Process processes the image with the given specification. The specification can contain an optional action, one of `resize`, `crop`, `fit` or `fill`. This means that you can use this method instead of [`Resize`], [`Fit`], [`Fill`], or [`Crop`].
When using the [`Crop`] or [`Fill`] method, the _anchor_ determines the placement of the crop box. You may specify `TopLeft`, `Top`, `TopRight`, `Left`, `Center`, `Right`, `BottomLeft`, `Bottom`, `BottomRight`, or `Smart`.
By default, Hugo encodes the image in the source format. You may convert the image to another format by specifying `bmp`, `gif`, `jpeg`, `jpg`, `png`, `tif`, `tiff`, or `webp`.
To improve performance and decrease cache size, Hugo excludes the following tags: `ColorSpace`, `Contrast`, `Exif`, `Exposure[M|P|B]`, `Flash`, `GPS`, `JPEG`, `Metering`, `Resolution`, `Saturation`, `Sensing`, `Sharp`, and `WhiteBalance`.