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synced 2025-03-25 20:52:54 +00:00
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130 lines
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"Collaborative markdown notes": "Lankidetza-oharrak markdown formatuan",
"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Markdown-oharretan lagundu plataforma guztietan, denbora errealean.",
"Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.": "Markdown-a idazteko eta partekatzeko plataformarik onena.",
"Intro": "Sarrera",
"History": "Historia",
"New guest note": "Ohar berria gonbidatuentzat",
"Collaborate with URL": "Lankidetza denbora errealean",
"Support charts and MathJax": "Grafikoekin eta MathJax-ekin funtzionatzen du",
"Support slide mode": "Irristatzeko modua onartzen du",
"Sign In": "Hasi saioa",
"Below is the history from browser": "Hona hemen nabigatzaile honen historia",
"Welcome!": "Ongietorri!",
"New note": "Ohar berria",
"or": "edo",
"Sign Out": "Itxi saioa",
"Explore all features": "Funtzio guztiak aztertu",
"Select tags...": "Aukeratu etiketak…",
"Search keyword...": "Bilatu gako-hitza…",
"Sort by title": "Ordenatu tituluaren arabera",
"Title": "Titulua",
"Sort by time": "Denboraren arabera ordenatu",
"Time": "Denbora",
"Export history": "Historia esportatu",
"Import history": "Historia inportatu",
"Clear history": "Historia ezabatu",
"Refresh history": "Historia eguneratu",
"No history": "Ez dago historialik",
"Import from browser": "Inportatu nabigatzailetik",
"Releases": "Jaurtiketak",
"Are you sure?": "Ziur zaude?",
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Benetan ezabatu nahi duzu ohar hau?",
"All users will lose their connection.": "Erabiltzaile guztiek konexioa galduko dute.",
"Cancel": "Ezeztatu",
"Yes, do it!": "Bai, egizu!",
"Choose method": "Aukeratu metodoa",
"Sign in via %s": "Saioa %s bidez hasi",
"New": "Berria",
"Publish": "Argitaratu",
"Extra": "Estra",
"Revision": "Berrikuspena",
"Slide Mode": "Irristatzeko modua",
"Export": "Esportatu",
"Import": "Inportatu",
"Clipboard": "Paper-zorroak",
"Download": "Deskargatu",
"Raw HTML": "Prozesatu gabeko HTML",
"Edit": "Editatu",
"View": "Ikusmena",
"Both": "Biak",
"Help": "Laguntza",
"Upload Image": "Kargatu irudia",
"Menu": "Menua",
"This page need refresh": "Orrialde hau eguneratu egin behar da",
"You have an incompatible client version.": "Zure bezeroaren bertsioa bateraezina da.",
"Refresh to update.": "Freskatu eguneratzeko.",
"New version available!": "Bertsio berria eskuragarri!",
"See releases notes here": "Ikusi jaurtiketa-oharrak hemen",
"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Eguneratu funtzio berriez gozatzeko.",
"Your user state has changed.": "Zure erabiltzaile-egoera aldatu egin da.",
"Refresh to load new user state.": "Eguneratu erabiltzailearen egoera berria kargatzeko.",
"Refresh": "Eguneratu",
"Contacts": "Kontaktuak",
"Report an issue": "Arazo baten berri eman",
"Meet us on %s": "Aurki gaitzazu hemen %s",
"Send us email": "Bidal iezaguzu mezu elektroniko bat",
"Documents": "Dokumentuak",
"Features": "Ezaugarriak",
"YAML Metadata": "YAML metadatuak",
"Slide Example": "Diapositibaren adibidea",
"Cheatsheet": "Trikimailuen orria",
"Example": "Adibidea",
"Syntax": "Sintaxia",
"Header": "Goiburua",
"Unordered List": "Zerrenda desordenatua",
"Ordered List": "Zerrenda ordenatua",
"Todo List": "Egiaztapen-zerrenda",
"Blockquote": "Aipamena blokean",
"Bold font": "Letra lodia",
"Italics font": "Letra etzana",
"Strikethrough": "Zirriborratu",
"Inserted text": "Azpimarratutako testua",
"Marked text": "Nabarmendutako testua",
"Link": "Esteka",
"Image": "Irudia",
"Code": "Kodea",
"Externals": "Kanpokoak",
"This is a alert area.": "Hau alerta gune bat da.",
"Revert": "Alderantzikatu",
"Import from clipboard": "Inportatu paper-zorrotik",
"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Itsatsi hemen zure marka edo webgunea…",
"Clear": "Garbitu",
"This note is locked": "Ohar hau blokeatuta dago",
"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Sentitzen dugu, jabeak bakarrik editatu dezake ohar hau.",
"OK": "Ederki",
"Reach the limit": "Mugara iritsi",
"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Sentitzen dut, nota honek izan dezakeen luzera handienera iritsi da.",
"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Mesedez, laburtu oharra.",
"Import from Gist": "Gist-etik inportatu",
"Paste your gist url here...": "Itsatsi ezazu hemen zure gist esteka…",
"Import from Snippet": "Inportatu Snippetik",
"Select From Available Projects": "Hautatu eskuragarri dauden proiektuen artean",
"Select From Available Snippets": "Hautatu dauden Snippeten artean",
"OR": "EDO",
"Export to Snippet": "Esportatu Snippet-era",
"Select Visibility Level": "Hautatu ikuspen-maila",
"Night Theme": "Gai iluna",
"Follow us on %s and %s.": "Jarrai iezaguzu %s eta %s.",
"Privacy": "Pribatutasuna",
"Terms of Use": "Erabilera-baldintzak",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Benetan ezabatu nahi duzu zure erabiltzaile-kontua?",
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Horrek zure kontua eta zuri dagozkizun ohar guztiak ezabatuko ditu, eta zure kontuari egindako erreferentzia guztiak ezabatuko ditu beste ohar batzuetatik.",
"Delete user": "Ezabatu erabiltzailea",
"Export user data": "Erabiltzaileen datuak esportatu",
"Help us translating on %s": "Lagundu iezaguzu %s-en itzultzen",
"Source Code": "Iturri-kodea",
"Register": "Erregistratu",
"Powered by %s": "%s(e)k garatua",
"Help us translating": "Lagun iezaguzu itzultzen",
"Join the community": "Bat egin komunitatearekin",
"Imprint": "Inprimaketa",
"Freely - Anyone can edit": "Askatasunez - Edonork editatu dezake",
"Editable - Signed-in people can edit": "Editagarria - Erregistratutako pertsonek edita dezakete",
"Limited - Signed-in people can edit (forbid guests)": "Mugatua - Erregistratutako pertsonek edita dezakete (gonbidatuei debekatzen zaie)",
"Locked - Only owner can edit": "Blokeatuta - Jabeak bakarrik edita dezake",
"Protected - Only owner can edit (forbid guests)": "Babestua - Jabeak bakarrik edita dezake (gonbidatuei debekatzen zaie)",
"Private - Only owner can view & edit": "Pribatua - Jabeak bakarrik ikus eta edita dezake",
"changed": "aldatuta",
"created": "sortua"
} |