2015-05-04 15:53:29 +08:00

697 lines
24 KiB
Executable file

// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE
// Glue code between CodeMirror and Tern.
// Create a CodeMirror.TernServer to wrap an actual Tern server,
// register open documents (CodeMirror.Doc instances) with it, and
// call its methods to activate the assisting functions that Tern
// provides.
// Options supported (all optional):
// * defs: An array of JSON definition data structures.
// * plugins: An object mapping plugin names to configuration
// options.
// * getFile: A function(name, c) that can be used to access files in
// the project that haven't been loaded yet. Simply do c(null) to
// indicate that a file is not available.
// * fileFilter: A function(value, docName, doc) that will be applied
// to documents before passing them on to Tern.
// * switchToDoc: A function(name, doc) that should, when providing a
// multi-file view, switch the view or focus to the named file.
// * showError: A function(editor, message) that can be used to
// override the way errors are displayed.
// * completionTip: Customize the content in tooltips for completions.
// Is passed a single argument—the completion's data as returned by
// Tern—and may return a string, DOM node, or null to indicate that
// no tip should be shown. By default the docstring is shown.
// * typeTip: Like completionTip, but for the tooltips shown for type
// queries.
// * responseFilter: A function(doc, query, request, error, data) that
// will be applied to the Tern responses before treating them
// It is possible to run the Tern server in a web worker by specifying
// these additional options:
// * useWorker: Set to true to enable web worker mode. You'll probably
// want to feature detect the actual value you use here, for example
// !!window.Worker.
// * workerScript: The main script of the worker. Point this to
// wherever you are hosting worker.js from this directory.
// * workerDeps: An array of paths pointing (relative to workerScript)
// to the Acorn and Tern libraries and any Tern plugins you want to
// load. Or, if you minified those into a single script and included
// them in the workerScript, simply leave this undefined.
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
// declare global: tern
CodeMirror.TernServer = function(options) {
var self = this;
this.options = options || {};
var plugins = this.options.plugins || (this.options.plugins = {});
if (!plugins.doc_comment) plugins.doc_comment = true;
if (this.options.useWorker) {
this.server = new WorkerServer(this);
} else {
this.server = new tern.Server({
getFile: function(name, c) { return getFile(self, name, c); },
async: true,
defs: this.options.defs || [],
plugins: plugins
this.docs = Object.create(null);
this.trackChange = function(doc, change) { trackChange(self, doc, change); };
this.cachedArgHints = null;
this.activeArgHints = null;
this.jumpStack = [];
this.getHint = function(cm, c) { return hint(self, cm, c); };
this.getHint.async = true;
CodeMirror.TernServer.prototype = {
addDoc: function(name, doc) {
var data = {doc: doc, name: name, changed: null};
this.server.addFile(name, docValue(this, data));
CodeMirror.on(doc, "change", this.trackChange);
return this.docs[name] = data;
delDoc: function(id) {
var found = resolveDoc(this, id);
if (!found) return;
CodeMirror.off(found.doc, "change", this.trackChange);
delete this.docs[found.name];
hideDoc: function(id) {
var found = resolveDoc(this, id);
if (found && found.changed) sendDoc(this, found);
complete: function(cm) {
cm.showHint({hint: this.getHint});
showType: function(cm, pos, c) { showContextInfo(this, cm, pos, "type", c); },
showDocs: function(cm, pos, c) { showContextInfo(this, cm, pos, "documentation", c); },
updateArgHints: function(cm) { updateArgHints(this, cm); },
jumpToDef: function(cm) { jumpToDef(this, cm); },
jumpBack: function(cm) { jumpBack(this, cm); },
rename: function(cm) { rename(this, cm); },
selectName: function(cm) { selectName(this, cm); },
request: function (cm, query, c, pos) {
var self = this;
var doc = findDoc(this, cm.getDoc());
var request = buildRequest(this, doc, query, pos);
this.server.request(request, function (error, data) {
if (!error && self.options.responseFilter)
data = self.options.responseFilter(doc, query, request, error, data);
c(error, data);
destroy: function () {
if (this.worker) {
this.worker = null;
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
var cls = "CodeMirror-Tern-";
var bigDoc = 250;
function getFile(ts, name, c) {
var buf = ts.docs[name];
if (buf)
c(docValue(ts, buf));
else if (ts.options.getFile)
ts.options.getFile(name, c);
function findDoc(ts, doc, name) {
for (var n in ts.docs) {
var cur = ts.docs[n];
if (cur.doc == doc) return cur;
if (!name) for (var i = 0;; ++i) {
n = "[doc" + (i || "") + "]";
if (!ts.docs[n]) { name = n; break; }
return ts.addDoc(name, doc);
function resolveDoc(ts, id) {
if (typeof id == "string") return ts.docs[id];
if (id instanceof CodeMirror) id = id.getDoc();
if (id instanceof CodeMirror.Doc) return findDoc(ts, id);
function trackChange(ts, doc, change) {
var data = findDoc(ts, doc);
var argHints = ts.cachedArgHints;
if (argHints && argHints.doc == doc && cmpPos(argHints.start, change.to) <= 0)
ts.cachedArgHints = null;
var changed = data.changed;
if (changed == null)
data.changed = changed = {from: change.from.line, to: change.from.line};
var end = change.from.line + (change.text.length - 1);
if (change.from.line < changed.to) changed.to = changed.to - (change.to.line - end);
if (end >= changed.to) changed.to = end + 1;
if (changed.from > change.from.line) changed.from = change.from.line;
if (doc.lineCount() > bigDoc && change.to - changed.from > 100) setTimeout(function() {
if (data.changed && data.changed.to - data.changed.from > 100) sendDoc(ts, data);
}, 200);
function sendDoc(ts, doc) {
ts.server.request({files: [{type: "full", name: doc.name, text: docValue(ts, doc)}]}, function(error) {
if (error) window.console.error(error);
else doc.changed = null;
// Completion
function hint(ts, cm, c) {
ts.request(cm, {type: "completions", types: true, docs: true, urls: true}, function(error, data) {
if (error) return showError(ts, cm, error);
var completions = [], after = "";
var from = data.start, to = data.end;
if (cm.getRange(Pos(from.line, from.ch - 2), from) == "[\"" &&
cm.getRange(to, Pos(to.line, to.ch + 2)) != "\"]")
after = "\"]";
for (var i = 0; i < data.completions.length; ++i) {
var completion = data.completions[i], className = typeToIcon(completion.type);
if (data.guess) className += " " + cls + "guess";
completions.push({text: completion.name + after,
displayText: completion.name,
className: className,
data: completion});
var obj = {from: from, to: to, list: completions};
var tooltip = null;
CodeMirror.on(obj, "close", function() { remove(tooltip); });
CodeMirror.on(obj, "update", function() { remove(tooltip); });
CodeMirror.on(obj, "select", function(cur, node) {
var content = ts.options.completionTip ? ts.options.completionTip(cur.data) : cur.data.doc;
if (content) {
tooltip = makeTooltip(node.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().right + window.pageXOffset,
node.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset, content);
tooltip.className += " " + cls + "hint-doc";
function typeToIcon(type) {
var suffix;
if (type == "?") suffix = "unknown";
else if (type == "number" || type == "string" || type == "bool") suffix = type;
else if (/^fn\(/.test(type)) suffix = "fn";
else if (/^\[/.test(type)) suffix = "array";
else suffix = "object";
return cls + "completion " + cls + "completion-" + suffix;
// Type queries
function showContextInfo(ts, cm, pos, queryName, c) {
ts.request(cm, queryName, function(error, data) {
if (error) return showError(ts, cm, error);
if (ts.options.typeTip) {
var tip = ts.options.typeTip(data);
} else {
var tip = elt("span", null, elt("strong", null, data.type || "not found"));
if (data.doc)
tip.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" — " + data.doc));
if (data.url) {
tip.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
var child = tip.appendChild(elt("a", null, "[docs]"));
child.href = data.url;
child.target = "_blank";
tempTooltip(cm, tip);
if (c) c();
}, pos);
// Maintaining argument hints
function updateArgHints(ts, cm) {
if (cm.somethingSelected()) return;
var state = cm.getTokenAt(cm.getCursor()).state;
var inner = CodeMirror.innerMode(cm.getMode(), state);
if (inner.mode.name != "javascript") return;
var lex = inner.state.lexical;
if (lex.info != "call") return;
var ch, argPos = lex.pos || 0, tabSize = cm.getOption("tabSize");
for (var line = cm.getCursor().line, e = Math.max(0, line - 9), found = false; line >= e; --line) {
var str = cm.getLine(line), extra = 0;
for (var pos = 0;;) {
var tab = str.indexOf("\t", pos);
if (tab == -1) break;
extra += tabSize - (tab + extra) % tabSize - 1;
pos = tab + 1;
ch = lex.column - extra;
if (str.charAt(ch) == "(") {found = true; break;}
if (!found) return;
var start = Pos(line, ch);
var cache = ts.cachedArgHints;
if (cache && cache.doc == cm.getDoc() && cmpPos(start, cache.start) == 0)
return showArgHints(ts, cm, argPos);
ts.request(cm, {type: "type", preferFunction: true, end: start}, function(error, data) {
if (error || !data.type || !(/^fn\(/).test(data.type)) return;
ts.cachedArgHints = {
start: pos,
type: parseFnType(data.type),
name: data.exprName || data.name || "fn",
guess: data.guess,
doc: cm.getDoc()
showArgHints(ts, cm, argPos);
function showArgHints(ts, cm, pos) {
var cache = ts.cachedArgHints, tp = cache.type;
var tip = elt("span", cache.guess ? cls + "fhint-guess" : null,
elt("span", cls + "fname", cache.name), "(");
for (var i = 0; i < tp.args.length; ++i) {
if (i) tip.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", "));
var arg = tp.args[i];
tip.appendChild(elt("span", cls + "farg" + (i == pos ? " " + cls + "farg-current" : ""), arg.name || "?"));
if (arg.type != "?") {
tip.appendChild(elt("span", cls + "type", arg.type));
tip.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tp.rettype ? ") ->\u00a0" : ")"));
if (tp.rettype) tip.appendChild(elt("span", cls + "type", tp.rettype));
var place = cm.cursorCoords(null, "page");
ts.activeArgHints = makeTooltip(place.right + 1, place.bottom, tip);
function parseFnType(text) {
var args = [], pos = 3;
function skipMatching(upto) {
var depth = 0, start = pos;
for (;;) {
var next = text.charAt(pos);
if (upto.test(next) && !depth) return text.slice(start, pos);
if (/[{\[\(]/.test(next)) ++depth;
else if (/[}\]\)]/.test(next)) --depth;
// Parse arguments
if (text.charAt(pos) != ")") for (;;) {
var name = text.slice(pos).match(/^([^, \(\[\{]+): /);
if (name) {
pos += name[0].length;
name = name[1];
args.push({name: name, type: skipMatching(/[\),]/)});
if (text.charAt(pos) == ")") break;
pos += 2;
var rettype = text.slice(pos).match(/^\) -> (.*)$/);
return {args: args, rettype: rettype && rettype[1]};
// Moving to the definition of something
function jumpToDef(ts, cm) {
function inner(varName) {
var req = {type: "definition", variable: varName || null};
var doc = findDoc(ts, cm.getDoc());
ts.server.request(buildRequest(ts, doc, req), function(error, data) {
if (error) return showError(ts, cm, error);
if (!data.file && data.url) { window.open(data.url); return; }
if (data.file) {
var localDoc = ts.docs[data.file], found;
if (localDoc && (found = findContext(localDoc.doc, data))) {
ts.jumpStack.push({file: doc.name,
start: cm.getCursor("from"),
end: cm.getCursor("to")});
moveTo(ts, doc, localDoc, found.start, found.end);
showError(ts, cm, "Could not find a definition.");
if (!atInterestingExpression(cm))
dialog(cm, "Jump to variable", function(name) { if (name) inner(name); });
function jumpBack(ts, cm) {
var pos = ts.jumpStack.pop(), doc = pos && ts.docs[pos.file];
if (!doc) return;
moveTo(ts, findDoc(ts, cm.getDoc()), doc, pos.start, pos.end);
function moveTo(ts, curDoc, doc, start, end) {
doc.doc.setSelection(start, end);
if (curDoc != doc && ts.options.switchToDoc) {
ts.options.switchToDoc(doc.name, doc.doc);
// The {line,ch} representation of positions makes this rather awkward.
function findContext(doc, data) {
var before = data.context.slice(0, data.contextOffset).split("\n");
var startLine = data.start.line - (before.length - 1);
var start = Pos(startLine, (before.length == 1 ? data.start.ch : doc.getLine(startLine).length) - before[0].length);
var text = doc.getLine(startLine).slice(start.ch);
for (var cur = startLine + 1; cur < doc.lineCount() && text.length < data.context.length; ++cur)
text += "\n" + doc.getLine(cur);
if (text.slice(0, data.context.length) == data.context) return data;
var cursor = doc.getSearchCursor(data.context, 0, false);
var nearest, nearestDist = Infinity;
while (cursor.findNext()) {
var from = cursor.from(), dist = Math.abs(from.line - start.line) * 10000;
if (!dist) dist = Math.abs(from.ch - start.ch);
if (dist < nearestDist) { nearest = from; nearestDist = dist; }
if (!nearest) return null;
if (before.length == 1)
nearest.ch += before[0].length;
nearest = Pos(nearest.line + (before.length - 1), before[before.length - 1].length);
if (data.start.line == data.end.line)
var end = Pos(nearest.line, nearest.ch + (data.end.ch - data.start.ch));
var end = Pos(nearest.line + (data.end.line - data.start.line), data.end.ch);
return {start: nearest, end: end};
function atInterestingExpression(cm) {
var pos = cm.getCursor("end"), tok = cm.getTokenAt(pos);
if (tok.start < pos.ch && (tok.type == "comment" || tok.type == "string")) return false;
return /[\w)\]]/.test(cm.getLine(pos.line).slice(Math.max(pos.ch - 1, 0), pos.ch + 1));
// Variable renaming
function rename(ts, cm) {
var token = cm.getTokenAt(cm.getCursor());
if (!/\w/.test(token.string)) return showError(ts, cm, "Not at a variable");
dialog(cm, "New name for " + token.string, function(newName) {
ts.request(cm, {type: "rename", newName: newName, fullDocs: true}, function(error, data) {
if (error) return showError(ts, cm, error);
applyChanges(ts, data.changes);
function selectName(ts, cm) {
var name = findDoc(ts, cm.doc).name;
ts.request(cm, {type: "refs"}, function(error, data) {
if (error) return showError(ts, cm, error);
var ranges = [], cur = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.refs.length; i++) {
var ref = data.refs[i];
if (ref.file == name) {
ranges.push({anchor: ref.start, head: ref.end});
if (cmpPos(cur, ref.start) >= 0 && cmpPos(cur, ref.end) <= 0)
cur = ranges.length - 1;
cm.setSelections(ranges, cur);
var nextChangeOrig = 0;
function applyChanges(ts, changes) {
var perFile = Object.create(null);
for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; ++i) {
var ch = changes[i];
(perFile[ch.file] || (perFile[ch.file] = [])).push(ch);
for (var file in perFile) {
var known = ts.docs[file], chs = perFile[file];;
if (!known) continue;
chs.sort(function(a, b) { return cmpPos(b.start, a.start); });
var origin = "*rename" + (++nextChangeOrig);
for (var i = 0; i < chs.length; ++i) {
var ch = chs[i];
known.doc.replaceRange(ch.text, ch.start, ch.end, origin);
// Generic request-building helper
function buildRequest(ts, doc, query, pos) {
var files = [], offsetLines = 0, allowFragments = !query.fullDocs;
if (!allowFragments) delete query.fullDocs;
if (typeof query == "string") query = {type: query};
query.lineCharPositions = true;
if (query.end == null) {
query.end = pos || doc.doc.getCursor("end");
if (doc.doc.somethingSelected())
query.start = doc.doc.getCursor("start");
var startPos = query.start || query.end;
if (doc.changed) {
if (doc.doc.lineCount() > bigDoc && allowFragments !== false &&
doc.changed.to - doc.changed.from < 100 &&
doc.changed.from <= startPos.line && doc.changed.to > query.end.line) {
files.push(getFragmentAround(doc, startPos, query.end));
query.file = "#0";
var offsetLines = files[0].offsetLines;
if (query.start != null) query.start = Pos(query.start.line - -offsetLines, query.start.ch);
query.end = Pos(query.end.line - offsetLines, query.end.ch);
} else {
files.push({type: "full",
name: doc.name,
text: docValue(ts, doc)});
query.file = doc.name;
doc.changed = null;
} else {
query.file = doc.name;
for (var name in ts.docs) {
var cur = ts.docs[name];
