We welcome contributions to Hugo of any kind including documentation, suggestions, bug reports, pull requests etc. Also check out our [contribution guide](https://gohugo.io/contribute/documentation/). We would love to hear from you.
Note that this repository contains solely the documentation for Hugo. For contributions that aren't documentation-related please refer to the [hugo](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo) repository.
*Pull requests shall **only** contain changes to the actual documentation. However, changes on the codebase of Hugo **and** the documentation shall be a single, atomic pull request in the [hugo](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo) repository.*
Spelling fixes are most welcomed, and if you want to contribute longer sections to the documentation, it would be great if you had the following criteria in mind when writing:
* Short is good. People go to the library to read novels. If there is more than one way to _do a thing_ in Hugo, describe the current _best practice_ (avoid "… but you can also do …" and "… in older versions of Hugo you had to …".
* For example, try to find short snippets that teaches people about the concept. If the example is also useful as-is (copy and paste), then great. Don't list long and similar examples just so people can use them on their sites.
* Hugo has users from all over the world, so easy to understand and [simple English](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_English) is good.
If you want to do docs-related theme changes, the simplest way is to have both `hugoDocs` and `gohugoioTheme` cloned as sibling directories, and then run:
* The `next` branch is where we store changes that are related to the next Hugo release. This can be previewed here: https://next--gohugoio.netlify.com/
Also note that the documentation version for a given version of Hugo can also be found in the `/docs` sub-folder of the [Hugo source repository](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo).
Then to view the docs in your browser, run Hugo and open up the link: