You can override certain parts of the default Markdown rendering to HTML by creating templates with base names `render-{kind}` in `layouts/_default/_markup`.
You can define [Output-Format-](/templates/output-formats) and [language-](/content-management/multilingual/)specific templates if needed. Your `layouts` folder may look like this:
* Resolve link references using `.GetPage`. This would make links portable as you could translate `./` (and similar constructs that would work on GitHub) into `/blog/2019/01/01/my-post/` etc.
* Add `target=_blank` to external links.
* Resolve and [process](/content-management/image-processing/) images.
The default behavior for these code blocks is to do [Code Highlighting](/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#highlighting-in-code-fences), but since you can pass attributes to these code blocks, they can be used for almost anything. One example would be the built-in [GoAT Diagrams](/content-management/diagrams/#goat-diagrams-ascii) or this [Mermaid Diagram Code Block Hook](/content-management/diagrams/#mermaid-diagrams) example.
The context (the ".") you receive in a code block template contains:
Type (string)
: The type of code block. This will be the programming language, e.g. `bash`, when doing code highlighting.
Attributes (map)
: Attributes passed in from Markdown (e.g. `{ attrName1=attrValue1 attrName2="attr Value 2" }`).
Options (map)
: Chroma highlighting processing options. This will only be filled if `Type` is a known [Chroma Lexer](/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages).
Inner (string)
: The text between the code fences.
Ordinal (integer)
: Zero-based ordinal for all code blocks in the current document.
: The owning `Page`.
: Useful in error logging as it prints the filename and position (linenumber, column), e.g. `{{ errorf "error in code block: %s" .Position }}`.