2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
2014-05-29 22:42:05 +00:00
- /layout/functions/
date: 2013-07-01
linktitle: Functions
2015-05-11 16:39:40 +00:00
toc: true
2014-04-23 07:00:11 +00:00
2014-05-29 22:42:05 +00:00
parent: layout
next: /templates/variables
prev: /templates/go-templates
title: Hugo Template Functions
weight: 20
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
2014-08-31 11:08:36 +00:00
Hugo uses the excellent Go html/template library for its template engine.
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
It is an extremely lightweight engine that provides a very small amount of
2015-01-17 07:45:53 +00:00
logic. In our experience, it is just the right amount of logic to be able
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
to create a good static website.
Go templates are lightweight but extensible. Hugo has added the following
functions to the basic template logic.
2014-09-10 16:42:58 +00:00
(Go itself supplies built-in functions, including comparison operators
and other basic tools; these are listed in the
[Go template documentation ](http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#hdr-Functions ).)
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
## General
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
### delimit
Loops through any array, slice or map and returns a string of all the values separated by the delimiter. There is an optional third parameter that lets you choose a different delimiter to go between the last two values.
Maps will be sorted by the keys, and only a slice of the values will be returned, keeping a consistent output order.
Works on [lists ](/templates/list/ ), [taxonomies ](/taxonomies/displaying/ ), [terms ](/templates/terms/ ), [groups ](/templates/list/ )
// Front matter
tags: [ "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" ]
// Used anywhere in a template
Tags: {{ delimit .Params.tags ", " }}
// Outputs Tags: tag1, tag2, tag3
// Example with the optional "last" parameter
Tags: {{ delimit .Params.tags ", " " and " }}
// Outputs Tags: tag1, tag2 and tag3
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
### echoParam
If parameter is set, then echo it.
2014-12-04 16:26:12 +00:00
e.g. `{{echoParam .Params "project_url" }}`
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
2014-09-09 13:26:51 +00:00
### eq
Return true if the parameters are equal.
2014-12-04 16:26:12 +00:00
{{ if eq .Section "blog" }}current{{ end }}
2014-09-09 13:26:51 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
### first
Slices an array to only the first X elements.
2014-08-30 04:57:38 +00:00
Works on [lists ](/templates/list/ ), [taxonomies ](/taxonomies/displaying/ ), [terms ](/templates/terms/ ), [groups ](/templates/list/ )
2014-09-03 04:12:26 +00:00
2014-12-04 16:26:12 +00:00
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
{{ range first 10 .Data.Pages }}
2014-12-04 16:26:12 +00:00
{{ .Render "summary" }}
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
{{ end }}
2014-08-30 04:57:38 +00:00
2015-04-05 01:07:25 +00:00
### getenv
Returns the value of an environment variable.
Takes a string containing the name of the variable as input. Returns
an empty string if the variable is not set, otherwise returns the
value of the variable. Note that in Unix-like environments, the
variable must also be exported in order to be seen by `hugo` .
{{ getenv "HOME" }}
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
### in
Checks if an element is in an array (or slice) and returns a boolean. The elements supported are strings, integers and floats (only float64 will match as expected). In addition, it can also check if a substring exists in a string.
2014-08-30 04:57:38 +00:00
2014-09-03 04:12:26 +00:00
2014-08-30 04:57:38 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
{{ if in .Params.tags "Git" }}Follow me on GitHub!{{ end }}
2014-08-30 04:57:38 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
2014-12-29 02:33:12 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
{{ if in "this string contains a substring" "substring" }}Substring found!{{ end }}
2014-12-29 02:33:12 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
### intersect
Given two arrays (or slices), this function will return the common elements in the arrays. The elements supported are strings, integers and floats (only float64).
2014-12-29 02:33:12 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
A useful example of this functionality is a 'similar posts' block. Create a list of links to posts where any of the tags in the current post match any tags in other posts.
Add operator argument to `where` template function
It allows to use `where` template function like SQL `where` clause.
