description: "`transform.Unmarshal` (alias `unmarshal`) parses the input and converts it into a map or an array. Supported formats are JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV."
signature: ["RESOURCE or STRING | transform.Unmarshal [OPTIONS]"]
hugoversion: "0.53"
aliases: []
The function accepts either a `Resource` created in [Hugo Pipes](/hugo-pipes/) or via [Page Bundles](/content-management/page-bundles/), or simply a string. The two examples below will produce the same map:
As a convenience, Hugo allows you to access XML data in the same way that you access JSON, TOML, and YAML: you do not need to specify the root node when accessing the data.
To get the contents of `<title>` in the document below, you use `{{ .message.title }}`:
<title>Hugo rocks!</title>
<description>Thanks for using Hugo</description>
The following example lists the items of an RSS feed:
{{ with resources.Get "" | transform.Unmarshal }}