Purpose: `false` turns off GitHub-style automatic task/TODO list generation.
: default: **`true`** <br>
Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS`** <br>
Purpose: `false` disables smart punctuation substitutions, including smart quotes, smart dashes, smart fractions, etc. If `true`, it may be fine-tuned with the `angledQuotes`, `fractions`, `smartDashes`, and `latexDashes` flags (see below).
Example: `5/12` renders to <sup>5</sup>⁄<sub>12</sub>(<code><sup>5</sup>&frasl;<sub>12</sub></code>).<br><strong>Caveat:</strong> Even with <code>fractions = false</code>, Blackfriday still converts `1/2`, `1/4`, and `3/4` respectively to ½ (<code>&frac12;</code>), ¼ (<code>&frac14;</code>) and ¾ (<code>&frac34;</code>), but only these three.</small>
: default: **`true`** <br>
Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_SMARTY_DASHES`** <br>
Purpose: `false` disables smart dashes; i.e., the conversion of multiple hyphens into an en-dash or em-dash. If `true`, its behavior can be modified with the `latexDashes` flag below.
If `true`, `--` is translated into – (`–`), whereas `---` is translated into — (`—`). <br>
However, *spaced* single hyphen between two words is translated into an en dash— e.g., "`12 June - 3 July`" becomes `12 June – 3 July` upon rendering.
Purpose: `true` opens <s>external links</s>**absolute** links in a new window or tab. While the `target="_blank"` attribute is typically used for external links, Blackfriday does that for _all_ absolute links ([ref](https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/internal-links-in-same-tab-external-links-in-new-tab/11048/8)). One needs to make note of this if they use absolute links throughout, for internal links too (for example, by setting `canonifyURLs` to `true` or via `absURL`).