In this example, `first-post` is a page bundle with access to 10 page resources including audio, data, documents, images, and video. Although `second-post` is also a page bundle, it has no page resources and is unable to directly access the page resources associated with `first-post`.
: The main type of the resource's [Media Type](/templates/output-formats/#media-types). For example, a file of MIME type `image/jpeg` has the ResourceType `image`. A `Page` will have `ResourceType` with value `page`.
: The main type of the resource's MIME type. For example, a file of MIME type `application/pdf` has for MainType `application`.
: The subtype of the resource's MIME type. For example, a file of MIME type `application/pdf` has for SubType `pdf`. Note that this is not the same as the file extension - PowerPoint files have a subtype of `vnd.mspowerpoint`.
: A slice of possible suffixes for the resource's MIME type.
: Returns all the page resources (as a slice) whose `Name` matches the given Glob pattern ([examples]( The matching is case-insensitive.
The page resources' metadata is managed from the corresponding page's front matter with an array/table parameter named `resources`. You can batch assign values using [wildcards](
-`sunset.jpg` will receive a new `Name` and can now be found with `.GetMatch "header"`.
-`documents/photo_specs.pdf` will get the `photo` icon.
-`documents/checklist.pdf`, `documents/guide.pdf` and `documents/payment.docx` will get `Title` as set by `title`.
- Every `PDF` in the bundle except `documents/photo_specs.pdf` will get the `pdf` icon.
- All `PDF` files will get a new `Name`. The `name` parameter contains a special placeholder [`:counter`](#the-counter-placeholder-in-name-and-title), so the `Name` will be `pdf-file-1`, `pdf-file-2`, `pdf-file-3`.
- Every docx in the bundle will receive the `word` icon.
The __order matters__ --- Only the **first set** values of the `title`, `name` and `params`-**keys** will be used. Consecutive parameters will be set only for the ones not already set. In the above example, `.Params.icon` is first set to `"photo"` in `src = "documents/photo_specs.pdf"`. So that would not get overridden to `"pdf"` by the later set `src = "**.pdf"` rule.
### The `:counter` placeholder in `name` and `title`
The `:counter` is a special placeholder recognized in `name` and `title` parameters `resources`.
The counter starts at 1 the first time they are used in either `name` or `title`.
For example, if a bundle has the resources `photo_specs.pdf`, `other_specs.pdf`, `guide.pdf` and `checklist.pdf`, and the front matter has specified the `resources` as:
src = "*specs.pdf"
title = "Specification #:counter"
src = "**.pdf"
name = "pdf-file-:counter"
the `Name` and `Title` will be assigned to the resource files as follows: