title: Continuous deployment with Bitbucket & Aerobatic
weight: 10
# Continuous deployment with Bitbucket & Aerobatic
## Introduction
In this tutorial, we will use [Bitbucket](https://bitbucket.org/) and [Aerobatic](https://www.aerobatic.com) to build, deploy, and host a Hugo site. Aerobatic is a static hosting service that is installed as an add-on to Bitbucket and provides a free hosting tier with custom domain and wildcard SSL certificate.
It is assumed that you know how to use git for version control and have a Bitbucket account. It is also assumed that you have gone through the [quickstart guide]({{< relref "overview/quickstart.md" >}}) and already have a Hugo site on your local machine.
In the root directory of your Hugo site, create a `package.json` file. The `package.json` informs Aerobatic to build a Hugo site.
To do so, declare the following snippet in your `package.json` manifest. You can, of course, use any [Hugo theme](http://themes.gohugo.io/) of your choosing with the `themeRepo` option. Just tell Aerobatic where the theme’s git repo is.
We will now create a git repository and then push our code to Bitbucket. Because Aerobatic both builds *and* hosts Hugo sites, there is no need to push the compiled assets in the `/public` folder.
Clicking [this link](https://aerobatic.io/bb) will automatically install the Aerobatic add-on to your Bitbucket account. Alternatively, you can also install Aerobatic from the Bitbucket [add-on directory](https://bitbucket.org/account/addon-directory). Click **Grant Access** in the install dialog.
You will then be directed to the **Create Website** screen. This is a one-time step. With each subsequent `git push` to Bitbucket, Aerobatic will automatically build and deploy a new version of your site instantly.
- Give your website a name.
- In this example, we won't setup a custom domain, but [you can](https://www.aerobatic.com/docs/custom-domains-ssl).
The code for this example can be found in this [Bitbucket repository](https://bitbucket.org/dundonian/wee-hugo/src).
Aerobatic provides a number of plugins such as [custom error pages](https://www.aerobatic.com/docs/custom-error-pages), [custom redirects](https://www.aerobatic.com/docs/redirects), [basic authentication](https://www.aerobatic.com/docs/http-basic-authentication), and many other [features](https://www.aerobatic.com/features/). In the case of authentication, [this blog post](https://www.aerobatic.com/blog/password-protect-a-hugo-site) describes how to password protect all, or part, of your Hugo site.