In this quickstart, we will build an online bookshelf that will list books and their reviews.
> _Note: This quickstart depends on features introduced in Hugo v0.15. If you have an earlier version of Hugo, you will need to [upgrade](/overview/installing/) before proceeding._
Once `hugo` is installed, make sure to run the `help` command to verify `hugo` installation. Below you can see part of the `help` command output for brevity.
$ hugo help
hugo is the main command, used to build your Hugo site.
Hugo is a Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator
built with love by spf13 and friends in Go.
Complete documentation is available at
You can check `hugo` version using the command shown below.
$ hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.15 BuildDate: 2015-11-26T11:59:00+05:30
## Step 2. Scaffold bookshelf hugo site
Hugo has commands that allows us to quickly scaffold a Hugo managed website. Navigate to a convenient location on your filesystem and create a new Hugo site `bookshelf` by executing the following command.
$ hugo new site bookshelf
Change directory to `bookshelf` and you will see the following directory layout.
$ tree -a
|-- archetypes
|-- config.toml
|-- content
|-- data
|-- layouts
`-- static
5 directories, 1 file
As mentioned in the command output, `bookshelf` directory has 5 sub-directories and 1 file. Let's look at each of them one by one.
* **archetypes**: You can create new content files in Hugo using the `hugo new` command. When you run that command, it adds few configuration properties to the post like date and title. [Archetype]({{< relref "content/" >}}) allows you to define your own configuration properties that will be added to the post front matter whenever `hugo new` command is used.
* **config.toml**: Every website should have a configuration file at the root. By default, the configuration file uses `TOML` format but you can also use `YAML` or `JSON` formats as well. [TOML]( is minimal configuration file format that's easy to read due to obvious semantics. The configuration settings mentioned in the `config.toml` are applied to the full site. These configuration settings include `baseURL` and `title` of the website.
* **content**: This is where you will store content of the website. Inside content, you will create sub-directories for different sections. Let's suppose your website has three sections -- `blog`, `article`, and `tutorial` then you will have three different directories for each of them inside the `content` directory. The name of the section i.e. `blog`, `article`, or `tutorial` will be used by Hugo to apply a specific layout applicable to that section.
* **static**: This directory is used to store all the static content that your website will need like images, CSS, JavaScript or other static content.
## Step 3. Add content
Let's now add a post to our `bookshelf`. We will use the `hugo new` command to add a post. In January, I read [Good To Great]( book so we will start with creating a post for it. **Make sure you are inside the `bookshelf` directory.**
$ hugo new post/
/Users/shekhargulati/bookshelf/content/post/ created
Hugo has an inbuilt server that can serve your website content so that you can preview it. You can also use the inbuilt Hugo server in production. To serve content, execute the following command inside the `bookshelf` directory.
1. As you can see in the `hugo server` command output, Hugo didn't render the draft. Hugo will only render drafts if you pass the `buildDrafts` flag to the `hugo server` command.
2. We have not specified how Markdown content should be rendered. We have to specify a theme that Hugo can use. We will do that in the next step.
Themes provide the layout and templates that will be used by Hugo to render your website. There are a lot of Open-source themes available at []( that you can use.
> **Hugo currently doesn’t ship with a `default` theme, allowing the user to pick whichever theme best suits their project.**
* **images** directory contains two images -- `screenshot.png` and `tn.png`. `screenshot.png` is the image of the list view and `tn.png` is the single post view.
Now, we need to change the layout of the index page so that only images are shown instead of the text. The index.html inside the layouts directory of the theme refer to partial `li` that renders the list view shown below.
<ahref="{{ .Permalink }}"class="clearfix">
<divclass="image"style="background-image: url({{ $.Site.BaseURL }}images/{{ with .Params.image }}{{ . }}{{ else }}default.jpg{{ end }});"></div>
<time>{{ with .Site.Params.DateForm }}{{ $.Date.Format . }}{{ else }}{{ $.Date.Format "Mon, Jan 2, 2006" }}{{ end }}</time>
<h2class="title">{{ .Title }}</h2>
<divclass="summary">{{ .Summary }}</div>
Create a new file li.html inside the `bookshelf/layouts/_default` directory. Copy the content shown below into the li.html. We have removed details of the book so that only image is shown.
<ahref="{{ .Permalink }}"class="clearfix">
<divclass="image"style="background-image: url({{ $.Site.BaseURL }}images/{{ with .Params.image }}{{ . }}{{ else }}default.jpg{{ end }});"></div>
So far we are using the default image but we would like to use the book image so that we can relate to the book. Every book review will define a configuration setting in its front matter. Update the `` as shown below.
I read **Good to Great in January 2016**. An awesome read sharing detailed analysis on how good companies became great. Although this book is about how companies became great but we could apply a lot of the learnings on ourselves. Concepts like level 5 leader, hedgehog concept, the stockdale paradox are equally applicable to individuals.
Disqus allows you to integrate comments in your static blog. To enable Disqus, you just have to set `disqusShortname` in the config.toml as shown below.
This quickstart was originally written by [Shekhar Gulati]( in his [52 Technologies in 2016]( blog series.