A [scalar](#scalar), [array](#array), [slice](#slice), [map](#map), or [object](#object) passed to a [function](#function), [method](#method), or [shortcode](#shortcode).
A numbered sequence of elements. Unlike Go's [slice](#slice) data type, an array has a fixed length. [Elements](#element) within an array can be [scalars](#scalar), slices, [maps](#map), pages, or other arrays. See the [Go documentation](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Array_types) for details.
A [page bundle](#page-bundle) with an _index.md file and zero or more [resources](#resource). Analogous to a physical branch, a branch bundle may have descendants including regular pages, [leaf bundles](/getting-started/glossary/#leaf-bundle), and other branch bundles. See [details](/content-management/page-bundles/).
To generate a static site that includes HTML files and assets such as images, CSS, and JavaScript. The build process includes rendering and resource transformations.
Within a template, to connect one or more [identifiers](#identifier) with a dot. An identifier can represent a method, object, or field. For example, `.Site.Params.author.name` or `.Date.UTC.Hour`.
A markup language for creating content. Typically markdown, but may also be HTML, AsciiDoc, Org, Pandoc, or reStructuredText. See [details](/content-management/formats/).
A classification of content inferred from the top-level directory name or the `type` set in [front matter](#front-matter). Pages in the root of the content directory, including the home page, are of type "page". Accessed via `.Page.Type` in [templates](#template). See [details](/content-management/types/).
Represented by a dot "." within a [template action](#template-action), context is the current location in a data structure. For example, while iterating over a [collection](#collection) of pages, the context within each iteration is the page's data structure. The context received by each template depends on template type and/or how it was called. See [details](/templates/introduction/#the-dot).
###### default sort order
The default sort order for page collections. Hugo sorts by [weight](#weight), then by date (descending), then by link title, and then by file path.
###### element
A member of a slice or array.
###### environment
Typically one of `development`, `staging`, or `production`, each environment may exhibit different behavior depending on configuration and template logic. For example, in a production environment you might minify and fingerprint CSS, but that probably doesn't make sense in a development environment.
When running the built-in development server with the `hugo server` command, the environment is set to `development`. When building your site with the `hugo` command, the environment is set to `production`. To override the environment value, use the `--environment` command line flag.
To determine the current environment within a template, use the [`hugo.Environment`] function.
Metadata at the beginning of each content page, separated from the content by format-specific delimiters. See [details](/content-management/front-matter/).
Used within a [template action](#template-action), a function takes one or more [arguments](#argument) and returns a value. Unlike [methods](#method), functions are not associated with an [object](#object). See [details](/functions/).
###### global resource
A file within the assets directory, or within any directory [mounted](/hugo-modules/configuration/#module-configuration-mounts) to the assets directory. Capture one or more global resources using the [`resources.Get`], [`resources.GetMatch`], [`resources.Match`], or [`resources.ByType`] functions.
A string that represents a variable, method, object, or field. It must conform to Go's [language specification](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Identifiers), beginning with a letter or underscore, followed by zero or more letters, digits, or underscores.
Software design and development efforts that enable [localization](#localization). See the [W3C definition](https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-i18n). Abbreviated i18n.
An [interval](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_(mathematics)) is a range of numbers between two endpoints: closed, open, or half-open.
- A _closed_ interval, denoted by brackets, includes its endpoints. For example, [0, 1] is the interval where `0 <= x <= 1`.
- An _open_ interval, denoted by parentheses, excludes its endpoints. For example, (0, 1) is the interval where `0 < x < 1`.
- A _half-open_ interval includes only one of its endpoints. For example, (0, 1] is the _left-open_ interval where `0 < x <= 1`, while [0, 1) is the _right-open_ interval where `0 <= x < 1`.
A [page bundle](#page-bundle) with an index.md file and zero or more [resources](#resource). Analogous to a physical leaf, a leaf bundle is at the end of a branch. Hugo ignores content (but not resources) beneath the leaf bundle. See [details](/content-management/page-bundles/).
Any [page kind](#page-kind) that receives a page [collection](#collection) in [context](#context). This includes the home page, [section pages](#section-page), [taxonomy pages](#taxonomy-page), and [term pages](#term-page).
Adaptation of a site to meet language and regional requirements. This includes translations, language-specific media, date and currency formats, etc. See [details](/content-management/multilingual/) and the [W3C definition](https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-i18n). Abbreviated l10n.
A list of attributes, containing one or more key/value pairs, separated by spaces or commas, and wrapped by braces. Apply markdown attributes to images and block-level elements including blockquotes, fenced code blocks, headings, horizontal rules, lists, paragraphs, and tables. See [details](/getting-started/configuration-markup/#goldmark).
###### marshal
To transform a data structure into a serialized object. For example, transforming a [map](#map) into a JSON string. See [unmarshal](#unmarshal).
Used within a [template action](#template-action) and associated with an [object](#object), a method takes zero or more [arguments](#argument) and either returns a value or performs an action. For example, `.IsHome` is a method on the `.Page` object which returns `true` if the current page is the home page. See also [function](#function).
