This quick start uses `macOS` in the examples. For instructions about how to install Hugo on other operating systems, see [install](/getting-started/installing).
`Homebrew`, a package manager for `macOS`, can be installed from []( See [install](/getting-started/installing) if you are running Windows etc.
{{% /note %}}
brew install hugo
To verify your new install:
hugo version
## Step 2: Create a New Site
hugo new site quickstart
The above will create a new Hugo site in a folder named `quickstart`.
## Step 3: Add a Theme
See []( for a list of themes to consider. This quickstart uses the beautiful [Ananke theme](
Replace the `title` above with something more personal. Also, if you already have a domain ready, set the `baseURL`. Note that this value is not needed when running the local development server.
**Tip:** Make the changes to the site configuration or any other file in your site while the Hugo server is running, and you will see the changes in the browser right away, though you may need to [clear your cache](