2024-08-13 09:49:56 -04:00
// Copyright 2024 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package page_test
import (
func TestPageMarkupMethods ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
files := `
-- hugo . toml --
summaryLength = 2
-- content / p1 . md --
-- -
title : "Post 1"
date : "2020-01-01"
-- -
{ { % foo % } }
-- layouts / shortcodes / foo . html --
Two * words * .
{ { /* Test that markup scope is set in all relevant constructs. */ } }
{ { if eq hugo . Context . MarkupScope "foo" } }
# # Heading 1
Sint ad mollit qui Lorem ut occaecat culpa officia . Et consectetur aute voluptate non sit ullamco adipisicing occaecat . Sunt deserunt amet sit ad . Deserunt enim voluptate proident ipsum dolore dolor ut sit velit esse est mollit irure esse . Mollit incididunt veniam laboris magna et excepteur sit duis . Magna adipisicing reprehenderit tempor irure .
# # # Heading 2
Exercitation quis est consectetur occaecat nostrud . Ullamco aute mollit aliqua est amet . Exercitation ullamco consectetur dolor labore et non irure eu cillum Lorem .
{ { end } }
-- layouts / index . html --
Home .
{ { . Content } }
-- layouts / _default / single . html --
Single .
Page . ContentWithoutSummmary : { { . ContentWithoutSummary } } |
{ { template "render-scope" ( dict "page" . "scope" "main" ) } }
{ { template "render-scope" ( dict "page" . "scope" "foo" ) } }
{ { define "render-scope" } }
{ { $ c := . page . Markup . scope } }
{ { with $ c . Render } }
{ { $ . scope } } : Content : { { . Content } } |
{ { $ . scope } } : ContentWithoutSummary : { { . ContentWithoutSummary } } |
{ { $ . scope } } : Plain : { { . Plain } } |
{ { $ . scope } } : PlainWords : { { . PlainWords } } |
{ { $ . scope } } : WordCount : { { . WordCount } } |
{ { $ . scope } } : FuzzyWordCount : { { . FuzzyWordCount } } |
{ { $ . scope } } : ReadingTime : { { . ReadingTime } } |
{ { $ . scope } } : Len : { { . Len } } |
{ { $ . scope } } : Summary : { { with . Summary } } { { . } } { { else } } nil { { end } } |
{ { end } }
{ { $ . scope } } : Fragments : { { $ c . Fragments . Identifiers } } |
{ { end } }
b := hugolib . Test ( t , files )
// Main scope.
b . AssertFileContent ( "public/p1/index.html" ,
"Page.ContentWithoutSummmary: |" ,
"main: Content: <p>Two <em>words</em>.</p>\n|" ,
"main: ContentWithoutSummary: |" ,
"main: Plain: Two words.\n|" ,
"PlainWords: [Two words.]|\nmain: WordCount: 2|\nmain: FuzzyWordCount: 100|\nmain: ReadingTime: 1|" ,
"main: Summary: <p>Two <em>words</em>.</p>|\n\nmain: Fragments: []|" ,
"main: Len: 27|" ,
// Foo scope (has more content).
b . AssertFileContent ( "public/p1/index.html" ,
"foo: Content: <p>Two <em>words</em>.</p>\n<h2" ,
"foo: ContentWithoutSummary: <h2" ,
"Plain: Two words.\nHeading 1" ,
"PlainWords: [Two words. Heading 1" ,
"foo: WordCount: 81|\nfoo: FuzzyWordCount: 100|\nfoo: ReadingTime: 1|\nfoo: Len: 622|" ,
"foo: Summary: <p>Two <em>words</em>.</p>|" ,
"foo: Fragments: [heading-1 heading-2]|" ,
func TestPageMarkupScope ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
files := `
-- hugo . toml --
disableKinds = [ "taxonomy" , "term" , "rss" , "section" ]
-- content / p1 . md --
-- -
title : "Post 1"
date : "2020-01-01"
-- -
# P1
{ { < foo > } }
Begin : { { % includerendershortcodes "p2" % } } : End
Begin : { { < includecontent "p3" > } } : End
-- content / p2 . md --
-- -
title : "Post 2"
date : "2020-01-02"
-- -
# P2
-- content / p3 . md --
-- -
title : "Post 3"
date : "2020-01-03"
-- -
# P3
{ { < foo > } }
-- layouts / index . html --
Home .
{ { with site . GetPage "p1" } }
{ { with . Markup "home" } }
{ { . Render . Content } }
{ { end } }
{ { end } }
-- layouts / _default / single . html --
Single .
{ { with . Markup } }
{ { with . Render } }
{ { . Content } }
{ { end } }
{ { end } }
-- layouts / _default / _markup / render - heading . html --
Render heading : title : { { . Text } } scope : { { hugo . Context . MarkupScope } } |
-- layouts / shortcodes / foo . html --
Foo scope : { { hugo . Context . MarkupScope } } |
-- layouts / shortcodes / includerendershortcodes . html --
{ { $ p := site . GetPage ( . Get 0 ) } }
includerendershortcodes : { { hugo . Context . MarkupScope } } | { { $ p . Markup . RenderShortcodes } } |
-- layouts / shortcodes / includecontent . html --
{ { $ p := site . GetPage ( . Get 0 ) } }
includecontent : { { hugo . Context . MarkupScope } } | { { $ p . Markup . Render . Content } } |
b := hugolib . Test ( t , files )
2024-10-30 13:10:09 -04:00
b . AssertFileContentExact ( "public/p1/index.html" , "Render heading: title: P1 scope: |" , "Foo scope: |" )
2024-08-13 09:49:56 -04:00
2024-10-30 13:10:09 -04:00
b . AssertFileContentExact ( "public/index.html" ,
"Begin:\nincludecontent: home|Render heading: title: P3 scope: home|Foo scope: home|\n|\n:End" ,
2024-08-13 09:49:56 -04:00
"Render heading: title: P1 scope: home|" ,
"Foo scope: home|" ,
"Begin:\nincluderendershortcodes: home|</p>\nRender heading: title: P2 scope: home|<p>|:End" ,
2024-09-04 13:07:59 -04:00
func TestPageContentWithoutSummary ( t * testing . T ) {
2024-08-13 09:49:56 -04:00
t . Parallel ( )
files := `
-- hugo . toml --
summaryLength = 5
-- content / p1 . md --
-- -
title : "Post 1"
date : "2020-01-01"
-- -
This is summary .
< ! -- more -- >
This is content .
-- content / p2 . md --
-- -
title : "Post 2"
date : "2020-01-01"
-- -
This is some content about a summary and more .
Another paragraph .
Third paragraph .
2024-09-04 13:07:59 -04:00
-- content / p3 . md --
-- -
title : "Post 3"
date : "2020-01-01"
summary : "This is summary in front matter."
-- -
This is content .
2024-08-13 09:49:56 -04:00
-- layouts / _default / single . html --
Single .
Page . Summary : { { . Summary } } |
{ { with . Markup . Render } }
Content : { { . Content } } |
ContentWithoutSummary : { { . ContentWithoutSummary } } |
WordCount : { { . WordCount } } |
FuzzyWordCount : { { . FuzzyWordCount } } |
{ { with . Summary } }
Summary : { { . } } |
Summary Type : { { . Type } } |
Summary Truncated : { { . Truncated } } |
{ { end } }
{ { end } }
b := hugolib . Test ( t , files )
b . AssertFileContentExact ( "public/p1/index.html" ,
"Content: <p>This is summary.</p>\n<p>This is content.</p>" ,
"ContentWithoutSummary: <p>This is content.</p>|" ,
"WordCount: 6|" ,
"FuzzyWordCount: 100|" ,
"Summary: <p>This is summary.</p>|" ,
"Summary Type: manual|" ,
"Summary Truncated: true|" ,
b . AssertFileContent ( "public/p2/index.html" ,
"Summary: <p>This is some content about a summary and more.</p>|" ,
"WordCount: 13|" ,
"FuzzyWordCount: 100|" ,
"Summary Type: auto" ,
"Summary Truncated: true" ,
2024-09-04 13:07:59 -04:00
b . AssertFileContentExact ( "public/p3/index.html" ,
"Summary: This is summary in front matter.|" ,
"ContentWithoutSummary: <p>This is content.</p>\n|" ,
2024-08-13 09:49:56 -04:00
func TestPageMarkupWithoutSummaryRST ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
if ! rst . Supports ( ) {
t . Skip ( "Skip RST test as not supported" )
files := `
-- hugo . toml --
summaryLength = 5
[ security . exec ]
allow = [ "rst" , "python" ]
-- content / p1 . rst --
This is a story about a summary and more .