Like a [theme](#theme), a module is a packaged combination of [archetypes](#archetype), assets, content, data, [templates](#template), translation tables, static files, or configuration settings. A module may serve as the basis for a new site, or to augment an existing site. See [details](/hugo-modules/).
Created by invoking the [`Alphabetical`] or [`ByCount`] method on a [taxonomy object](#taxonomy-object), which is a [map](#map), an ordered taxonomy is a [slice](#slice), where each element is an object that contains the [term](#term) and a slice of its [weighted pages](#weighted-page).
A directory that encapsulates both content and associated [resources](#resource). There are two types of page bundles: [leaf bundles](#leaf-bundle) and [branch bundles](#branch-bundle). See [details](/content-management/page-bundles/).
A classification of pages, one of `home`, `page`, `section`, `taxonomy`, or `term`. See [details](/templates/section-templates/#page-kinds).
Note that there are also `RSS`, `sitemap`, `robotsTXT`, and `404` page kinds, but these are only available during the rendering of each of these respective page's kind and therefore *not* available in any of the `Pages` collections.
###### page resource
A file within a [page bundle](#page-bundle). Capture one or more page resources using any of the [`Resources`] methods on a `Page` object.
Typically, a user-defined key/value pair at the site or page level, but may also refer to a configuration setting or an [argument](#argument). See also [field](#field).
A [template](#template) called from any other template including [shortcodes](#shortcode), [render hooks](#render-hook), and other partials. A partial either renders something or returns something. A partial can also call itself, for example, to [walk](#walk) a data structure.
Within a [template action](#template-action), a pipeline is a possibly chained sequence of values, [function](#function) calls, or [method](#method) calls. Functions and methods in the pipeline may take multiple [arguments](#argument).
A pipeline may be *chained* by separating a sequence of commands with pipeline characters "|". In a chained pipeline, the result of each command is passed as the last argument to the following command. The output of the final command in the pipeline is the value of the pipeline. See the [Go documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/text/template#hdr-Pipelines) for details.
Any file consumed by the build process to augment or generate content, structure, behavior, or presentation. For example: images, videos, content snippets, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, and data.
Conceptually, a [map](#map) with [methods](#method) to set, get, update, and delete values. Attach the data structure to a `Page` object using the [`Scratch`] or [`Store`] methods, or created a locally scoped scratch pad using the [`newScratch`] function.
A top-level content directory, or any content directory with an _index.md file. A content directory with an _index.md file is also known as a [branch bundle](/getting-started/glossary/#branch-bundle). Section templates receive one or more page [collections](#collection) in [context](#context). See [details](/content-management/sections/).
Content with the "section" [page kind](#page-kind). Typically a listing of [regular pages](#regular-page) and/or [section pages](#section-page) within the current [section](#section). See also [regular page](#regular-page).
A numbered sequence of elements. Unlike Go's [array](#array) data type, slices are dynamically sized. [Elements](#element) within a slice can be [scalars](#scalar), [arrays](#array), [maps](#map), pages, or other slices. See the [Go documentation](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Slice_types) for details.
Defined in front matter and unique to each taxonomy, this [weight](#weight) determines the sort order of page collections contained within a [taxonomy object](#taxonomy-object). See [details](/templates/taxonomy-templates/#assign-weight).
A group of related [terms](#term) used to classify content. For example, a "colors" taxonomy might include the terms "red", "green", and "blue". See [details](/content-management/taxonomies/).
A file with [template actions](#template-action), located within the layouts directory of a project, theme, or module. See [details](/templates/).
A data evaluation or control structure within a [template](#template), delimited by "{{" and "}}". See the [Go documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/text/template#hdr-Actions) for details.
Content with the "term" [page kind](#page-kind). Typically a listing of [regular pages](#regular-page) and [section pages](#section-page) with a given [term](#term).
A packaged combination of [archetypes](#archetype), assets, content, data, [templates](#template), translation tables, static files, or configuration settings. A theme may serve as the basis for a new site, or to augment an existing site. See also [module](#module).
An identifier within a format string, beginning with a colon and replaced with a value when rendered. For example, use tokens in format strings for both [permalinks](/content-management/urls/#permalinks) and [dates](/functions/time/format/#localization).
To transform a serialized object into a data structure. For example, transforming a JSON file into a [map](#map) that you can access within a template. See [marshal](#marshal).
A user-defined [identifier](#identifier) prefaced with a `$` symbol, representing a value of any data type, initialized or assigned within a [template action](#template-action). For example, `$foo` and `$bar` are variables.
Used to position an element within a collection sorted by weight. Assign weights using non-zero integers. Lighter items float to the top, while heavier items sink to the bottom. Unweighted or zero-weighted elements are placed at the end of the collection. Weights are typically assigned to pages, menu entries, languages, and output formats.
###### weighted page
Contained within a [taxonomy object](#taxonomy-object), a weighted page is a [map](#map) with two elements: a `Page` object, and its [taxonomic weight](#taxonomic-weight) as defined in front matter. Access the elements using the `Page` and `Weight` keys.