if (cur.changed && cur != doc) {
files.push({type: "full", name: cur.name, text: docValue(ts, cur)});
cur.changed = null;
return {query: query, files: files};
function getFragmentAround(data, start, end) {
var doc = data.doc;
var minIndent = null, minLine = null, endLine, tabSize = 4;
for (var p = start.line - 1, min = Math.max(0, p - 50); p >= min; --p) {
var line = doc.getLine(p), fn = line.search(/\bfunction\b/);
if (fn < 0) continue;
var indent = CodeMirror.countColumn(line, null, tabSize);
if (minIndent != null && minIndent <= indent) continue;
minIndent = indent;
minLine = p;
if (minLine == null) minLine = min;
var max = Math.min(doc.lastLine(), end.line + 20);
if (minIndent == null || minIndent == CodeMirror.countColumn(doc.getLine(start.line), null, tabSize))
endLine = max;
else for (endLine = end.line + 1; endLine < max; ++endLine) {
var indent = CodeMirror.countColumn(doc.getLine(endLine), null, tabSize);
if (indent <= minIndent) break;
var from = Pos(minLine, 0);
return {type: "part",
name: data.name,
offsetLines: from.line,
text: doc.getRange(from, Pos(endLine, 0))};
// Generic utilities
var cmpPos = CodeMirror.cmpPos;
function elt(tagname, cls /*, ... elts*/) {
var e = document.createElement(tagname);
if (cls) e.className = cls;
for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
var elt = arguments[i];
if (typeof elt == "string") elt = document.createTextNode(elt);
return e;
function dialog(cm, text, f) {
if (cm.openDialog)
cm.openDialog(text + ": <input type=text>", f);
f(prompt(text, ""));
// Tooltips
function tempTooltip(cm, content) {
if (cm.state.ternTooltip) remove(cm.state.ternTooltip);
var where = cm.cursorCoords();
var tip = cm.state.ternTooltip = makeTooltip(where.right + 1, where.bottom, content);
function maybeClear() {
old = true;
if (!mouseOnTip) clear();
function clear() {
cm.state.ternTooltip = null;
if (!tip.parentNode) return;
cm.off("cursorActivity", clear);
cm.off('blur', clear);
cm.off('scroll', clear);
var mouseOnTip = false, old = false;
CodeMirror.on(tip, "mousemove", function() { mouseOnTip = true; });
CodeMirror.on(tip, "mouseout", function(e) {
if (!CodeMirror.contains(tip, e.relatedTarget || e.toElement)) {
if (old) clear();
else mouseOnTip = false;
setTimeout(maybeClear, 1700);
cm.on("cursorActivity", clear);
cm.on('blur', clear);
cm.on('scroll', clear);
function makeTooltip(x, y, content) {
var node = elt("div", cls + "tooltip", content);
node.style.left = x + "px";
node.style.top = y + "px";
return node;
function remove(node) {
var p = node && node.parentNode;
if (p) p.removeChild(node);
function fadeOut(tooltip) {
tooltip.style.opacity = "0";
setTimeout(function() { remove(tooltip); }, 1100);
function showError(ts, cm, msg) {
if (ts.options.showError)
ts.options.showError(cm, msg);
tempTooltip(cm, String(msg));
function closeArgHints(ts) {
if (ts.activeArgHints) { remove(ts.activeArgHints); ts.activeArgHints = null; }
function docValue(ts, doc) {
var val = doc.doc.getValue();
if (ts.options.fileFilter) val = ts.options.fileFilter(val, doc.name, doc.doc);
return val;
// Worker wrapper
function WorkerServer(ts) {
var worker = ts.worker = new Worker(ts.options.workerScript);
worker.postMessage({type: "init",
defs: ts.options.defs,
plugins: ts.options.plugins,
scripts: ts.options.workerDeps});
var msgId = 0, pending = {};
function send(data, c) {
if (c) {
data.id = ++msgId;
pending[msgId] = c;
worker.onmessage = function(e) {
var data = e.data;
if (data.type == "getFile") {
getFile(ts, data.name, function(err, text) {
send({type: "getFile", err: String(err), text: text, id: data.id});
} else if (data.type == "debug") {
} else if (data.id && pending[data.id]) {
pending[data.id](data.err, data.body);
delete pending[data.id];
worker.onerror = function(e) {
for (var id in pending) pending[id](e);
pending = {};
this.addFile = function(name, text) { send({type: "add", name: name, text: text}); };
this.delFile = function(name) { send({type: "del", name: name}); };
this.request = function(body, c) { send({type: "req", body: body}, c); };