Hugo also ships with an internal template for [Disqus comments][disqus], a popular commenting system for both static and dynamic websites. In order to effectively use Disqus, you will need to secure a Disqus "shortname" by [signing up for the free service][disqussignup].
### Configure Disqus
To use Hugo's Disqus template, you first need to set a single value in your site's `config.toml` or `config.yml`:
Users have noticed that enabling Disqus comments when running the Hugo web server on `localhost` (i.e. via `hugo server`) causes the creation of unwanted discussions on the associated Disqus account.
You can create the following `layouts/partials/disqus.html`:
An internal template for the [Open Graph protocol](, metadata that enables a page to become a rich object in a social graph.
This format is used for Facebook and some other sites.
### Configure Open Graph
Hugo's Open Graph template is configured using a mix of configuration variables and [front-matter](/content-management/front-matter/) on individual pages.
If using YouTube this will produce a og:video tag like `<meta property="og:video" content="url">`. If using a YouTube link make sure this is in **** not __
An internal template for [Twitter Cards](,
metadata used to attach rich media to Tweets linking to your site.
### Configure Twitter Cards
Hugo's Twitter Card template is configured using a mix of configuration variables and [front-matter](/content-management/front-matter/) on individual pages.
images = ["site-feature-image.jpg"]
description = "Text about my cool site"
title = "Post title"
description = "Text about this post"
images = ["post-cover.png"]
If `images` aren't specified in the page front-matter, then hugo searches for [image page resources](/content-management/image-processing/) with `feature`, `cover`, or `thumbnail` in their name.
If no image resources with those names are found, the images defined in the [site config](getting-started/configuration/) are used instead.
If no images are found at all, then an image-less Twitter `summary` card is used instead of `summary_large_image`.
Hugo uses the page title and description for the card's title and description fields. The page summary is used if no description is given.
### Use the Twitter Cards Template
To add Twitter card metadata, include the following line between the `<head>` tags in your templates: