description: Hugo boasts blistering speed, robust content management, and a powerful templating language making it a great fit for all kinds of static websites.
date: 2017-02-01
publishdate: 2017-02-01
lastmod: 2017-02-01
parent: "about"
weight: 20
weight: 20
sections_weight: 20
draft: false
toc: true
## General
* [Extremely fast][] build times (< 1 ms per page)
* Completely cross platform, with [easy installation][install] on macOS, Linux, Windows, and more
* Renders changes on the fly with [LiveReload][] as you develop
* [Powerful theming][]
* [Host your site anywhere][hostanywhere]
## Organization
* Straightforward [organization for your projects][], including website sections
* Customizable [URLs][]
* Support for configurable [taxonomies][], including categories and tags
* [Sort content][] as you desire through powerful template [functions][]
* Automatic [table of contents][] generation
* [Dynamic menu][] creation
* [Pretty URLs][] support
* [Permalink][] pattern support
* Redirects via [aliases][]
## Content
* Native Markdown and Emacs Org-Mode support, as well as other languages via *external helpers* (see [supported formats][])
* TOML, YAML, and JSON metadata support in [front matter][]
* Customizable [homepage][]
* Multiple [content types][]
* Automatic and user defined [content summaries][]
* [Shortcodes][] to enable rich content inside of Markdown
* ["Minutes to Read"][pagevars] functionality
* ["Wordcount"][pagevars] functionality
## Additional Features
* Integrated [Disqus][] comment support
* Integrated [Google Analytics][] support
* Automatic [RSS][] creation
* Support for [Go][], [Amber], and [Ace][] HTML templates