description: If you know how to create a single page template, you have unlimited options for creating a custom 404.
date: 2017-02-01
publishdate: 2017-02-01
lastmod: 2017-03-31
categories: [templates]
keywords: [404, page not found]
parent: "templates"
weight: 120
weight: 120 #rem
draft: false
aliases: []
toc: false
When using Hugo with [GitHub Pages](, you can provide your own template for a [custom 404 error page]( by creating a 404.html template file in your `/layouts` folder. When Hugo generates your site, the `404.html` file will be placed in the root.
404 pages will have all the regular [page variables][pagevars] available to use in the templates.
In addition to the standard page variables, the 404 page has access to all site content accessible from `.Pages`.
Your 404.html file can be set to load automatically when a visitor enters a mistaken URL path, dependent upon the web serving environment you are using. For example:
* [GitHub Pages](/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-github/) and [GitLab Pages](/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-gitlab/). The 404 page is automatic.
* Nginx. You might specify `error_page 404 /404.html;` in your `nginx.conf` file. [Details here](
* Amazon CloudFront. You can specify the page in the Error Pages section in the CloudFront Console. [Details here](
* Caddy Server. Use the `handle_errors` directive to specify error pages for one or more status codes. [Details here](
* Netlify. Add `/* /404.html 404` to `content/_redirects`. [Details Here](
* Azure Static website. You can specify the `Error document path` in the Static website configuration page of the Azure portal. [More details are available in the Static website documentation](
* DigitalOcean App Platform. You can specify `error_document` in your app specification file or use control panel to set up error document. [Details here](