David Mehren 380587b7fd Ensure case-sensitive DB queries on MySQL/MariaDB
MySQLs string comparisons are case-insensitive by default.
This allows to hide notes by creating a new note with an alias that
equals the lower-cased alias of another note.
The new note is returned first by MySQL, so the original one is not
accessible anymore.

This fixes the problem by using an explicit binary comparison in the
affected queries.

See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/case-sensitivity.html

Signed-off-by: David Mehren <git@herrmehren.de>
2024-09-01 13:54:18 +02:00

593 lines
21 KiB

'use strict'
// external modules
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const LZString = require('lz-string')
const base64url = require('base64url')
const md = require('markdown-it')()
const metaMarked = require('@hedgedoc/meta-marked')
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
const shortId = require('shortid')
const Sequelize = require('sequelize')
const async = require('async')
const moment = require('moment')
const DiffMatchPatch = require('diff-match-patch')
const dmp = new DiffMatchPatch()
const S = require('string')
// core
const config = require('../config')
const logger = require('../logger')
const utils = require('../utils')
// ot
const ot = require('../ot')
// permission types
const permissionTypes = ['freely', 'editable', 'limited', 'locked', 'protected', 'private']
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
const Note = sequelize.define('Note', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.UUID,
primaryKey: true,
defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4
shortid: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: true,
allowNull: false,
defaultValue: shortId.generate
alias: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: true
permission: {
type: DataTypes.ENUM,
values: permissionTypes
viewcount: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
allowNull: false,
defaultValue: 0
title: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT,
get: function () {
return sequelize.processData(this.getDataValue('title'), '')
set: function (value) {
this.setDataValue('title', sequelize.stripNullByte(value))
content: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT('long'),
get: function () {
return sequelize.processData(this.getDataValue('content'), '')
set: function (value) {
this.setDataValue('content', sequelize.stripNullByte(value))
authorship: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT('long'),
get: function () {
return sequelize.processData(this.getDataValue('authorship'), [], JSON.parse)
set: function (value) {
this.setDataValue('authorship', JSON.stringify(value))
lastchangeAt: {
type: DataTypes.DATE
savedAt: {
type: DataTypes.DATE
}, {
paranoid: false,
hooks: {
beforeCreate: function (note, options) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
// if no content specified then use default note
if (!note.content) {
let body = null
let filePath = null
if (note.alias) {
filePath = path.join(config.docsPath, path.basename(note.alias) + '.md')
if (!filePath || !Note.checkFileExist(filePath)) {
filePath = config.defaultNotePath
if (Note.checkFileExist(filePath)) {
const fsCreatedTime = moment(fs.statSync(filePath).ctime)
body = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8')
note.title = Note.parseNoteTitle(body)
note.content = body
if (filePath !== config.defaultNotePath) {
note.createdAt = fsCreatedTime
// if no permission specified and have owner then give default permission in config, else default permission is freely
if (!note.permission) {
if (note.ownerId) {
note.permission = config.defaultPermission
} else {
note.permission = 'freely'
return resolve(note)
afterCreate: function (note, options, callback) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
sequelize.models.Revision.saveNoteRevision(note, function (err, revision) {
if (err) {
return reject(err)
return resolve(note)
Note.associate = function (models) {
Note.belongsTo(models.User, {
foreignKey: 'ownerId',
as: 'owner',
constraints: false,
onDelete: 'CASCADE',
hooks: true
Note.belongsTo(models.User, {
foreignKey: 'lastchangeuserId',
as: 'lastchangeuser',
constraints: false
Note.hasMany(models.Revision, {
foreignKey: 'noteId',
constraints: false
Note.hasMany(models.Author, {
foreignKey: 'noteId',
as: 'authors',
constraints: false
Note.checkFileExist = function (filePath) {
try {
return fs.statSync(filePath).isFile()
} catch (err) {
return false
Note.encodeNoteId = function (id) {
// remove dashes in UUID and encode in url-safe base64
const str = id.replace(/-/g, '')
const hexStr = Buffer.from(str, 'hex')
return base64url.encode(hexStr)
Note.decodeNoteId = function (encodedId) {
// decode from url-safe base64
const id = base64url.toBuffer(encodedId).toString('hex')
// add dashes between the UUID string parts
const idParts = []
idParts.push(id.substr(0, 8))
idParts.push(id.substr(8, 4))
idParts.push(id.substr(12, 4))
idParts.push(id.substr(16, 4))
idParts.push(id.substr(20, 12))
return idParts.join('-')
Note.checkNoteIdValid = function (id) {
const uuidRegex = /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i
const result = id.match(uuidRegex)
if (result && result.length === 1) { return true } else { return false }
Note.parseNoteId = function (noteId, callback) {
parseNoteIdByAlias: function (_callback) {
// try to parse note id by alias (e.g. doc)
where: utils.isMySQL(sequelize)
? sequelize.where(sequelize.fn('BINARY', sequelize.col('alias')), noteId)
: {
alias: noteId
}).then(function (note) {
if (note) {
const filePath = path.join(config.docsPath, path.basename(noteId) + '.md')
if (Note.checkFileExist(filePath)) {
// if doc in filesystem have newer modified time than last change time
// then will update the doc in db
const fsModifiedTime = moment(fs.statSync(filePath).mtime)
const dbModifiedTime = moment(note.lastchangeAt || note.createdAt)
const body = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8')
const contentLength = body.length
const title = Note.parseNoteTitle(body)
if (fsModifiedTime.isAfter(dbModifiedTime) && note.content !== body) {
content: body,
lastchangeAt: fsModifiedTime
}).then(function (note) {
sequelize.models.Revision.saveNoteRevision(note, function (err, revision) {
if (err) return _callback(err, null)
// update authorship on after making revision of docs
const patch = dmp.patch_fromText(revision.patch)
const operations = Note.transformPatchToOperations(patch, contentLength)
let authorship = note.authorship
for (let i = 0; i < operations.length; i++) {
authorship = Note.updateAuthorshipByOperation(operations[i], null, authorship)
}).then(function (note) {
return callback(null, note.id)
}).catch(function (err) {
return _callback(err, null)
}).catch(function (err) {
return _callback(err, null)
} else {
return callback(null, note.id)
} else {
return callback(null, note.id)
} else {
const filePath = path.join(config.docsPath, path.basename(noteId) + '.md')
if (Note.checkFileExist(filePath)) {
alias: noteId,
owner: null,
permission: 'locked'
}).then(function (note) {
return callback(null, note.id)
}).catch(function (err) {
return _callback(err, null)
} else {
return _callback(null, null)
}).catch(function (err) {
return _callback(err, null)
// parse note id by LZString is deprecated, here for compability
parseNoteIdByLZString: function (_callback) {
// Calculate minimal string length for an UUID that is encoded
// base64 encoded and optimize comparsion by using -1
// this should make a lot of LZ-String parsing errors obsolete
// as we can assume that a nodeId that is 48 chars or longer is a
// noteID.
const base64UuidLength = ((4 * 36) / 3) - 1
if (!(noteId.length > base64UuidLength)) {
return _callback(null, null)
// try to parse note id by LZString Base64
try {
const id = LZString.decompressFromBase64(noteId)
if (id && Note.checkNoteIdValid(id)) { return callback(null, id) } else { return _callback(null, null) }
} catch (err) {
if (err.message === 'Cannot read property \'charAt\' of undefined') {
logger.warning('Looks like we can not decode "' + noteId + '" with LZString. Can be ignored.')
} else {
return _callback(null, null)
parseNoteIdByBase64Url: function (_callback) {
// try to parse note id by base64url
try {
const id = Note.decodeNoteId(noteId)
if (id && Note.checkNoteIdValid(id)) { return callback(null, id) } else { return _callback(null, null) }
} catch (err) {
return _callback(null, null)
parseNoteIdByShortId: function (_callback) {
// try to parse note id by shortId
try {
if (shortId.isValid(noteId)) {
where: utils.isMySQL(sequelize)
? sequelize.where(sequelize.fn('BINARY', sequelize.col('shortid')), noteId)
: {
shortid: noteId
}).then(function (note) {
if (!note) return _callback(null, null)
return callback(null, note.id)
}).catch(function (err) {
return _callback(err, null)
} else {
return _callback(null, null)
} catch (err) {
return _callback(err, null)
}, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, null)
return callback(null, null)
Note.parseNoteInfo = function (body) {
const parsed = Note.extractMeta(body)
const $ = cheerio.load(md.render(parsed.markdown))
return {
title: Note.extractNoteTitle(parsed.meta, $),
tags: Note.extractNoteTags(parsed.meta, $)
Note.parseNoteTitle = function (body) {
const parsed = Note.extractMeta(body)
const $ = cheerio.load(md.render(parsed.markdown))
return Note.extractNoteTitle(parsed.meta, $)
Note.extractNoteTitle = function (meta, $) {
let title = ''
if (meta.title && (typeof meta.title === 'string' || typeof meta.title === 'number')) {
title = meta.title
} else {
const h1s = $('h1')
if (h1s.length > 0 && h1s.first().text().split('\n').length === 1) { title = S(h1s.first().text()).stripTags().s }
if (!title) title = 'Untitled'
return title
Note.generateDescription = function (markdown) {
return markdown.substr(0, 100).replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, ' ')
Note.decodeTitle = function (title) {
return title || 'Untitled'
Note.generateWebTitle = function (title) {
title = !title || title === 'Untitled' ? 'HedgeDoc - Collaborative markdown notes' : title + ' - HedgeDoc'
return title
Note.extractNoteTags = function (meta, $) {
const tags = []
const rawtags = []
if (meta.tags && (typeof meta.tags === 'string' || typeof meta.tags === 'number')) {
const metaTags = ('' + meta.tags).split(',')
for (let i = 0; i < metaTags.length; i++) {
const text = metaTags[i].trim()
if (text) rawtags.push(text)
} else {
const h6s = $('h6')
h6s.each(function (key, value) {
if (/^tags/gmi.test($(value).text())) {
const codes = $(value).find('code')
for (let i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {
const text = S($(codes[i]).text().trim()).stripTags().s
if (text) rawtags.push(text)
for (let i = 0; i < rawtags.length; i++) {
let found = false
for (let j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) {
if (tags[j] === rawtags[i]) {
found = true
if (!found) { tags.push(rawtags[i]) }
return tags
Note.extractMeta = function (content) {
let obj = null
try {
obj = metaMarked(content)
if (!obj.markdown) obj.markdown = ''
if (!obj.meta) obj.meta = {}
} catch (err) {
obj = {
markdown: content,
meta: {}
return obj
Note.parseMeta = function (meta) {
const _meta = {}
if (meta) {
if (meta.title && (typeof meta.title === 'string' || typeof meta.title === 'number')) { _meta.title = meta.title }
if (meta.description && (typeof meta.description === 'string' || typeof meta.description === 'number')) { _meta.description = meta.description }
if (meta.robots && (typeof meta.robots === 'string' || typeof meta.robots === 'number')) { _meta.robots = meta.robots }
if (meta.lang && (typeof meta.lang === 'string')) { _meta.lang = meta.lang }
if (meta.GA && (typeof meta.GA === 'string' || typeof meta.GA === 'number')) { _meta.GA = meta.GA }
if (meta.disqus && (typeof meta.disqus === 'string' || typeof meta.disqus === 'number')) { _meta.disqus = meta.disqus }
if (meta.slideOptions && (typeof meta.slideOptions === 'object')) { _meta.slideOptions = meta.slideOptions }
if (meta.opengraph && (typeof meta.opengraph === 'object')) { _meta.opengraph = meta.opengraph }
return _meta
Note.parseOpengraph = function (meta, title) {
let _ogdata = {}
if (meta.opengraph) { _ogdata = meta.opengraph }
if (!(_ogdata.title && (typeof _ogdata.title === 'string' || typeof _ogdata.title === 'number'))) { _ogdata.title = title }
if (!(_ogdata.description && (typeof _ogdata.description === 'string' || typeof _ogdata.description === 'number'))) { _ogdata.description = meta.description || '' }
