: A comma separated (or a slice) list of module path to directory replacement mapping, e.g. `"github.com/bep/myprettytheme -> ../..,github.com/bep/shortcodes -> /some/path`. This is mostly useful for temporary locally development of a module, and then it makes sense to set it as an OS environment variable, e.g: `env HUGO_MODULE_REPLACEMENTS="github.com/bep/myprettytheme -> ../.."`. Any relative path is relate to [themesDir](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/#all-configuration-settings), and absolute paths are allowed.
: Where it should be mounted into Hugo's virtual filesystem. It must start with one of Hugo's component folders: `static`, `content`, `layouts`, `data`, `assets`, `i18n`, or `archetypes`. E.g. `content/blog`.