**.Summary** A generated summary of the content for easily showing a snippet in a summary view. Note that the breakpoint can be set manually by inserting <code><!--more--></code> at the appropriate place in the content page. See [Summaries](/content/summaries/) for more details.<br>
**.Truncated** A boolean, `true` if the `.Summary` is truncated. Useful for showing a "Read more..." link only if necessary. See [Summaries](/content/summaries/) for more details.<br>
**.RuneCount** The number of [runes](http://blog.golang.org/strings) in the content, excluding any whitespace. This may be a good alternative to `.WordCount` for Japanese and other CJK languages where a word-split by spaces makes no sense.
**.Ref(ref)** Returns the permalink for `ref`. See [cross-references]({{% ref "extras/crossreferences.md" %}}). Does not handle in-page fragments correctly.<br>
**.RelRef(ref)** Returns the relative permalink for `ref`. See [cross-references]({{% ref "extras/crossreferences.md" %}}). Does not handle in-page fragments correctly.<br>
**.Site.Params** A container holding the values from the `params` section of your site configuration file. For example, a TOML config file might look like this:
baseurl = "http://yoursite.example.com/"
description = "Tesla's Awesome Hugo Site"
author = "Nikola Tesla"
**.Site.Sections** Top level directories of the site.<br>
**.Site.Files** All of the source files of the site.<br>
**.Site.Menus** All of the menus in the site.<br>
**.Site.Title** A string representing the title of the site.<br>
**.Site.Author** A map of the authors as defined in the site configuration.<br>
**.Site.LanguageCode** A string representing the language as defined in the site configuration.<br>
**.Site.DisqusShortname** A string representing the shortname of the Disqus shortcode as defined in the site configuration.<br>
**.Site.Copyright** A string representing the copyright of your web site as defined in the site configuration.<br>
**.Site.LastChange** A string representing the date/time of the most recent change to your site, based on the [`date` variable]({{< ref "content/front-matter.md#required-variables" >}}) in the front matter of your content pages.<br>
**.Hugo.Generator** Meta tag for the version of Hugo that generated the site. Highly recommended to be included by default in all theme headers so we can start to track Hugo usage and popularity. e.g. `<meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.13" />`<br>
**.Hugo.Version** The current version of the Hugo binary you are using e.g. `0.13-DEV`<br>
**.Hugo.CommitHash** The git commit hash of the current Hugo binary e.g. `0e8bed9ccffba0df554728b46c5bbf6d78ae5247`<br>
**.Hugo.BuildDate** The compile date of the current Hugo binary formatted with RFC 3339 e.g. `2002-10-02T10:00:00-05:00`<br>