if (!(_ogdata.type && (typeof _ogdata.type === 'string'))) { _ogdata.type = 'website' }
return _ogdata
Note.updateAuthorshipByOperation = function (operation, userId, authorships) {
let index = 0
const timestamp = Date.now()
for (let i = 0; i < operation.length; i++) {
const op = operation[i]
if (ot.TextOperation.isRetain(op)) {
index += op
} else if (ot.TextOperation.isInsert(op)) {
const opStart = index
const opEnd = index + op.length
let inserted = false
// authorship format: [userId, startPos, endPos, createdAt, updatedAt]
if (authorships.length <= 0) authorships.push([userId, opStart, opEnd, timestamp, timestamp])
else {
for (let j = 0; j < authorships.length; j++) {
const authorship = authorships[j]
if (!inserted) {
const nextAuthorship = authorships[j + 1] || -1
if ((nextAuthorship !== -1 && nextAuthorship[1] >= opEnd) || j >= authorships.length - 1) {
if (authorship[1] < opStart && authorship[2] > opStart) {
// divide
const postLength = authorship[2] - opStart
authorship[2] = opStart
authorship[4] = timestamp
authorships.splice(j + 1, 0, [userId, opStart, opEnd, timestamp, timestamp])
authorships.splice(j + 2, 0, [authorship[0], opEnd, opEnd + postLength, authorship[3], timestamp])
j += 2
inserted = true
} else if (authorship[1] >= opStart) {
authorships.splice(j, 0, [userId, opStart, opEnd, timestamp, timestamp])
j += 1
inserted = true
} else if (authorship[2] <= opStart) {
authorships.splice(j + 1, 0, [userId, opStart, opEnd, timestamp, timestamp])
j += 1
inserted = true
if (authorship[1] >= opStart) {
authorship[1] += op.length
authorship[2] += op.length
index += op.length
} else if (ot.TextOperation.isDelete(op)) {
const opStart = index
const opEnd = index - op
if (operation.length === 1) {
authorships = []
} else if (authorships.length > 0) {
for (let j = 0; j < authorships.length; j++) {
const authorship = authorships[j]
if (authorship[1] >= opStart && authorship[1] <= opEnd && authorship[2] >= opStart && authorship[2] <= opEnd) {
authorships.splice(j, 1)
j -= 1
} else if (authorship[1] < opStart && authorship[1] < opEnd && authorship[2] > opStart && authorship[2] > opEnd) {
authorship[2] += op
authorship[4] = timestamp
} else if (authorship[2] >= opStart && authorship[2] <= opEnd) {
authorship[2] = opStart
authorship[4] = timestamp
} else if (authorship[1] >= opStart && authorship[1] <= opEnd) {
authorship[1] = opEnd
authorship[4] = timestamp
if (authorship[1] >= opEnd) {
authorship[1] += op
authorship[2] += op
index += op
// merge
for (let j = 0; j < authorships.length; j++) {
const authorship = authorships[j]
for (let k = j + 1; k < authorships.length; k++) {
const nextAuthorship = authorships[k]
if (nextAuthorship && authorship[0] === nextAuthorship[0] && authorship[2] === nextAuthorship[1]) {
const minTimestamp = Math.min(authorship[3], nextAuthorship[3])
const maxTimestamp = Math.max(authorship[3], nextAuthorship[3])
authorships.splice(j, 1, [authorship[0], authorship[1], nextAuthorship[2], minTimestamp, maxTimestamp])
authorships.splice(k, 1)
j -= 1
// clear
for (let j = 0; j < authorships.length; j++) {
const authorship = authorships[j]
if (!authorship[0]) {
authorships.splice(j, 1)
j -= 1
return authorships
Note.transformPatchToOperations = function (patch, contentLength) {
const operations = []
if (patch.length > 0) {
// calculate original content length
for (let j = patch.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
const p = patch[j]
for (let i = 0; i < p.diffs.length; i++) {
const diff = p.diffs[i]
switch (diff[0]) {
case 1: // insert
contentLength -= diff[1].length
case -1: // delete
contentLength += diff[1].length
// generate operations
let bias = 0
let lengthBias = 0
for (let j = 0; j < patch.length; j++) {
const operation = []
const p = patch[j]
let currIndex = p.start1
const currLength = contentLength - bias
for (let i = 0; i < p.diffs.length; i++) {
const diff = p.diffs[i]
switch (diff[0]) {
case 0: // retain
if (i === 0) {
// first
operation.push(currIndex + diff[1].length)
} else if (i !== p.diffs.length - 1) {
// mid
} else {
// last
operation.push(currLength + lengthBias - currIndex)
currIndex += diff[1].length
case 1: // insert
lengthBias += diff[1].length
currIndex += diff[1].length
case -1: // delete
bias += diff[1].length
currIndex += diff[1].length
return operations
return Note