For example,
{{ range where .Data.Pages "Type" "!=" "post" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
Now these operators are implemented:
=, ==, eq, !=, <>, ne, >=, ge, >, gt, <=, le, <, lt, in, not in
It also fixes `TestWhere` more readable
2015-01-04 05:24:58 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
< ul >
{{ $page_link := .Permalink }}
{{ $tags := .Params.tags }}
{{ range .Site.Recent }}
{{ $page := . }}
{{ $has_common_tags := intersect $tags .Params.tags | len | lt 0 }}
{{ if and $has_common_tags (ne $page_link $page.Permalink) }}
< li > < a href = "{{ $page.Permalink }}" > {{ $page.Title }}< / a > < / li >
{{ end }}
2014-08-30 04:57:38 +00:00
{{ end }}
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
< / ul >
2014-08-30 04:57:38 +00:00
2014-12-11 20:29:22 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
### isset
Return true if the parameter is set.
Takes either a slice, array or channel and an index or a map and a key as input.
2014-12-11 20:29:22 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
e.g. `{{ if isset .Params "project_url" }} {{ index .Params "project_url" }}{{ end }}`
2014-12-11 20:29:22 +00:00
2015-05-22 20:17:45 +00:00
### seq
Seq creates a sequence of integers. It's named and used as GNU's seq.
Some examples:
* `3` => `1, 2, 3`
* `1 2 4` => `1, 3`
* `-3` => `-1, -2, -3`
* `1 4` => `1, 2, 3, 4`
* `1 -2` => `1, 0, -1, -2`
2014-12-11 20:29:22 +00:00
### sort
Sorts maps, arrays and slices, returning a sorted slice. A sorted array of map values will be returned, with the keys eliminated. There are two optional arguments, which are `sortByField` and `sortAsc` . If left blank, sort will sort by keys (for maps) in ascending order.
Works on [lists ](/templates/list/ ), [taxonomies ](/taxonomies/displaying/ ), [terms ](/templates/terms/ ), [groups ](/templates/list/ )
2015-01-18 20:25:20 +00:00
2014-12-11 20:29:22 +00:00
// Front matter
tags: [ "tag3", "tag1", "tag2" ]
// Site config
"firstName" = "Derek"
"lastName" = "Perkins"
"firstName" = "Joe"
"lastName" = "Bergevin"
"firstName" = "Tanner"
"lastName" = "Linsley"
// Use default sort options - sort by key / ascending
Tags: {{ range sort .Params.tags }}{{ . }} {{ end }}
// Outputs Tags: tag1 tag2 tag3
// Sort by value / descending
Tags: {{ range sort .Params.tags "value" "desc" }}{{ . }} {{ end }}
// Outputs Tags: tag3 tag2 tag1
// Use default sort options - sort by value / descending
Authors: {{ range sort .Site.Params.authors }}{{ .firstName }} {{ end }}
// Outputs Authors: Derek Joe Tanner
// Use default sort options - sort by value / descending
Authors: {{ range sort .Site.Params.authors "lastName" "desc" }}{{ .lastName }} {{ end }}
// Outputs Authors: Perkins Linsley Bergevin
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
### where
Filters an array to only elements containing a matching value for a given field.
Works on [lists ](/templates/list/ ), [taxonomies ](/taxonomies/displaying/ ), [terms ](/templates/terms/ ), [groups ](/templates/list/ )
2014-10-08 16:05:22 +00:00
2014-12-04 16:26:12 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
{{ range where .Data.Pages "Section" "post" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
2014-12-04 16:26:12 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
It can be used with dot chaining second argument to refer a nested element of a value.
2014-12-04 16:26:12 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
2014-10-08 16:05:22 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
// Front matter on some pages
series: golang
2014-10-08 16:05:22 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
{{ range where .Site.Recent "Params.series" "golang" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
It can also be used with an operator like `!=` , `>=` , `in` etc. Without an operator (like above), `where` compares a given field with a matching value in a way like `=` is specified.