Another paragraph .
-- content / p2 . rst --
This is summary .
< ! -- more -- >
This is content .
-- layouts / _default / single . html --
Single .
Page . Summary : { { . Summary } } |
{ { with . Markup . Render } }
Content : { { . Content } } |
ContentWithoutSummary : { { . ContentWithoutSummary } } |
{ { with . Summary } }
Summary : { { . } } |
Summary Type : { { . Type } } |
Summary Truncated : { { . Truncated } } |
{ { end } }
{ { end } }
b := hugolib . Test ( t , files )
// Auto summary.
b . AssertFileContentExact ( "public/p1/index.html" ,
"Content: <div class=\"document\">\n\n\n<p>This is a story about a summary and more.</p>\n<p>Another paragraph.</p>\n</div>|" ,
"Summary: <div class=\"document\">\n\n\n<p>This is a story about a summary and more.</p></div>|\nSummary Type: auto|\nSummary Truncated: true|" ,
"ContentWithoutSummary: <div class=\"document\">\n<p>Another paragraph.</p>\n</div>|" ,
// Manual summary.
b . AssertFileContentExact ( "public/p2/index.html" ,
"Content: <div class=\"document\">\n\n\n<p>This is summary.</p>\n<p>This is content.</p>\n</div>|" ,
"ContentWithoutSummary: <div class=\"document\"><p>This is content.</p>\n</div>|" ,
"Summary: <div class=\"document\">\n\n\n<p>This is summary.</p>\n</div>|\nSummary Type: manual|\nSummary Truncated: true|" ,
func TestPageMarkupWithoutSummaryAsciidoc ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
if ! asciidocext . Supports ( ) {
t . Skip ( "Skip asiidoc test as not supported" )
files := `
-- hugo . toml --
summaryLength = 5
[ security . exec ]
allow = [ "asciidoc" , "python" ]
-- content / p1 . ad --
This is a story about a summary and more .
Another paragraph .
-- content / p2 . ad --
This is summary .
< ! -- more -- >
This is content .
-- layouts / _default / single . html --
Single .
Page . Summary : { { . Summary } } |
{ { with . Markup . Render } }
Content : { { . Content } } |
ContentWithoutSummary : { { . ContentWithoutSummary } } |
{ { with . Summary } }
Summary : { { . } } |
Summary Type : { { . Type } } |
Summary Truncated : { { . Truncated } } |
{ { end } }
{ { end } }
b := hugolib . Test ( t , files )
// Auto summary.
b . AssertFileContentExact ( "public/p1/index.html" ,
"Content: <div class=\"paragraph\">\n<p>This is a story about a summary and more.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"paragraph\">\n<p>Another paragraph.</p>\n</div>\n|" ,
"Summary: <div class=\"paragraph\">\n<p>This is a story about a summary and more.</p>\n</div>|" ,
"Summary Type: auto|\nSummary Truncated: true|" ,
"ContentWithoutSummary: <div class=\"paragraph\">\n<p>Another paragraph.</p>\n</div>|" ,
// Manual summary.
b . AssertFileContentExact ( "public/p2/index.html" ,
"Content: <div class=\"paragraph\">\n<p>This is summary.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"paragraph\">\n<p>This is content.</p>\n</div>|" ,
"ContentWithoutSummary: <div class=\"paragraph\">\n<p>This is content.</p>\n</div>|" ,
"Summary: <div class=\"paragraph\">\n<p>This is summary.</p>\n</div>|\nSummary Type: manual|\nSummary Truncated: true|" ,