mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 08:44:16 +00:00
991 lines
28 KiB
991 lines
28 KiB
import Chance from 'chance'
import CodeMirror from 'codemirror'
import cookie from 'cookie'
import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'
import moment from 'moment'
import randomcolor from 'randomcolor'
import SocketIO, { Socket } from 'socket.io'
import { config } from './config'
import { History } from './history'
import { logger } from './logger'
import { Author, Note, Revision, User } from './models'
import { NoteAuthorship } from './models/note'
import { PhotoProfile } from './utils/PhotoProfile'
import { EditorSocketIOServer } from './ot/editor-socketio-server'
import { mapToObject } from './utils/functions'
import { getPermission, Permission } from './web/note/util'
export type SocketWithNoteId = Socket & { noteId: string }
const chance = new Chance()
export enum State {
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */
const realtime: {
onAuthorizeSuccess: (data, accept) => void;
onAuthorizeFail: (data, message, error, accept) => void;
io: SocketIO.Server; isReady: () => boolean;
connection: (socket: SocketWithNoteId) => void;
secure: (socket: SocketIO.Socket, next: (err?: Error) => void) => void;
getStatus: (callback) => void; state: State;
} = {
io: SocketIO(),
onAuthorizeSuccess: onAuthorizeSuccess,
onAuthorizeFail: onAuthorizeFail,
secure: secure,
connection: connection,
getStatus: getStatus,
isReady: isReady,
state: State.Starting
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */
const disconnectSocketQueue: SocketWithNoteId[] = []
function onAuthorizeSuccess (data, accept): void {
function onAuthorizeFail (data, message, error, accept): void {
accept() // accept whether authorize or not to allow anonymous usage
// secure the origin by the cookie
function secure (socket: Socket, next: (err?: Error) => void): void {
try {
const handshakeData = socket.request
if (handshakeData.headers.cookie) {
handshakeData.cookie = cookie.parse(handshakeData.headers.cookie)
handshakeData.sessionID = cookieParser.signedCookie(handshakeData.cookie[config.sessionName], config.sessionSecret)
if (handshakeData.sessionID &&
handshakeData.cookie[config.sessionName] &&
handshakeData.cookie[config.sessionName] !== handshakeData.sessionID) {
logger.debug(`AUTH success cookie: ${handshakeData.sessionID}`)
return next()
} else {
next(new Error('AUTH failed: Cookie is invalid.'))
} else {
next(new Error('AUTH failed: No cookie transmitted.'))
} catch (ex) {
next(new Error('AUTH failed:' + JSON.stringify(ex)))
function emitCheck (note: NoteSession): void {
const out = {
title: note.title,
updatetime: note.updatetime,
lastchangeuser: note.lastchangeuser,
lastchangeuserprofile: note.lastchangeuserprofile,
authors: mapToObject(note.authors),
authorship: note.authorship
realtime.io.to(note.id).emit('check', out)
class UserSession {
id?: string
address?: string
login?: boolean
userid: string | null
photo: string
color: string
cursor?: CodeMirror.Position
name: string | null
idle?: boolean
type?: string
class NoteSession {
id: string
alias: string
title: string
ownerId: string
ownerprofile: PhotoProfile | null
permission: string
lastchangeuser: string | null
lastchangeuserprofile: PhotoProfile | null
socks: SocketWithNoteId[]
users: Map<string, UserSession>
tempUsers: Map<string, number> // time value
createtime: number
updatetime: number
server: EditorSocketIOServer
authors: Map<string, UserSession>
authorship: NoteAuthorship[]
// actions
const users: Map<string, UserSession> = new Map<string, UserSession>()
const notes: Map<string, NoteSession> = new Map<string, NoteSession>()
let saverSleep = false
function finishUpdateNote (note: NoteSession, _note: Note, callback: (err: Error | null, note: Note | null) => void): void {
if (!note || !note.server) return callback(null, null)
const body = note.server.document
const title = note.title = Note.parseNoteTitle(body)
const values = {
title: title,
content: body,
authorship: note.authorship,
lastchangeuserId: note.lastchangeuser,
lastchangeAt: Date.now()
_note.update(values).then(function (_note) {
saverSleep = false
return callback(null, _note)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
function updateHistory (userId, note: NoteSession, time?): void {
const noteId = note.alias ? note.alias : Note.encodeNoteId(note.id)
if (note.server) History.updateHistory(userId, noteId, note.server.document, time)
function updateNote (note: NoteSession, callback: (err, note) => void): void {
where: {
id: note.id
}).then(function (_note) {
if (!_note) return callback(null, null)
// update user note history
const tempUsers = new Map(note.tempUsers)
note.tempUsers = new Map<string, number>()
for (const [key, time] of tempUsers) {
updateHistory(key, note, time)
if (note.lastchangeuser) {
if (_note.lastchangeuserId !== note.lastchangeuser) {
where: {
id: note.lastchangeuser
}).then(function (user) {
if (!user) return callback(null, null)
note.lastchangeuserprofile = PhotoProfile.fromUser(user)
return finishUpdateNote(note, _note, callback)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
} else {
return finishUpdateNote(note, _note, callback)
} else {
note.lastchangeuserprofile = null
return finishUpdateNote(note, _note, callback)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
// update when the note is dirty
setInterval(function () {
for (const [key, note] of notes) {
if (note.server.isDirty) {
logger.debug(`updater found dirty note: ${key}`)
note.server.isDirty = false
updateNote(note, function (err, _note) {
// handle when note already been clean up
if (!note || !note.server) return
if (!_note) {
realtime.io.to(note.id).emit('info', {
code: 404
logger.error('note not found: ', note.id)
if (err || !_note) {
for (const sock of note.socks) {
if (sock) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0)
return logger.error('updater error', err)
note.updatetime = moment(_note.lastchangeAt).valueOf()
} else {
}, 1000)
// save note revision in interval
setInterval(function () {
if (saverSleep) return
Revision.saveAllNotesRevision(function (err, notes) {
if (err) return logger.error('revision saver failed: ' + err)
if (notes && notes.length <= 0) {
saverSleep = true
}, 60000 * 5)
let isConnectionBusy: boolean
let isDisconnectBusy: boolean
const connectionSocketQueue: SocketWithNoteId[] = []
function getStatus (callback): void {
Note.count().then(function (notecount) {
const distinctaddresses: string[] = []
const regaddresses: string[] = []
const distinctregaddresses: string[] = []
for (const user of users.values()) {
if (!user) return
let found = false
for (const distinctaddress of distinctaddresses) {
if (user.address === distinctaddress) {
found = true
if (!found) {
if (user.address != null) {
if (user.login) {
if (user.address != null) {
let found = false
for (let i = 0; i < distinctregaddresses.length; i++) {
if (user.address === distinctregaddresses[i]) {
found = true
if (!found) {
if (user.address != null) {
User.count().then(function (regcount) {
// eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal
return callback ? callback({
onlineNotes: Object.keys(notes).length,
onlineUsers: Object.keys(users).length,
distinctOnlineUsers: distinctaddresses.length,
notesCount: notecount,
registeredUsers: regcount,
onlineRegisteredUsers: regaddresses.length,
distinctOnlineRegisteredUsers: distinctregaddresses.length,
isConnectionBusy: isConnectionBusy,
connectionSocketQueueLength: connectionSocketQueue.length,
isDisconnectBusy: isDisconnectBusy,
disconnectSocketQueueLength: disconnectSocketQueue.length
}) : null
}).catch(function (err) {
return logger.error('count user failed: ' + err)
}).catch(function (err) {
return logger.error('count note failed: ' + err)
function isReady (): boolean {
return realtime.io &&
Object.keys(notes).length === 0 && Object.keys(users).length === 0 &&
connectionSocketQueue.length === 0 && !isConnectionBusy &&
disconnectSocketQueue.length === 0 && !isDisconnectBusy
function extractNoteIdFromSocket (socket: Socket): string | boolean {
if (!socket || !socket.handshake) {
return false
if (socket.handshake.query && socket.handshake.query.noteId) {
return socket.handshake.query.noteId
} else {
return false
function parseNoteIdFromSocket (socket: Socket, callback: (err: string | null, noteId: string | null) => void): void {
const noteId = extractNoteIdFromSocket(socket)
if (!noteId) {
return callback(null, null)
Note.parseNoteId(noteId, function (err, id) {
if (err || !id) return callback(err, id)
return callback(null, id)
function buildUserOutData (user): UserSession {
return {
id: user.id,
login: user.login,
userid: user.userid,
photo: user.photo,
color: user.color,
cursor: user.cursor,
name: user.name,
idle: user.idle,
type: user.type
function emitOnlineUsers (socket: SocketWithNoteId): void {
const noteId = socket.noteId
if (!noteId) return
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (!note) return
const users: UserSession[] = []
for (const user of note.users.values()) {
if (user) {
const out = {
users: users
realtime.io.to(noteId).emit('online users', out)
function emitUserStatus (socket: SocketWithNoteId): void {
const noteId = socket.noteId
if (!noteId) return
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (!note) return
const user = users.get(socket.id)
if (!user) return
const out = buildUserOutData(user)
socket.broadcast.to(noteId).emit('user status', out)
function emitRefresh (socket: SocketWithNoteId): void {
const noteId = socket.noteId
if (!noteId) return
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (!note) return
const out = {
title: note.title,
docmaxlength: config.documentMaxLength,
owner: note.ownerId,
ownerprofile: note.ownerprofile,
lastchangeuser: note.lastchangeuser,
lastchangeuserprofile: note.lastchangeuserprofile,
authors: mapToObject(note.authors),
authorship: note.authorship,
permission: note.permission,
createtime: note.createtime,
updatetime: note.updatetime
socket.emit('refresh', out)
function isDuplicatedInSocketQueue (queue: Socket[], socket: Socket): boolean {
for (const sock of queue) {
if (sock && sock.id === socket.id) {
return true
return false
function clearSocketQueue (queue: Socket[], socket: Socket): void {
for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
if (!queue[i] || queue[i].id === socket.id) {
queue.splice(i, 1)
function connectNextSocket (): void {
setTimeout(function () {
isConnectionBusy = false
if (connectionSocketQueue.length > 0) {
// Otherwise we get a loop startConnection - failConnection - connectNextSocket
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
}, 1)
function failConnection (errorCode: number, errorMessage: string, socket: Socket): void {
// clear error socket in queue
clearSocketQueue(connectionSocketQueue, socket)
// emit error info
socket.emit('info', {
code: errorCode
function interruptConnection (socket: Socket, noteId: string, socketId): void {
if (socket) {
clearSocketQueue(connectionSocketQueue, socket)
} else {
function finishConnection (socket: SocketWithNoteId, noteId: string, socketId: string): void {
// if no valid info provided will drop the client
if (!socket || !notes.get(noteId) || !users.get(socketId)) {
return interruptConnection(socket, noteId, socketId)
// check view permission
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (!note) return
if (getPermission(socket.request.user, note) === Permission.None) {
interruptConnection(socket, noteId, socketId)
return failConnection(403, 'connection forbidden', socket)
const user = users.get(socketId)
if (!user) {
logger.warn('Could not find user for socketId ' + socketId)
if (user.userid) {
// update user color to author color
const author = note.authors.get(user.userid)
if (author) {
const socketIdUser = users.get(socket.id)
if (!socketIdUser) return
user.color = author.color
socketIdUser.color = author.color
users.set(socket.id, user)
note.users.set(socket.id, user)
note.server.setName(socket, user.name)
note.server.setColor(socket, user.color)
// update user note history
updateHistory(user.userid, note)
// clear finished socket in queue
clearSocketQueue(connectionSocketQueue, socket)
// seek for next socket
if (config.debug) {
const noteId = socket.noteId
logger.debug(`SERVER connected a client to [${noteId}]:`)
getStatus(function (data) {
function ifMayEdit (socket: SocketWithNoteId, originIsOperation: boolean, callback: (mayEdit: boolean) => void): void {
const noteId = socket.noteId
if (!noteId) return
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (!note) return
const mayEdit = (getPermission(socket.request.user, note) >= Permission.Write)
// if user may edit and this is a text operation
if (originIsOperation && mayEdit) {
// save for the last change user id
if (socket.request.user && socket.request.user.logged_in) {
note.lastchangeuser = socket.request.user.id
} else {
note.lastchangeuser = null
return callback(mayEdit)
function operationCallback (socket: SocketWithNoteId, operation): void {
const noteId = socket.noteId
if (!noteId) return
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (!note) return
let userId: string | null = null
// save authors
if (socket.request.user && socket.request.user.logged_in) {
const user = users.get(socket.id)
if (!user) return
userId = socket.request.user.id
if (!userId) return
const author = note.authors.get(userId)
if (!author) {
where: {
noteId: noteId,
userId: userId
defaults: {
noteId: noteId,
userId: userId,
color: user.color
}).then(function ([author, _]) {
if (author) {
note.authors.set(author.userId, {
userid: author.userId,
color: author.color,
photo: user.photo,
name: user.name
}).catch(function (err) {
logger.error('operation callback failed: ' + err)
if (userId) note.tempUsers.set(userId, Date.now())
// save authorship - use timer here because it's an O(n) complexity algorithm
