`time` converts a timestamp string into a [`time.Time`](https://godoc.org/time#Time) structure so you can access its fields:
{{ time "2016-05-28" }} → "2016-05-28T00:00:00Z"
{{ (time "2016-05-28").YearDay }} → 149
{{ mul 1000 (time "2016-05-28T10:30:00.00+10:00").Unix }} → 1464395400000, or Unix time in milliseconds
## Example: Using `time` to get Month Index
The following example takes a UNIX timestamp---set as `utimestamp: "1489276800"` in a content's front matter---converts the timestamp (string) to an integer using the [`int` function][int], and then uses [`printf`][] to convert the `Month` property of `time` into an index.
The following example may be useful when setting up [multilingual sites][multilingual]: