[Shortcodes][shortcodes] have access to parameters delimited in the shortcode declaration via [`.Get`][getfunction], page- and site-level variables, and also the following shortcode-specific fields:
: Zero-based ordinal in relation to its parent. If the parent is the page itself, this ordinal will represent the position of this shortcode in the page content.
: provides access to the parent shortcode context in nested shortcodes. This can be very useful for inheritance of common shortcode parameters from the root.
: Contains [filename and position](https://godoc.org/github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/text#Position) for the shortcode in a page. Note that this can be relatively expensive to calculate, and is meant for error reporting. See [Error Handling in Shortcodes](/templates/shortcode-templates/#error-handling-in-shortcodes).