: Hugo will, by default, inject a generator meta tag in the HTML head on the _home page only_. You can turn it off, but we would really appreciate if you don't, as this is a good way to watch Hugo's popularity on the rise.
: Enable disabling of all pages of the specified *Kinds*. Allowed values in this list: `"page"`, `"home"`, `"section"`, `"taxonomy"`, `"taxonomyTerm"`, `"RSS"`, `"sitemap"`, `"robotsTXT"`, `"404"`.
: Enable `.GitInfo` object for each page (if the Hugo site is versioned by Git). This will then update the `Lastmod` parameter for each page using the last git commit date for that content file.
: If true, auto-detect Chinese/Japanese/Korean Languages in the content. This will make `.Summary` and `.WordCount` behave correctly for CJK languages.
: When using `ref` or `relref` to resolve page links and a link cannot resolved, it will be logged with this logg level. Valid values are `ERROR` (default) or `WARNING`. Any `ERROR` will fail the build (`exit -1`).
: URL to be used as a placeholder when a page reference cannot be found in `ref` or `relref`. Is used as-is.
: Timeout for generating page contents, in milliseconds (defaults to 10 seconds). *Note:* this is used to bail out of recursive content generation, if your pages are slow to generate (e.g., because they require large image processing or depend on remote contents) you might need to raise this limit.
Similar to the template [lookup order][], Hugo has a default set of rules for searching for a configuration file in the root of your website's source directory as a default behavior:
In your `config` file, you can direct Hugo as to how you want your website rendered, control your website's menus, and arbitrarily define site-wide parameters specific to your project.
The following is a typical example of a configuration file. The values nested under `params:` will populate the [`.Site.Params`][] variable for use in [templates][]:
This is really useful if you use a service such as Netlify to deploy your site. Look at the Hugo docs [Netlify configuration file](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoDocs/blob/master/netlify.toml) for an example.
Dates are important in Hugo, and you can configure how Hugo assigns dates to your content pages. You do this by adding a `frontmatter` section to your `config.toml`.
The `:default` is a shortcut to the default settings. The above will set `.Date` to the date value in `myDate` if present, if not we will look in `date`,`publishDate`, `lastmod` and pick the first valid date.
In the list to the right, values starting with ":" are date handlers with a special meaning (see below). The others are just names of date parameters (case insensitive) in your front matter configuration. Also note that Hugo have some built-in aliases to the above: `lastmod` => `modified`, `publishDate` => `pubdate`, `published` and `expiryDate` => `unpublishdate`. With that, as an example, using `pubDate` as a date in front matter, will, by default, be assigned to `.PublishDate`.
The special date handlers are:
: Fetches the date from the content file's last modification timestamp.
The above will try first to extract the value for `.Lastmod` starting with the `lastmod` front matter parameter, then the content file's modification timestamp. The last, `:default` should not be needed here, but Hugo will finally look for a valid date in `:git`, `date` and then `publishDate`.
: Fetches the date from the content file's filename. For example, `2018-02-22-mypage.md` will extract the date `2018-02-22`. Also, if `slug` is not set, `mypage` will be used as the value for `.Slug`.
The above will try first to extract the value for `.Date` from the filename, then it will look in front matter parameters `date`, `publishDate` and lastly `lastmod`.
: This is the Git author date for the last revision of this content file. This will only be set if `--enableGitInfo` is set or `enableGitInfo = true` is set in site config.
[Blackfriday](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday) is Hugo's built-in Markdown rendering engine.
Hugo typically configures Blackfriday with sane default values that should fit most use cases reasonably well.
However, if you have specific needs with respect to Markdown, Hugo exposes some of its Blackfriday behavior options for you to alter. The following table lists these Hugo options, paired with the corresponding flags from Blackfriday's source code ( [html.go](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday/blob/master/html.go) and [markdown.go](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday/blob/master/markdown.go)).
1. Blackfriday flags are *case sensitive* as of Hugo v0.15.
2. Blackfriday flags must be grouped under the `blackfriday` key and can be set on both the site level *and* the page level. Any setting on a page will override its respective site setting.
Hugo v0.20 introduced the ability to render your content to multiple output formats (e.g., to JSON, AMP html, or CSV). See [Output Formats][] for information on how to add these values to your Hugo project's configuration file.
Since Hugo 0.52 you can configure more than just the `cacheDir`. This is the default configuration:
dir = ":cacheDir"
maxAge = -1
dir = ":cacheDir"
maxAge = -1
dir = ":resourceDir/_gen"
maxAge = -1
dir = ":resourceDir/_gen"
maxAge = -1
You can override any of these cache setting in your own `config.toml`.
### The keywords explained
: This is the value of the `cacheDir` config option if set (can also be set via OS env variable `HUGO_CACHEDIR`). It will fall back to `/opt/build/cache/hugo_cache/` on Netlify, or a `hugo_cache` directory below the OS temp dir for the others. This means that if you run your builds on Netlify, all caches configured with `:cacheDir` will be saved and restored on the next build. For other CI vendors, please read their documentation. For an CircleCI example, see [this configuration](https://github.com/bep/hugo-sass-test/blob/6c3960a8f4b90e8938228688bc49bdcdd6b2d99e/.circleci/config.yml).
: This is the value of the `resourceDir` config option.
: This is the duration before a cache entry will be evicted, -1 means forever and 0 effectively turns that particular cache off. Uses Go's `time.Duration`, so valid values are `"10s"` (10 seconds), `"10m"` (10 minutes) and `"10m"` (10 hours).