mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 17:13:45 +00:00
4 changed files with 151 additions and 56 deletions
@ -31,11 +31,6 @@ import (
jww "github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman"
// Temporary feature flag to ease the refactoring of node vs page, see
// https://github.com/spf13/hugo/issues/2297
// TODO(bep) eventually remove
var nodePageFeatureFlag bool = true
// HugoSites represents the sites to build. Each site represents a language.
type HugoSites struct {
Sites []*Site
@ -313,8 +308,6 @@ func (s *Site) newNodePage(typ PageType) *Page {
return &Page{
PageType: typ,
Node: Node{
Date: s.Info.LastChange,
Lastmod: s.Info.LastChange,
Data: make(map[string]interface{}),
Site: &s.Info,
language: s.Language,
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ type testSiteConfig struct {
func init() {
nodePageFeatureFlag = true
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (
jww "github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman"
@ -49,22 +50,7 @@ func TestNodesAsPage(t *testing.T) {
writeNodePagesForNodeAsPageTests("", t)
// Add some regular pages
for i := 1; i <= 4; i++ {
sect := "sect1"
if i > 2 {
sect = "sect2"
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", sect, fmt.Sprintf("regular%d.md", i)), fmt.Sprintf(`---
title: Page %02d
categories: [
Content Page %02d
`, i, i))
viper.Set("paginate", 1)
viper.Set("title", "Hugo Rocks")
@ -76,40 +62,56 @@ Content Page %02d
t.Fatalf("Failed to build site: %s", err)
// date order: home, sect1, sect2, cat/hugo, cat/web, categories
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "index.html"), false,
"Index Title: Home Sweet Home!",
"Home <strong>Content!</strong>",
"# Pages: 9")
"# Pages: 9",
"Date: 2009-01-02",
"Lastmod: 2009-01-03",
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "sect1", "regular1", "index.html"), false, "Single Title: Page 01", "Content Page 01")
h := s.owner
nodes := h.findAllPagesByNodeType(PageHome)
require.Len(t, nodes, 1)
nodes := h.findAllPagesByNodeTypeNotIn(PagePage)
require.Len(t, nodes, 6)
home := nodes[0]
home := nodes[5] // oldest
require.True(t, home.IsHome())
require.True(t, home.IsNode())
require.False(t, home.IsPage())
section2 := nodes[3]
require.Equal(t, "Section2", section2.Title)
pages := h.findAllPagesByNodeType(PagePage)
require.Len(t, pages, 4)
first := pages[0]
require.False(t, first.IsHome())
require.False(t, first.IsNode())
require.True(t, first.IsPage())
// Check Home paginator
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "page", "2", "index.html"), false,
"Pag: Page 02")
// Check Sections
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "sect1", "index.html"), false, "Section Title: Section", "Section1 <strong>Content!</strong>")
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "sect2", "index.html"), false, "Section Title: Section", "Section2 <strong>Content!</strong>")
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "sect1", "index.html"), false,
"Section Title: Section", "Section1 <strong>Content!</strong>",
"Date: 2009-01-04",
"Lastmod: 2009-01-05",
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "sect2", "index.html"), false,
"Section Title: Section", "Section2 <strong>Content!</strong>",
"Date: 2009-01-06",
"Lastmod: 2009-01-07",
// Check Sections paginator
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "sect1", "page", "2", "index.html"), false,
@ -121,10 +123,17 @@ Content Page %02d
// Check taxonomy lists
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "categories", "hugo", "index.html"), false,
"Taxonomy Title: Taxonomy Hugo", "Taxonomy Hugo <strong>Content!</strong>")
"Taxonomy Title: Taxonomy Hugo", "Taxonomy Hugo <strong>Content!</strong>",
"Date: 2009-01-08",
"Lastmod: 2009-01-09",
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "categories", "web", "index.html"), false,
"Taxonomy Title: Taxonomy Web", "Taxonomy Web <strong>Content!</strong>")
"Taxonomy Title: Taxonomy Web",
"Taxonomy Web <strong>Content!</strong>",
"Date: 2009-01-10",
"Lastmod: 2009-01-11",
// Check taxonomy list paginator
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "categories", "hugo", "page", "2", "index.html"), false,
@ -133,7 +142,10 @@ Content Page %02d
// Check taxonomy terms
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "categories", "index.html"), false,
"Taxonomy Terms Title: Taxonomy Term Categories", "Taxonomy Term Categories <strong>Content!</strong>", "k/v: hugo")
"Taxonomy Terms Title: Taxonomy Term Categories", "Taxonomy Term Categories <strong>Content!</strong>", "k/v: hugo",
"Date: 2009-01-12",
"Lastmod: 2009-01-13",
// There are no pages to paginate over in the taxonomy terms.
@ -174,21 +186,35 @@ func TestNodesWithNoContentFile(t *testing.T) {
require.Len(t, homePage.Pages, 9) // Alias
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "index.html"), false,
"Index Title: Hugo Rocks!")
