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mirror of https://github.com/hedgedoc/hedgedoc.git synced 2025-03-27 12:12:01 +00:00
2021-08-15 20:11:26 +02:00

113 lines
3.8 KiB

const config = require('./config')
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
const CspStrategy = {}
const defaultDirectives = {
defaultSrc: ['\'none\''],
baseUri: ['\'self\''],
connectSrc: ['\'self\''],
fontSrc: ['\'self\''],
manifestSrc: ['\'self\''],
frameSrc: ['\'self\'', 'https://player.vimeo.com', 'https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/', 'https://www.youtube.com'],
imgSrc: ['*'], // we allow using arbitrary images
scriptSrc: [
config.serverURL + '/build/',
config.serverURL + '/js/',
config.serverURL + '/config',
'\'unsafe-inline\'' // this is ignored by browsers supporting nonces/hashes
styleSrc: [config.serverURL + '/build/', config.serverURL + '/css/', '\'unsafe-inline\'', 'https://github.githubassets.com'], // unsafe-inline is required for some libs, plus used in views
objectSrc: ['*'], // Chrome PDF viewer treats PDFs as objects :/
formAction: ['\'self\''],
mediaSrc: ['*']
const disqusDirectives = {
scriptSrc: ['https://disqus.com', 'https://*.disqus.com', 'https://*.disquscdn.com'],
styleSrc: ['https://*.disquscdn.com'],
fontSrc: ['https://*.disquscdn.com']
const googleAnalyticsDirectives = {
scriptSrc: ['https://www.google-analytics.com']
const dropboxDirectives = {
scriptSrc: ['https://www.dropbox.com', '\'unsafe-inline\'']
const disallowFramingDirectives = {
frameAncestors: ['\'self\'']
const allowPDFEmbedDirectives = {
objectSrc: ['*'], // Chrome and Firefox treat PDFs as objects
frameSrc: ['*'] // Chrome also checks PDFs against frame-src
CspStrategy.computeDirectives = function () {
const directives = {}
mergeDirectives(directives, config.csp.directives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.csp.addDefaults, directives, defaultDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.csp.addDisqus, directives, disqusDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.csp.addGoogleAnalytics, directives, googleAnalyticsDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.dropbox.appKey, directives, dropboxDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(!config.csp.allowFraming, directives, disallowFramingDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.csp.allowPDFEmbed, directives, allowPDFEmbedDirectives)
return directives
function mergeDirectives (existingDirectives, newDirectives) {
for (const propertyName in newDirectives) {
const newDirective = newDirectives[propertyName]
if (newDirective) {
const existingDirective = existingDirectives[propertyName] || []
existingDirectives[propertyName] = existingDirective.concat(newDirective)
function mergeDirectivesIf (condition, existingDirectives, newDirectives) {
if (condition) {
mergeDirectives(existingDirectives, newDirectives)
function addInlineScriptExceptions (directives) {
// TODO: This is the SHA-256 hash of the inline script in build/reveal.js/plugins/notes/notes.html
// Any more clean solution appreciated.
function getCspNonce (req, res) {
return '\'nonce-' + res.locals.nonce + '\''
function addUpgradeUnsafeRequestsOptionTo (directives) {
if (config.csp.upgradeInsecureRequests === 'auto' && (config.useSSL || config.protocolUseSSL)) {
directives.upgradeInsecureRequests = []
} else if (config.csp.upgradeInsecureRequests === true) {
directives.upgradeInsecureRequests = []
function addReportURI (directives) {
if (config.csp.reportURI) {
directives.reportUri = config.csp.reportURI
CspStrategy.addNonceToLocals = function (req, res, next) {
res.locals.nonce = uuidv4()
module.exports = CspStrategy