Sheogorath efa490a50f
Add config option for report URI in CSP
This option is needed as it's currently not possible to add an report
URI by the directives array. This option also allows to get CSP reports
not only on docker based setup but also on our heroku instances.

Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
2018-03-14 17:57:41 +01:00

138 lines
3 KiB

'use strict'
module.exports = {
domain: '',
urlpath: '',
port: 3000,
urladdport: false,
alloworigin: ['localhost'],
usessl: false,
hsts: {
enable: true,
maxAgeSeconds: 31536000,
includeSubdomains: true,
preload: true
csp: {
enable: true,
directives: {
addDefaults: true,
upgradeInsecureRequests: 'auto',
reportURI: undefined
protocolusessl: false,
usecdn: true,
allowanonymous: true,
allowanonymousedits: false,
allowfreeurl: false,
defaultpermission: 'editable',
dburl: '',
db: {},
// ssl path
sslkeypath: '',
sslcertpath: '',
sslcapath: '',
dhparampath: '',
// other path
tmppath: './tmp',
defaultnotepath: './public/default.md',
docspath: './public/docs',
indexpath: './public/views/index.ejs',
hackmdpath: './public/views/hackmd.ejs',
errorpath: './public/views/error.ejs',
prettypath: './public/views/pretty.ejs',
slidepath: './public/views/slide.ejs',
// session
sessionname: 'connect.sid',
sessionsecret: 'secret',
sessionlife: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 14 days
staticcachetime: 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 1 day
// socket.io
heartbeatinterval: 5000,
heartbeattimeout: 10000,
// document
documentmaxlength: 100000,
// image upload setting, available options are imgur/s3/filesystem
imageuploadtype: 'filesystem',
// legacy variable name for imageuploadtype
imageUploadType: undefined,
imgur: {
clientID: undefined
s3: {
accessKeyId: undefined,
secretAccessKey: undefined,
region: undefined
minio: {
accessKey: undefined,
secretKey: undefined,
endPoint: undefined,
secure: true,
port: 9000
s3bucket: undefined,
// authentication
facebook: {
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined
twitter: {
consumerKey: undefined,
consumerSecret: undefined
github: {
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined
gitlab: {
baseURL: undefined,
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined,
scope: undefined
mattermost: {
baseURL: undefined,
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined
dropbox: {
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined,
appKey: undefined
google: {
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined
ldap: {
providerName: undefined,
url: undefined,
bindDn: undefined,
bindCredentials: undefined,
searchBase: undefined,
searchFilter: undefined,
searchAttributes: undefined,
usernameField: undefined,
useridField: undefined,
tlsca: undefined
saml: {
idpSsoUrl: undefined,
idpCert: undefined,
issuer: undefined,
identifierFormat: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress',
groupAttribute: undefined,
externalGroups: [],
requiredGroups: [],
attribute: {
id: undefined,
username: undefined,
email: undefined
email: true,
allowemailregister: true,
allowpdfexport: true