All contributions to Hugo are welcome. Whether you want to scratch an itch or simply contribute to the project, feel free to pick something from the [roadmap]({{< relref "meta/" >}}) or contact the dev team via the [Forums]( or [Gitter]( about what may make sense to do next.
* Run `make check` and ensure it succeeds. [Travis CI]( and [Appveyor]( will runs these checks and fail the build if `make check` fails.
We wrote a [detailed guide]({{< relref "tutorials/" >}}) for newcomers that guides you step by step to your first contribution. If you are more experienced, follow the guide below.
First, make sure that you created a [fork]( of Hugo on GitHub and cloned your fork on your local computer. Next, create a separate branch for your additions:
# You can choose a different descriptive branch name if you like
git checkout -b showcase-addition
Let's create a new document that contains some metadata of your homepage. Replace `example` in the following examples with something unique like the name of your website. Inside the terminal enter the following commands:
cd docs
hugo new showcase/
You should find the new file at `content/showcase/`. Open it in an editor. The file should contain a frontmatter with predefined variables like below:
date: 2016-02-12T21:01:18+01:00
description: ""
license: ""
licenseLink: ""
- personal
- blog
thumbnail: /img/spf13-tn.jpg
title: example
Add at least values for `sitelink`, `title`, `description` and a path for `thumbnail`.
Furthermore, we need to create the thumbnail of your website. **It's important that the thumbnail has the required dimensions of 600px by 400px.** Give your thumbnail a name like `example-tn.png`. Save it under `docs/static/img/`.
Check a last time that everything works as expected. Start Hugo's built-in server in order to inspect your local copy of the showcase in the browser:
hugo server
If everything looks fine, we are ready to commit your additions. For the sake of best practices, please make sure that your commit follows our [code contribution guideline](