2014-10-08 16:05:22 +00:00
2014-12-04 16:26:12 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
{{ range where .Data.Pages "Section" "!=" "post" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
Following operators are now available
- `=` , `==` , `eq` : True if a given field value equals a matching value
- `!=` , `<>` , `ne` : True if a given field value doesn't equal a matching value
- `>=` , `ge` : True if a given field value is greater than or equal to a matching value
- `>` , `gt` : True if a given field value is greater than a matching value
- `<=` , `le` : True if a given field value is lesser than or equal to a matching value
- `<` , `lt` : True if a given field value is lesser than a matching value
- `in` : True if a given field value is included in a matching value. A matching value must be an array or a slice
- `not in` : True if a given field value isn't included in a matching value. A matching value must be an array or a slice
*`where` and `first` can be stacked, e.g.:*
{{ range first 5 (where .Data.Pages "Section" "post") }}
{{ .Content }}
2014-10-08 16:05:22 +00:00
{{ end }}
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
## Math
2015-01-17 07:45:53 +00:00
< table class = "table table-bordered" >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > Function< / th >
< th > Description< / th >
< th > Example< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > < code > add< / code > < / td >
< td > Adds two integers.< / td >
< td > < code > {{add 1 2}}< / code > → 3< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < code > div< / code > < / td >
< td > Divides two integers.< / td >
< td > < code > {{div 6 3}}< / code > → 2< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < code > mod< / code > < / td >
< td > Modulus of two integers.< / td >
< td > < code > {{mod 15 3}}< / code > → 0< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < code > modBool< / code > < / td >
< td > Boolean of modulus of two integers. < code > true< / code > if modulus is 0.< / td >
< td > < code > {{modBool 15 3}}< / code > → true< / td >
< / tr >
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
< tr >
< td > < code > mul< / code > < / td >
< td > Multiplies two integers.< / td >
< td > < code > {{mul 2 3}}< / code > → 6< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < code > sub< / code > < / td >
< td > Subtracts two integers.< / td >
< td > < code > {{sub 3 2}}< / code > → 1< / td >
< / tr >
2015-01-17 07:45:53 +00:00
< / tbody >
< / table >
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
## Strings
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
### chomp
Removes any trailing newline characters. Useful in a pipeline to remove newlines added by other processing (including `markdownify` ).
e.g., `{{chomp "<p>Blockhead</p>\n"` → `"<p>Blockhead</p>"`
### dateFormat
Converts the textual representation of the datetime into the other form or returns it of Go `time.Time` type value. These are formatted with the layout string.
e.g. `{{ dateFormat "Monday, Jan 2, 2006" "2015-01-21" }}` →"Wednesday, Jan 21, 2015"
### highlight
Take a string of code and a language, uses Pygments to return the syntax highlighted code in HTML. Used in the [highlight shortcode ](/extras/highlighting/ ).
### lower
Convert all characters in string to lowercase.
e.g. `{{lower "BatMan"}}` → "batman"
### markdownify
This will run the string through the Markdown processesor. The result will be declared as "safe" so Go templates will not filter it.
e.g. `{{ .Title | markdownify }}`
### replace
Replace all occurences of the search string with the replacement string.
e.g. `{{ replace "Batman and Robin" "Robin" "Catwoman" }}` → "Batman and Catwoman"
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
### safeHTML
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
Declares the provided string as a "safe" HTML document fragment
so Go html/template will not filter it. It should not be used
for HTML from a third-party, or HTML with unclosed tags or comments.
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
Example: Given a site-wide `config.toml` that contains this line:
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
copyright = "© 2015 Jane Doe. < a href = \"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ \"> Some rights reserved</ a > ."
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
`{{ .Site.Copyright | safeHTML }}` would then output:
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
> © 2015 Jane Doe. <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Some rights reserved</a>.
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
However, without the `safeHTML` function, html/template assumes
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
`.Site.Copyright` to be unsafe, escaping all HTML tags,
rendering the whole string as plain-text like this:
< blockquote >
< p > © 2015 Jane Doe. < a href=" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" > Some rights reserved< /a> .< / p >
< / blockquote >
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
### safeHTMLAttr
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
Declares the provided string as a "safe" HTML attribute
from a trusted source, for example, ` dir="ltr"` ,
so Go html/template will not filter it.
Example: Given a site-wide `config.toml` that contains this menu entry:
name = "IRC: #golang at freenode"
url = "irc://irc.freenode.net/#golang"
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
* `<a href="{{ .URL }}">` ⇒ `<a href="#ZgotmplZ">` (Bad!)
* `<a {{ printf "href=%q" .URL | safeHTMLAttr }}>` ⇒ `<a href="irc://irc.freenode.net/#golang">` (Good!)
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
### safeCSS
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
Declares the provided string as a known "safe" CSS string
so Go html/templates will not filter it.
"Safe" means CSS content that matches any of:
1. The CSS3 stylesheet production, such as `p { color: purple }` .
2. The CSS3 rule production, such as `a[href=~"https:"].foo#bar` .
3. CSS3 declaration productions, such as `color: red; margin: 2px` .
4. The CSS3 value production, such as `rgba(0, 0, 255, 127)` .
Example: Given `style = "color: red;"` defined in the front matter of your `.md` file:
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
* `<p style="{{ .Params.style | safeCSS }}">…</p>` ⇒ `<p style="color: red;">…</p>` (Good!)
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
* `<p style="{{ .Params.style }}">…</p>` ⇒ `<p style="ZgotmplZ">…</p>` (Bad!)
Note: "ZgotmplZ" is a special value that indicates that unsafe content reached a
CSS or URL context.
2015-05-22 20:20:35 +00:00
### slicestr
Slicing in Slicestr is done by specifying a half-open range with two indices, start and end. 1 and 4 creates a slice including elements 1 through 3.
The end index can be omitted, it defaults to the string's length.
* `{{slicestr "BatMan" 3}}` → "Man"
* `{{slicestr "BatMan" 0 3}}` → "Bat"
2015-05-22 20:36:17 +00:00
### substr
Substr extracts parts of a string, beginning at the character at the specified
position, and returns the specified number of characters.
It normally takes two parameters: `start` and `length` .
It can also take one parameter: `start` , i.e. `length` is omitted, in which case
the substring starting from start until the end of the string will be returned.
To extract characters from the end of the string, use a negative start number.
In addition, borrowing from the extended behavior described at http://php.net/substr,
if `length` is given and is negative, then that many characters will be omitted from
the end of string.
* `{{substr "BatMan" 0 -3}}` → "Bat"
* `{{substr "BatMan" 3 3}}` → "Man"
2015-05-11 17:08:52 +00:00
### title
Convert all characters in string to titlecase.
e.g. `{{title "BatMan"}}` → "Batman"
### trim
Trim returns a slice of the string with all leading and trailing characters contained in cutset removed.
e.g. `{{ trim "++Batman--" "+-" }}` → "Batman"
### upper
Convert all characters in string to uppercase.
e.g. `{{upper "BatMan"}}` → "BATMAN"
## Urls
### absURL, relURL
Both `absURL` and `relURL` considers the configured value of `baseURL` , so given a `baseURL` set to `http://mysite.com/hugo/` :
* `{{ "mystyle.css" | absURL }}` → "http://mysite.com/hugo/mystyle.css"
* `{{ "mystyle.css" | relURL }}` → "/hugo/mystyle.css"
2015-05-22 21:43:12 +00:00
* `{{ "http://gohugo.io/" | relURL }}` → "http://gohugo.io/"
* `{{ "http://gohugo.io/" | absURL }}` → "http://gohugo.io/"
2015-05-11 17:08:52 +00:00
2015-05-22 21:43:12 +00:00
The last two examples may look funky, but is useful if you, say, have a list of images, some of them hosted externally, some locally:
< script type = "application/ld+json" >
"@context" : "http://schema.org",
"@type" : "BlogPosting",
"image" : {{ apply .Params.images "absURL" "." }}
< / script >
The above also exploits the fact that the Go template parser JSON-encodes objects inside `script` tags.
**Note:** These functions are smart about missing slashes, but will not add one to the end if not present.
2015-05-11 17:08:52 +00:00
### ref, relref
Looks up a content page by relative path or logical name to return the permalink (`ref`) or relative permalink (`relref`). Requires a Node or Page object (usually satisfied with `.` ). Used in the [`ref` and `relref` shortcodes ]({{% ref "extras/crossreferences.md" %}} ).
e.g. {{ ref . "about.md" }}
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
### safeURL
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
Declares the provided string as a "safe" URL or URL substring (see [RFC 3986][]).
A URL like `javascript:checkThatFormNotEditedBeforeLeavingPage()` from a trusted
source should go in the page, but by default dynamic `javascript:` URLs are
filtered out since they are a frequently exploited injection vector.
[RFC 3986]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
Without `safeURL` , only the URI schemes `http:` , `https:` and `mailto:`
2015-01-20 07:24:47 +00:00
are considered safe by Go. If any other URI schemes, e.g. `irc:` and
`javascript:` , are detected, the whole URL would be replaced with
`#ZgotmplZ` . This is to "defang" any potential attack in the URL,
rendering it useless.
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
Example: Given a site-wide `config.toml` that contains this menu entry:
name = "IRC: #golang at freenode"
url = "irc://irc.freenode.net/#golang"
The following template:
< ul class = "sidebar-menu" >
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
< li > < a href = "{{ .URL }}" > {{ .Name }}< / a > < / li >
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
{{ end }}
< / ul >
would produce `<li><a href="#ZgotmplZ">IRC: #golang at freenode</a></li>`
for the `irc://…` URL.
