.Dir()))))
pSlug := strings.TrimSpace(p.Site.pathSpec.URLize(p.Slug))
pURL := strings.TrimSpace(p.Site.pathSpec.URLize(p.URLPath.URL))
@ -802,36 +814,30 @@ func (p *Page) IsExpired() bool {
return p.ExpiryDate.Before(time.Now())
func (p *Page) Permalink() (string, error) {
// TODO(bep) np permalink
if p.IsNode() {
return p.Site.permalink(p.URL()), nil
func (p *Page) Permalink() string {
link, err := p.permalink()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return ""
return link.String(), nil
return link.String()
func (p *Page) URL() string {
// TODO(bep np URL
if p.IsNode() {
return p.addLangPathPrefix(p.URLPath.URL)
if p.URLPath.URL != "" {
if p.IsPage() && p.URLPath.URL != "" {
// This is the url set in front matter
return p.URLPath.URL
// Fall back to the relative permalink.
u, _ := p.RelPermalink()
u := p.RelPermalink()
return u
func (p *Page) RelPermalink() (string, error) {
func (p *Page) RelPermalink() string {
link, err := p.permalink()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return ""
if viper.GetBool("canonifyURLs") {
@ -839,16 +845,27 @@ func (p *Page) RelPermalink() (string, error) {
// have to return the URL relative from baseURL
relpath, err := helpers.GetRelativePath(link.String(), string(p.Site.BaseURL))
if err != nil {
return "", err
return ""
return "/" + filepath.ToSlash(relpath), nil
relpath = filepath.ToSlash(relpath)
if relpath[0] == '.' {
relpath = relpath[1:]
if !strings.HasPrefix(relpath, "/") {
relpath = "/" + relpath
return relpath
link.Scheme = ""
link.Host = ""
link.User = nil
link.Opaque = ""
return link.String(), nil
return link.String()
var ErrHasDraftAndPublished = errors.New("both draft and published parameters were found in page's frontmatter")
@ -1109,7 +1126,7 @@ func (p *Page) IsMenuCurrent(menuID string, inme *MenuEntry) bool {
// The following logic is kept from back when Hugo had both Page and Node types.
// TODO(bep) consolidate / clean
me := MenuEntry{Name: p.Title, URL: p.Site.createNodeMenuEntryURL(p.URL())}
me := MenuEntry{Name: p.Title, URL: p.URL()}
if !me.IsSameResource(inme) {
return false
@ -1154,7 +1171,7 @@ func (p *Page) Menus() PageMenus {
p.pageMenus = PageMenus{}
if ms, ok := p.Params["menu"]; ok {
link, _ := p.RelPermalink()
link := p.RelPermalink()
me := MenuEntry{Name: p.LinkTitle(), Weight: p.Weight, URL: link}
@ -1719,13 +1736,13 @@ func (p *Page) setNodeTypeVars(s *Site) {
// Set Node URL
switch p.Kind {
case KindHome:
p.URLPath.URL = ""
p.URLPath.URL = "/"
case KindSection:
p.URLPath.URL = p.sections[0]
p.URLPath.URL = "/" + p.sections[0] + "/"
case KindTaxonomy:
p.URLPath.URL = path.Join(p.sections...)
p.URLPath.URL = "/" + path.Join(p.sections...) + "/"
case KindTaxonomyTerm:
p.URLPath.URL = path.Join(p.sections...)
p.URLPath.URL = "/" + path.Join(p.sections...) + "/"
p.site = s
@ -81,20 +81,14 @@ func TestPermalink(t *testing.T) {
u, err := p.Permalink()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Unable to process permalink: %s", i, err)
u := p.Permalink()
expected := test.expectedAbs
if u != expected {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected abs url: %s, got: %s", i, expected, u)
u, err = p.RelPermalink()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Unable to process permalink: %s", i, err)
u = p.RelPermalink()
expected = test.expectedRel
if u != expected {
@ -299,13 +299,9 @@ func (s *SiteInfo) refLink(ref string, page *Page, relative bool) (string, error
if relative {
link, err = target.RelPermalink()
link = target.RelPermalink()
} else {
link, err = target.Permalink()
if err != nil {
return "", err
link = target.Permalink()
@ -389,11 +385,8 @@ func (s *SiteInfo) SourceRelativeLink(ref string, currentPage *Page) (string, er
return "", fmt.Errorf("No page found for \"%s\" on page \"%s\".\n", ref, currentPage.Source.Path())
link, err = target.RelPermalink()
link = target.RelPermalink()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if refURL.Fragment != "" {
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ func (s *Site) renderPaginator(p *Page) error {
aliasPath := p.addLangPathPrefix(helpers.PaginateAliasPath(path.Join(p.sections...), 1))
//TODO(bep) np node.permalink
link, _ := p.Permalink()
link := p.Permalink()
s.writeDestAlias(aliasPath, link, nil)
pagers := p.paginator.Pagers()
@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ func (s *Site) renderRSS(p *Page) error {
// TODO(bep) np check RSS titles
// TODO(bep) np check RSS page limit, 50?
rssNode := p.copy()
rssNode.Kind = kindRSS
// TODO(bep) np todelido URL
rssURI := s.Language.GetString("rssURI")
@ -248,10 +249,8 @@ func (s *Site) renderAliases() error {
plink, err := p.Permalink()
if err != nil {
return err
plink := p.Permalink()
for _, a := range p.Aliases {
if err := s.writeDestAlias(a, plink, p); err != nil {
return err
Reference in a new issue