"Index Title: Hugo Rocks!",
"Date: 2010-06-12",
"Lastmod: 2010-06-13",
// Taxonomy list
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "categories", "hugo", "index.html"), false,
"Taxonomy Title: Hugo")
"Taxonomy Title: Hugo",
"Date: 2010-06-12",
"Lastmod: 2010-06-13",
// Taxonomy terms
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "categories", "index.html"), false,
"Taxonomy Terms Title: Categories")
"Taxonomy Terms Title: Categories",
// Sections
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "sect1", "index.html"), false,
"Section Title: Sect1s")
"Section Title: Sect1s",
"Date: 2010-06-12",
"Lastmod: 2010-06-13",
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "sect2", "index.html"), false,
"Section Title: Sect2s")
"Section Title: Sect2s",
"Date: 2008-07-06",
"Lastmod: 2008-07-09",
// RSS
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "customrss.xml"), false, "Recent content in Hugo Rocks! on Hugo Rocks!", "<rss")
@ -321,8 +347,8 @@ categories: [
t.Fatalf("Failed to build site: %s", err)
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "categories", "hugo", "index.html"), true, "Taxonomy Title: Hugo", "# Pages: 5", "Pag: Home With Taxonomies")
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "categories", "home", "index.html"), true, "Taxonomy Title: Home", "# Pages: 1", "Pag: Home With Taxonomies")
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "categories", "hugo", "index.html"), true, "Taxonomy Title: Hugo", "# Pages: 5")
assertFileContent(t, filepath.Join("public", "categories", "home", "index.html"), true, "Taxonomy Title: Home", "# Pages: 1")
@ -415,20 +441,30 @@ func writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTestsWithLang(t *testing.T, lang string) {
langStr = lang + "."
format := "2006-01-02"
date, _ := time.Parse(format, "2010-06-15")
for i := 1; i <= 4; i++ {
sect := "sect1"
if i > 2 {
sect = "sect2"
date, _ = time.Parse(format, "2008-07-15") // Nodes are placed in 2009
date = date.Add(-24 * time.Duration(i) * time.Hour)
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", sect, fmt.Sprintf("regular%d.%smd", i, langStr)), fmt.Sprintf(`---
title: Page %02d
lastMod : %q
date : %q
categories: [
Content Page %02d
`, i, i))
`, i, date.Add(time.Duration(i)*-24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(time.Duration(i)*-2*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), i))
@ -440,41 +476,56 @@ func writeNodePagesForNodeAsPageTests(lang string, t *testing.T) {
filename = fmt.Sprintf("_index.%s.md", lang)
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", filename), `---
format := "2006-01-02"
date, _ := time.Parse(format, "2009-01-01")
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
title: Home Sweet Home!
date : %q
lastMod : %q
Home **Content!**
`, date.Add(1*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(2*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "sect1", filename), `---
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "sect1", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
title: Section1
date : %q
lastMod : %q
Section1 **Content!**
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "sect2", filename), `---
`, date.Add(3*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(4*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "sect2", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
title: Section2
date : %q
lastMod : %q
Section2 **Content!**
`, date.Add(5*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(6*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "categories", "hugo", filename), `---
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "categories", "hugo", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
title: Taxonomy Hugo
date : %q
lastMod : %q
Taxonomy Hugo **Content!**
`, date.Add(7*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(8*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "categories", "web", filename), `---
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "categories", "web", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
title: Taxonomy Web
date : %q
lastMod : %q
Taxonomy Web **Content!**
`, date.Add(9*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(10*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "categories", filename), `---
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("content", "categories", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
title: Taxonomy Term Categories
date : %q
lastMod : %q
Taxonomy Term Categories **Content!**
`, date.Add(11*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(12*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
func writeLayoutsForNodeAsPageTests(t *testing.T) {
@ -490,11 +541,15 @@ Index Content: {{ .Content }}
Menu Item: {{ .Name }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
Lastmod: {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "single.html"), `
Single Title: {{ .Title }}
Single Content: {{ .Content }}
Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
Lastmod: {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}
writeSource(t, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "section.html"), `
@ -504,6 +559,8 @@ Section Content: {{ .Content }}
{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
Pag: {{ .Title }}
{{ end }}
Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
Lastmod: {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}
// Taxonomy lists
@ -514,6 +571,8 @@ Taxonomy Content: {{ .Content }}
{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
Pag: {{ .Title }}
{{ end }}
Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
Lastmod: {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}
// Taxonomy terms
@ -523,5 +582,7 @@ Taxonomy Terms Content: {{ .Content }}
{{ range $key, $value := .Data.Terms }}
k/v: {{ $key }} / {{ printf "%=v" $value }}
{{ end }}
Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
Lastmod: {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}
@ -1365,9 +1365,51 @@ func (p *Page) prepareData(s *Site) error {
p.Data["Pages"] = pages
p.Pages = pages
// Now we know enough to set missing dates on home page etc.
return nil
func (p *Page) updatePageDates() {
// TODO(bep) np there is a potential issue with page sorting for home pages
// etc. without front matter dates set, but let us wrap the head around
// that in another time.
if !p.PageType.IsNode() {
if !p.Date.IsZero() {
if p.Lastmod.IsZero() {
p.Lastmod = p.Date
} else if !p.Lastmod.IsZero() {
if p.Date.IsZero() {
p.Date = p.Lastmod
// Set it to the first non Zero date in children
var foundDate, foundLastMod bool
for _, child := range p.Pages {
if !child.Date.IsZero() {
p.Date = child.Date
foundDate = true
if !child.Lastmod.IsZero() {
p.Lastmod = child.Lastmod
foundLastMod = true
if foundDate && foundLastMod {
// Page constains some sync.Once which have a mutex, so we cannot just
// copy the Page by value. So for the situations where we need a copy,
// the paginators etc., we do it manually here.
Reference in a new issue