Sheogorath 81e3d7bd00
Extend migration error handling
The current error handling seems to conflict with some sequelize
versions. So we add a second version of it in our excemptions.

I'm not happy about it, but when it helps to prevent further migration
breaking, it's worth it.

Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
2018-09-05 16:19:35 +01:00
20150702001020-update-to-0_3_1.js Extend migration error handling 2018-09-05 16:19:35 +01:00
20150915153700-change-notes-title-to-text.js fix: Other dialect duplicated add index problem 2017-03-28 15:28:33 +08:00
20160112220142-note-add-lastchange.js Extend migration error handling 2018-09-05 16:19:35 +01:00
20160420180355-note-add-alias.js Extend migration error handling 2018-09-05 16:19:35 +01:00
20160515114000-user-add-tokens.js Extend migration error handling 2018-09-05 16:19:35 +01:00
20160607060246-support-revision.js Extend migration error handling 2018-09-05 16:19:35 +01:00
20160703062241-support-authorship.js Extend migration error handling 2018-09-05 16:19:35 +01:00
20161009040430-support-delete-note.js Extend migration error handling 2018-09-05 16:19:35 +01:00
20161201050312-support-email-signin.js Extend migration error handling 2018-09-05 16:19:35 +01:00
20171009121200-longtext-for-mysql.js Fix typo of DB migration script 2018-02-08 10:15:05 +09:00
20180209120907-longtext-of-authorship.js Fix field type to prevent data truncation of authorship (#721) 2018-02-09 14:27:06 +01:00
20180306150303-fix-enum.js Add missing migration for permissions 2018-03-06 16:31:41 +01:00
20180326103000-use-text-in-tokens.js Use TEXT instead of STRING for tokens 2018-03-26 15:55:39 +02:00
20180525153000-user-add-delete-token.js Add token based security feature 2018-05-25 18:26:06 +02:00