Hugo uses [Chroma]( as its code highlighter; it is built in Go and is really, really fast -- and for the most important parts compatible with Pygments we used before.
hugo gen chromastyles --style=monokai > syntax.css
Run `hugo gen chromastyles -h` for more options. See for a gallery of available styles.
## Highlight Shortcode
Highlighting is carried out via the [built-in shortcode](/content-management/shortcodes/) `highlight`. `highlight` takes exactly one required parameter for the programming language to be highlighted and requires a closing shortcode. Note that `highlight` is *not* used for client-side javascript highlighting.
*`linenos`: Valid values are `true`, `false`, `table`, `inline`. `table` will give copy-and-paste friendly code blocks) turns on line numbers.
* Setting `linenos` to `false` will turn off linenumbers if it's configured to be on in site config.{{<new-in"0.60.0">}}
*`hl_lines` lists a set of line numbers or line number ranges to be highlighted.
{{<new-in"0.60.0">}}Note that only Goldmark supports passing attributes such as `hl_lines`, and it's important that it does not contain any spaces. See [goldmark-highlighting]( for more information.
The options are the same as in the [highlighting shortcode](/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#highlight-shortcode),including `linenos=false`, but note the slightly different Markdown attribute syntax.
The full list of Chroma lexers and their aliases (which is the identifier used in the `highlight` template func or when doing highlighting in code fences):