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
To fix this, add ` | safeURL` after `.URL` on the 3rd line, like this:
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
2015-03-18 06:44:12 +00:00
< li > < a href = "{{ .URL | safeURL }}" > {{ .Name }}< / a > < / li >
2015-01-20 06:41:22 +00:00
With this change, we finally get `<li><a href="irc://irc.freenode.net/#golang">IRC: #golang at freenode</a></li>`
as intended.
2014-11-24 23:47:08 +00:00
2014-02-18 23:35:27 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
### urlize
Takes a string and sanitizes it for usage in URLs, converts spaces to "-".
2014-11-25 08:07:18 +00:00
2015-04-04 09:12:11 +00:00
e.g. `<a href="/tags/{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . }}</a>`
2014-11-25 08:07:18 +00:00
2014-12-10 03:46:33 +00:00
2015-05-22 16:43:29 +00:00
## Content Views
### Render
Takes a view to render the content with. The view is an alternate layout, and should be a file name that points to a template in one of the locations specified in the documentation for [Content Views ](/templates/views ).
This function is only available on a piece of content, and in list context.
This example could render a piece of content using the content view located at `/layouts/_default/summary.html` :
{{ range .Data.Pages }}
{{ .Render "summary"}}
{{ end }}
2014-12-10 03:46:33 +00:00
## Advanced
### apply
Given a map, array, or slice, returns a new slice with a function applied over it. Expects at least three parameters, depending on the function being applied. The first parameter is the sequence to operate on; the second is the name of the function as a string, which must be in the Hugo function map (generally, it is these functions documented here). After that, the parameters to the applied function are provided, with the string `"."` standing in for each element of the sequence the function is to be applied against. An example is in order:
names: [ "Derek Perkins", "Joe Bergevin", "Tanner Linsley" ]
{{ apply .Params.names "urlize" "." }} → [ "derek-perkins", "joe-bergevin", "tanner-linsley" ]
This is roughly equivalent to:
{{ range .Params.names }}{{ . | urlize }}{{ end }}
However, it isn’ t possible to provide the output of a range to the `delimit` function, so you need to `apply` it. A more complete example should explain this. Let's say you have two partials for displaying tag links in a post, "post/tag/list.html" and "post/tag/link.html", as shown below.
<!-- post/tag/list.html -->
{{ with .Params.tags }}
< div class = "tags-list" >
{{ $len := len . }}
{{ if eq $len 1 }}
{{ partial "post/tag/link" (index . 0) }}
{{ else }}
{{ $last := sub $len 1 }}
{{ range first $last . }}
{{ partial "post/tag/link" . }},
{{ end }}
{{ partial "post/tag/link" (index . $last) }}
{{ end }}
< / div >
{{ end }}
<!-- post/tag/link.html -->
< a class = "post-tag post-tag-{{ . | urlize }}" href = "/tags/{{ . | urlize }}" > {{ . }}< / a >
This works, but the complexity of "post/tag/list.html" is fairly high; the Hugo template needs to perform special behaviour for the case where there’ s only one tag, and it has to treat the last tag as special. Additionally, the tag list will be rendered something like "Tags: tag1 , tag2 , tag3" because of the way that the HTML is generated and it is interpreted by a browser.
This is Hugo. We have a better way. If this were your "post/tag/list.html" instead, all of those problems are fixed automatically (this first version separates all of the operations for ease of reading; the combined version will be shown after the explanation).
<!-- post/tag/list.html -->
{{ with.Params.tags }}
< div class = "tags-list" >
{{ $sort := sort . }}
{{ $links := apply $sort "partial" "post/tag/link" "." }}
{{ $clean := apply $links "chomp" "." }}
{{ delimit $clean ", " }}
< / div >
{{ end }}
In this version, we are now sorting the tags, converting them to links with "post/tag/link.html", cleaning off stray newlines, and joining them together in a delimited list for presentation. That can also be written as:
<!-- post/tag/list.html -->
{{ with.Params.tags }}
< div class = "tags-list" >
{{ delimit (apply (apply (sort .) "partial" "post/tag/link" ".") "chomp" ".") ", " }}
< / div >
{{ end }}
`apply` does not work when receiving the sequence as an argument through a pipeline.