setImmediate(function () {
note.authorship = Note.updateAuthorshipByOperation(operation, userId, note.authorship)
function startConnection (socket: SocketWithNoteId): void {
if (isConnectionBusy) return
isConnectionBusy = true
const noteId: string = socket.noteId
if (!noteId) {
return failConnection(404, 'note id not found', socket)
if (!notes.get(noteId)) {
const include = [{
model: User,
as: 'owner'
}, {
model: User,
as: 'lastchangeuser'
}, {
model: Author,
as: 'authors',
include: [{
model: User,
as: 'user'
where: {
id: noteId
include: include
}).then(function (note) {
if (!note) {
return failConnection(404, 'note not found', socket)
const ownerId = note.ownerId
const ownerprofile = note.owner ? PhotoProfile.fromUser(note.owner) : null
const lastchangeuser = note.lastchangeuserId
const lastchangeuserprofile = note.lastchangeuser ? PhotoProfile.fromUser(note.lastchangeuser) : null
const body = note.content
const createtime = note.createdAt
const updatetime = note.lastchangeAt
const server = new EditorSocketIOServer(body, [], noteId, ifMayEdit, operationCallback)
const authors = new Map<string, UserSession>()
for (const author of note.authors) {
const profile = PhotoProfile.fromUser(author.user)
if (profile) {
authors.set(author.userId, {
userid: author.userId,
color: author.color,
photo: profile.photo,
name: profile.name
notes.set(noteId, {
id: noteId,
alias: note.alias,
title: note.title,
ownerId: ownerId,
ownerprofile: ownerprofile,
permission: note.permission,
lastchangeuser: lastchangeuser,
lastchangeuserprofile: lastchangeuserprofile,
socks: [],
users: new Map<string, UserSession>(),
tempUsers: new Map<string, number>(),
createtime: moment(createtime).valueOf(),
updatetime: moment(updatetime).valueOf(),
server: server,
authors: authors,
authorship: note.authorship
return finishConnection(socket, noteId, socket.id)
}).catch(function (err) {
return failConnection(500, err, socket)
} else {
return finishConnection(socket, noteId, socket.id)
isConnectionBusy = false
isDisconnectBusy = false
function disconnect (socket: SocketWithNoteId): void {
if (isDisconnectBusy) return
isDisconnectBusy = true
logger.debug('SERVER disconnected a client')
if (users.get(socket.id)) {
const noteId = socket.noteId
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (note) {
// delete user in users
if (note.users.get(socket.id)) {
// remove sockets in the note socks
let index
do {
index = note.socks.indexOf(socket)
if (index !== -1) {
note.socks.splice(index, 1)
} while (index !== -1)
// remove note in notes if no user inside
if (note.users.size <= 0) {
if (note.server.isDirty) {
updateNote(note, function (err, _) {
if (err) return logger.error('disconnect note failed: ' + err)
// clear server before delete to avoid memory leaks
note.server.document = ''
note.server.operations = []
delete note.server
if (config.debug) {
getStatus(function (data) {
} else {
delete note.server
// clear finished socket in queue
clearSocketQueue(disconnectSocketQueue, socket)
// seek for next socket
isDisconnectBusy = false
if (disconnectSocketQueue.length > 0) {
if (config.debug) {
getStatus(function (data) {
// clean when user not in any rooms or user not in connected list
setInterval(function () {
for (const [key, user] of users) {
let socket = realtime.io.sockets.connected[key] as SocketWithNoteId
if ((!socket && user) ||
(socket && (!socket.rooms || Object.keys(socket.rooms).length <= 0))) {
logger.debug(`cleaner found redundant user: ${key}`)
if (!socket) {
socket = {
id: key
} as SocketWithNoteId
}, 60000)
function updateUserData (socket: Socket, user): void {
// retrieve user data from passport
if (socket.request.user && socket.request.user.logged_in) {
const profile = PhotoProfile.fromUser(socket.request.user)
user.photo = profile?.photo
user.name = profile?.name
user.userid = socket.request.user.id
user.login = true
} else {
user.userid = null
user.name = 'Guest ' + chance.last()
user.login = false
function connection (socket: SocketWithNoteId): void {
if (realtime.state !== State.Running) return
parseNoteIdFromSocket(socket, function (err, noteId) {
if (err) {
return failConnection(500, err, socket)
if (!noteId) {
return failConnection(404, 'note id not found', socket)
if (isDuplicatedInSocketQueue(connectionSocketQueue, socket)) return
// store noteId in this socket session
socket.noteId = noteId
// initialize user data
// random color
let color = randomcolor()
// make sure color not duplicated or reach max random count
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (note) {
let randomcount = 0
const maxrandomcount = 10
let found = false
do {
for (const user of note.users.values()) {
if (user.color === color) {
found = true
if (found) {
color = randomcolor()
} while (found && randomcount < maxrandomcount)
// create user data
users.set(socket.id, {
id: socket.id,
address: socket.handshake.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || socket.handshake.address,
'user-agent': socket.handshake.headers['user-agent'],
color: color,
cursor: undefined,
login: false,
userid: null,
name: null,
idle: false,
type: '',
photo: ''
updateUserData(socket, users.get(socket.id))
// start connection
// received client refresh request
socket.on('refresh', function () {
// received user status
socket.on('user status', function (data) {
const noteId = socket.noteId
const user = users.get(socket.id)
if (!noteId || !notes.get(noteId) || !user) return
logger.debug(`SERVER received [${noteId}] user status from [${socket.id}]: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)
if (data) {
user.idle = data.idle
user.type = data.type
// received note permission change request
socket.on('permission', function (permission) {
// need login to do more actions
if (socket.request.user && socket.request.user.logged_in) {
const noteId = socket.noteId
if (!noteId) return
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (!note) return
// Only owner can change permission
if (getPermission(socket.request.user, note) === Permission.Owner) {
if (permission === 'freely' && !config.allowAnonymous && !config.allowAnonymousEdits) return
note.permission = permission
permission: permission
}, {
where: {
id: noteId
}).then(function (count) {
if (!count) {
const out = {
permission: permission
realtime.io.to(note.id).emit('permission', out)
for (let i = 0, l = note.socks.length; i < l; i++) {
const sock = note.socks[i]
if (typeof sock !== 'undefined' && sock) {
// check view permission
if (getPermission(sock.request.user, note) === Permission.None) {
sock.emit('info', {
code: 403
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0)
}).catch(function (err) {
return logger.error('update note permission failed: ' + err)
// delete a note
socket.on('delete', function () {
// need login to do more actions
if (socket.request.user && socket.request.user.logged_in) {
const noteId = socket.noteId
if (!noteId) return
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (!note) return
// Only owner can delete note
if (getPermission(socket.request.user, note) === Permission.Owner) {
where: {
id: noteId
}).then(function (count) {
if (!count) return
for (let i = 0, l = note.socks.length; i < l; i++) {
const sock = note.socks[i]
if (typeof sock !== 'undefined' && sock) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0)
}).catch(function (err) {
return logger.error('delete note failed: ' + err)
// reveiced when user logout or changed
socket.on('user changed', function () {
logger.info('user changed')
const noteId = socket.noteId
if (!noteId) return
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (!note) return
const user = note.users.get(socket.id)
if (!user) return
updateUserData(socket, user)
// received sync of online users request
socket.on('online users', function () {
const noteId = socket.noteId
if (!noteId) return
const note = notes.get(noteId)
if (!note) return
const users: UserSession[] = []
for (const user of note.users.values()) {
if (user) {
const out = {
users: users
socket.emit('online users', out)
// check version
socket.on('version', function () {
socket.emit('version', {
version: config.fullversion,
minimumCompatibleVersion: config.minimumCompatibleVersion
// received cursor focus
socket.on('cursor focus', function (data) {
const noteId = socket.noteId
const user = users.get(socket.id)
if (!noteId || !notes.get(noteId) || !user) return
user.cursor = data
const out = buildUserOutData(user)
socket.broadcast.to(noteId).emit('cursor focus', out)
// received cursor activity
socket.on('cursor activity', function (data: CodeMirror.Position) {
const noteId = socket.noteId
const user = users.get(socket.id)
if (!noteId || !notes.get(noteId) || !user) return
user.cursor = data
const out = buildUserOutData(user)
socket.broadcast.to(noteId).emit('cursor activity', out)
// received cursor blur
socket.on('cursor blur', function () {
const noteId = socket.noteId
const user = users.get(socket.id)
if (!noteId || !notes.get(noteId) || !user) return
user.cursor = undefined
const out = {
id: socket.id
socket.broadcast.to(noteId).emit('cursor blur', out)
// when a new client disconnect
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
if (isDuplicatedInSocketQueue(disconnectSocketQueue, socket)) return
export { realtime }