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mirror of https://github.com/hedgedoc/hedgedoc.git synced 2025-03-26 23:06:25 +00:00
Erik Michelson 0093aa4783 Fix GitLab snippet export
The snippet export broke due to two reasons.
First of all, the request to GitLab fail in the
default configuration due to the CSP not being
set properly. This commit adds the configured
GitLab base url to the connect-src directives.
The second problem is a change in the GitLab API
spec. Instead of `code` and `file_name` the
GitLab API now requires an `files` array with
`content` and `file_path` entries per snippet.

Signed-off-by: Erik Michelson <github@erik.michelson.eu>
2022-04-10 21:24:30 +02:00

119 lines
4.1 KiB

const config = require('./config')
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
const { buildDomainOriginWithProtocol } = require('./config/buildDomainOriginWithProtocol')
const CspStrategy = {}
const defaultDirectives = {
defaultSrc: ['\'none\''],
baseUri: ['\'self\''],
connectSrc: ['\'self\'', buildDomainOriginWithProtocol(config, 'ws')],
fontSrc: ['\'self\''],
manifestSrc: ['\'self\''],
frameSrc: ['\'self\'', 'https://player.vimeo.com', 'https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/', 'https://www.youtube.com'],
imgSrc: ['*'], // we allow using arbitrary images
scriptSrc: [
config.serverURL + '/build/',
config.serverURL + '/js/',
config.serverURL + '/config',
'\'unsafe-inline\'' // this is ignored by browsers supporting nonces/hashes
styleSrc: [config.serverURL + '/build/', config.serverURL + '/css/', '\'unsafe-inline\'', 'https://github.githubassets.com'], // unsafe-inline is required for some libs, plus used in views
objectSrc: ['*'], // Chrome PDF viewer treats PDFs as objects :/
formAction: ['\'self\''],
mediaSrc: ['*']
const disqusDirectives = {
scriptSrc: ['https://disqus.com', 'https://*.disqus.com', 'https://*.disquscdn.com'],
styleSrc: ['https://*.disquscdn.com'],
fontSrc: ['https://*.disquscdn.com']
const googleAnalyticsDirectives = {
scriptSrc: ['https://www.google-analytics.com']
const dropboxDirectives = {
scriptSrc: ['https://www.dropbox.com', '\'unsafe-inline\'']
const disallowFramingDirectives = {
frameAncestors: ['\'self\'']
const allowPDFEmbedDirectives = {
objectSrc: ['*'], // Chrome and Firefox treat PDFs as objects
frameSrc: ['*'] // Chrome also checks PDFs against frame-src
const configuredGitLabInstanceDirectives = {
connectSrc: [config.gitlab.baseURL]
CspStrategy.computeDirectives = function () {
const directives = {}
mergeDirectives(directives, config.csp.directives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.csp.addDefaults, directives, defaultDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.csp.addDisqus, directives, disqusDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.csp.addGoogleAnalytics, directives, googleAnalyticsDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.dropbox.appKey, directives, dropboxDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(!config.csp.allowFraming, directives, disallowFramingDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.csp.allowPDFEmbed, directives, allowPDFEmbedDirectives)
mergeDirectivesIf(config.isGitlabSnippetsEnable, directives, configuredGitLabInstanceDirectives)
return directives
function mergeDirectives (existingDirectives, newDirectives) {
for (const propertyName in newDirectives) {
const newDirective = newDirectives[propertyName]
if (newDirective) {
const existingDirective = existingDirectives[propertyName] || []
existingDirectives[propertyName] = existingDirective.concat(newDirective)
function mergeDirectivesIf (condition, existingDirectives, newDirectives) {
if (condition) {
mergeDirectives(existingDirectives, newDirectives)
function addInlineScriptExceptions (directives) {
// TODO: This is the SHA-256 hash of the inline script in build/reveal.js/plugins/notes/notes.html
// Any more clean solution appreciated.
function getCspNonce (req, res) {
return '\'nonce-' + res.locals.nonce + '\''
function addUpgradeUnsafeRequestsOptionTo (directives) {
if (config.csp.upgradeInsecureRequests === 'auto' && (config.useSSL || config.protocolUseSSL)) {
directives.upgradeInsecureRequests = []
} else if (config.csp.upgradeInsecureRequests === true) {
directives.upgradeInsecureRequests = []
function addReportURI (directives) {
if (config.csp.reportURI) {
directives.reportUri = config.csp.reportURI
CspStrategy.addNonceToLocals = function (req, res, next) {
res.locals.nonce = uuidv4()
module.exports = CspStrategy