`hugo` returns an instance that contains the following functions:
: `<meta>` tag for the version of Hugo that generated the site. `hugo.Generator` outputs a *complete* HTML tag; e.g. `<meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.63.2" />`
: the current version of the Hugo binary you are using e.g. `0.63.2`
We highly recommend using `hugo.Generator` in your website's `<head>`. `hugo.Generator` is included by default in all themes hosted on [themes.gohugo.io](https://themes.gohugo.io). The generator tag allows the Hugo team to track the usage and popularity of Hugo.
`hugo.Deps` returns a list of dependencies for a project (either Hugo Modules or local theme components).
Eeach dependency contains:
Path (string)
: Returns the path to this module. This will either be the module path, e.g. "github.com/gohugoio/myshortcodes", or the path below your /theme folder, e.g. "mytheme".
Version (string)
: The module version.
Vendor (bool)
: Whether this dependency is vendored.
Time (time.Time)
: Time version was created.
: In the dependency tree, this is the first module that defines this module as a dependency.
Replace (*Dependency)
: Replaced by this dependency.
An example table listing the dependencies:
<tableclass="table table-dark">
{{ range $index, $element := hugo.Deps }}
<thscope="row">{{ add $index 1 }}</th>
<td>{{ with $element.Owner }}{{.Path }}{{ else }}PROJECT{{ end }}</td>