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synced 2025-03-20 14:01:06 +00:00
Fix shortcode in markdown headers
This issue was introduced as a fix to shortcode not working in RST. One could argue that Blackfriday and friends should handle `#` in titles, but that will be a discussion for another day. The new placeholder pattern should be RST safe and work with titles. And now with a test so this doesn't break again. Fixes #2192 Fixes #2209 Closes #2210
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 42 additions and 38 deletions
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ func (renderer *HugoHTMLRenderer) BlockCode(out *bytes.Buffer, text []byte, lang
func (renderer *HugoHTMLRenderer) Link(out *bytes.Buffer, link []byte, title []byte, content []byte) {
if renderer.LinkResolver == nil || bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE")) {
if renderer.LinkResolver == nil || bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE")) {
// Use the blackfriday built in Link handler
renderer.Renderer.Link(out, link, title, content)
} else {
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func (renderer *HugoHTMLRenderer) Link(out *bytes.Buffer, link []byte, title []b
func (renderer *HugoHTMLRenderer) Image(out *bytes.Buffer, link []byte, title []byte, alt []byte) {
if renderer.FileResolver == nil || bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE")) {
if renderer.FileResolver == nil || bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE")) {
// Use the blackfriday built in Image handler
renderer.Renderer.Image(out, link, title, alt)
} else {
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ func isInnerShortcode(t *template.Template) (bool, error) {
func createShortcodePlaceholder(id int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{#{#%s-%d#}#}", shortcodePlaceholderPrefix, id)
return fmt.Sprintf("{-{-%s-%d-}-}", shortcodePlaceholderPrefix, id)
const innerNewlineRegexp = "\n"
@ -507,8 +507,8 @@ func replaceShortcodeTokens(source []byte, prefix string, replacements map[strin
sourceLen := len(source)
start := 0
pre := []byte("{#{#" + prefix)
post := []byte("#}#}")
pre := []byte("{-{-" + prefix)
post := []byte("-}-}")
pStart := []byte("<p>")
pEnd := []byte("</p>")
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ void do();
const testScPlaceholderRegexp = "{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-\\d+#}#}"
const testScPlaceholderRegexp = "{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-\\d+-}-}"
func TestExtractShortcodes(t *testing.T) {
for i, this := range []struct {
@ -318,18 +318,18 @@ func TestExtractShortcodes(t *testing.T) {
`inner([], false){[inner2-> inner2([\"param1\"], true){[inner2txt->inner3 inner3(%!q(<nil>), false){[inner3txt]}]} final close->`,
fmt.Sprintf("Inner->%s<-done", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
{"two inner", `Some text. {{% inner %}}First **Inner** Content{{% / inner %}} {{< inner >}}Inner **Content**{{< / inner >}}. Some more text.`,
`map["{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}:inner([], true){[First **Inner** Content]}" "{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-2#}#}:inner([], false){[Inner **Content**]}"]`,
`map["{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}:inner([], true){[First **Inner** Content]}" "{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-2-}-}:inner([], false){[Inner **Content**]}"]`,
fmt.Sprintf("Some text. %s %s. Some more text.", testScPlaceholderRegexp, testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
{"closed without content", `Some text. {{< inner param1 >}}{{< / inner >}}. Some more text.`, `inner([\"param1\"], false){[]}`,
fmt.Sprintf("Some text. %s. Some more text.", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
{"two shortcodes", "{{< sc1 >}}{{< sc2 >}}",
`map["{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-2#}#}:sc2([], false){[]}"]`,
`map["{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-2-}-}:sc2([], false){[]}"]`,
testScPlaceholderRegexp + testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""},
{"mix of shortcodes", `Hello {{< sc1 >}}world{{% sc2 p2="2"%}}. And that's it.`,
`map["{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-2#}#}:sc2([\"p2:2\"]`,
`map["{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-2-}-}:sc2([\"p2:2\"]`,
fmt.Sprintf("Hello %sworld%s. And that's it.", testScPlaceholderRegexp, testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
{"mix with inner", `Hello {{< sc1 >}}world{{% inner p2="2"%}}Inner{{%/ inner %}}. And that's it.`,
`map["{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-2#}#}:inner([\"p2:2\"], true){[Inner]}"]`,
`map["{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-2-}-}:inner([\"p2:2\"], true){[Inner]}"]`,
fmt.Sprintf("Hello %sworld%s. And that's it.", testScPlaceholderRegexp, testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
} {
@ -459,6 +459,10 @@ e`,
// #2192 #2209: Shortcodes in markdown headers
{"sect/doc5.md", `# {{< b >}}
## {{% c %}}`,
filepath.FromSlash("sect/doc5/index.html"), "\n\n<h1 id=\"hugoshortcode-1\">b</h1>\n\n<h2 id=\"hugoshortcode-2\">c</h2>\n"},
sources := make([]source.ByteSource, len(tests))
@ -527,11 +531,11 @@ func BenchmarkReplaceShortcodeTokens(b *testing.B) {
replacements map[string]string
expect []byte
{"Hello {#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}.", map[string]string{"{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}": "World"}, []byte("Hello World.")},
{strings.Repeat("A", 100) + " {#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}.", map[string]string{"{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("A", 100) + " Hello World.")},
{strings.Repeat("A", 500) + " {#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}.", map[string]string{"{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("A", 500) + " Hello World.")},
{strings.Repeat("ABCD ", 500) + " {#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}.", map[string]string{"{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("ABCD ", 500) + " Hello World.")},
{strings.Repeat("A ", 3000) + " {#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}." + strings.Repeat("BC ", 1000) + " {#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}.", map[string]string{"{#{#HUGOSHORTCODE-1#}#}": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("A ", 3000) + " Hello World." + strings.Repeat("BC ", 1000) + " Hello World.")},
{"Hello {-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}.", map[string]string{"{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}": "World"}, []byte("Hello World.")},
{strings.Repeat("A", 100) + " {-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}.", map[string]string{"{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("A", 100) + " Hello World.")},
{strings.Repeat("A", 500) + " {-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}.", map[string]string{"{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("A", 500) + " Hello World.")},
{strings.Repeat("ABCD ", 500) + " {-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}.", map[string]string{"{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("ABCD ", 500) + " Hello World.")},
{strings.Repeat("A ", 3000) + " {-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}." + strings.Repeat("BC ", 1000) + " {-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}.", map[string]string{"{-{-HUGOSHORTCODE-1-}-}": "Hello World"}, []byte(strings.Repeat("A ", 3000) + " Hello World." + strings.Repeat("BC ", 1000) + " Hello World.")},
var in = make([]input, b.N*len(data))
@ -571,31 +575,31 @@ func TestReplaceShortcodeTokens(t *testing.T) {
replacements map[string]string
expect interface{}
{"Hello {#{#PREFIX-1#}#}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World"}, "Hello World."},
{"Hello {#{#PREFIX-1@}@.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World"}, false},
{"{#{#PREFIX2-1#}#}", "PREFIX2", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX2-1#}#}": "World"}, "World"},
{"Hello {-{-PREFIX-1-}-}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World"}, "Hello World."},
{"Hello {-{-PREFIX-1@}@.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World"}, false},
{"{-{-PREFIX2-1-}-}", "PREFIX2", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX2-1-}-}": "World"}, "World"},
{"Hello World!", "PREFIX2", map[string]string{}, "Hello World!"},
{"!{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World"}, "!World"},
{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}!", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World"}, "World!"},
{"!{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}!", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World"}, "!World!"},
{"#{#PREFIX-1#}#}", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World"}, "#{#PREFIX-1#}#}"},
{"Hello {#{#PREFIX-1#}#}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "To You My Old Friend Who Told Me This Fantastic Story"}, "Hello To You My Old Friend Who Told Me This Fantastic Story."},
{"A {#{#A-1#}#} asdf {#{#A-2#}#}.", "A", map[string]string{"{#{#A-1#}#}": "v1", "{#{#A-2#}#}": "v2"}, "A v1 asdf v2."},
{"Hello {#{#PREFIX2-1#}#}. Go {#{#PREFIX2-2#}#}, Go, Go {#{#PREFIX2-3#}#} Go Go!.", "PREFIX2", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX2-1#}#}": "Europe", "{#{#PREFIX2-2#}#}": "Jonny", "{#{#PREFIX2-3#}#}": "Johnny"}, "Hello Europe. Go Jonny, Go, Go Johnny Go Go!."},
{"A {#{#PREFIX-2#}#} {#{#PREFIX-1#}#}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "A", "{#{#PREFIX-2#}#}": "B"}, "A B A."},
{"A {#{#PREFIX-1#}#} {#{#PREFIX-2", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "A"}, false},
{"A {#{#PREFIX-1#}#} but not the second.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "A", "{#{#PREFIX-2#}#}": "B"}, "A A but not the second."},
{"An {#{#PREFIX-1#}#}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "A", "{#{#PREFIX-2#}#}": "B"}, "An A."},
{"An {#{#PREFIX-1#}#} {#{#PREFIX-2#}#}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "A", "{#{#PREFIX-2#}#}": "B"}, "An A B."},
{"A {#{#PREFIX-1#}#} {#{#PREFIX-2#}#} {#{#PREFIX-3#}#} {#{#PREFIX-1#}#} {#{#PREFIX-3#}#}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "A", "{#{#PREFIX-2#}#}": "B", "{#{#PREFIX-3#}#}": "C"}, "A A B C A C."},
{"A {#{#PREFIX-1#}#} {#{#PREFIX-2#}#} {#{#PREFIX-3#}#} {#{#PREFIX-1#}#} {#{#PREFIX-3#}#}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "A", "{#{#PREFIX-2#}#}": "B", "{#{#PREFIX-3#}#}": "C"}, "A A B C A C."},
{"!{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World"}, "!World"},
{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}!", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World"}, "World!"},
{"!{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}!", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World"}, "!World!"},
{"_{_PREFIX-1-}-}", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World"}, "_{_PREFIX-1-}-}"},
{"Hello {-{-PREFIX-1-}-}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "To You My Old Friend Who Told Me This Fantastic Story"}, "Hello To You My Old Friend Who Told Me This Fantastic Story."},
{"A {-{-A-1-}-} asdf {-{-A-2-}-}.", "A", map[string]string{"{-{-A-1-}-}": "v1", "{-{-A-2-}-}": "v2"}, "A v1 asdf v2."},
{"Hello {-{-PREFIX2-1-}-}. Go {-{-PREFIX2-2-}-}, Go, Go {-{-PREFIX2-3-}-} Go Go!.", "PREFIX2", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX2-1-}-}": "Europe", "{-{-PREFIX2-2-}-}": "Jonny", "{-{-PREFIX2-3-}-}": "Johnny"}, "Hello Europe. Go Jonny, Go, Go Johnny Go Go!."},
{"A {-{-PREFIX-2-}-} {-{-PREFIX-1-}-}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "A", "{-{-PREFIX-2-}-}": "B"}, "A B A."},
{"A {-{-PREFIX-1-}-} {-{-PREFIX-2", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "A"}, false},
{"A {-{-PREFIX-1-}-} but not the second.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "A", "{-{-PREFIX-2-}-}": "B"}, "A A but not the second."},
{"An {-{-PREFIX-1-}-}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "A", "{-{-PREFIX-2-}-}": "B"}, "An A."},
{"An {-{-PREFIX-1-}-} {-{-PREFIX-2-}-}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "A", "{-{-PREFIX-2-}-}": "B"}, "An A B."},
{"A {-{-PREFIX-1-}-} {-{-PREFIX-2-}-} {-{-PREFIX-3-}-} {-{-PREFIX-1-}-} {-{-PREFIX-3-}-}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "A", "{-{-PREFIX-2-}-}": "B", "{-{-PREFIX-3-}-}": "C"}, "A A B C A C."},
{"A {-{-PREFIX-1-}-} {-{-PREFIX-2-}-} {-{-PREFIX-3-}-} {-{-PREFIX-1-}-} {-{-PREFIX-3-}-}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "A", "{-{-PREFIX-2-}-}": "B", "{-{-PREFIX-3-}-}": "C"}, "A A B C A C."},
// Issue #1148 remove p-tags 10 =>
{"Hello <p>{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}</p>. END.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World"}, "Hello World. END."},
{"Hello <p>{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}</p>. <p>{#{#PREFIX-2#}#}</p> END.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World", "{#{#PREFIX-2#}#}": "THE"}, "Hello World. THE END."},
{"Hello <p>{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}. END</p>.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World"}, "Hello <p>World. END</p>."},
{"<p>Hello {#{#PREFIX-1#}#}</p>. END.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World"}, "<p>Hello World</p>. END."},
{"Hello <p>{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}12", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{#{#PREFIX-1#}#}": "World"}, "Hello <p>World12"},
{"Hello {#{#P-1#}#}. {#{#P-1#}#}-{#{#P-1#}#} {#{#P-1#}#} {#{#P-1#}#} {#{#P-1#}#} END", "P", map[string]string{"{#{#P-1#}#}": strings.Repeat("BC", 100)},
{"Hello <p>{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}</p>. END.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World"}, "Hello World. END."},
{"Hello <p>{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}</p>. <p>{-{-PREFIX-2-}-}</p> END.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World", "{-{-PREFIX-2-}-}": "THE"}, "Hello World. THE END."},
{"Hello <p>{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}. END</p>.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World"}, "Hello <p>World. END</p>."},
{"<p>Hello {-{-PREFIX-1-}-}</p>. END.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World"}, "<p>Hello World</p>. END."},
{"Hello <p>{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}12", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{-{-PREFIX-1-}-}": "World"}, "Hello <p>World12"},
{"Hello {-{-P-1-}-}. {-{-P-1-}-}-{-{-P-1-}-} {-{-P-1-}-} {-{-P-1-}-} {-{-P-1-}-} END", "P", map[string]string{"{-{-P-1-}-}": strings.Repeat("BC", 100)},
fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s. %s-%s %s %s %s END",
strings.Repeat("BC", 100), strings.Repeat("BC", 100), strings.Repeat("BC", 100), strings.Repeat("BC", 100), strings.Repeat("BC", 100), strings.Repeat("BC", 100))},
} {
Reference in a new issue