Tilman Vatteroth 14abab657d fix(sidebar): Remove pdf export entry
The URL that is used in this entry doesn't exist anymore.
We don't plan to implement pdf export with 2.0 anyway so this entry isn't needed.

Signed-off-by: Tilman Vatteroth <git@tilmanvatteroth.de>
2022-10-16 21:12:53 +02:00

595 lines
21 KiB

"app": {
"slogan": "The best platform to write and share markdown.",
"title": "Collaborative markdown notes",
"icon": "HedgeDoc logo with text"
"notificationTest": {
"title": "Test",
"content": "It works!"
"renderer": {
"highlightCode": {
"copyCode": "Copy code to clipboard"
"plantuml": {
"notConfigured": "PlantUML plugin is enabled but not properly configured."
"flowchart": {
"invalidSyntax": "Invalid flowchart.js syntax!"
"mermaid": {
"unknownError": "Unknown rendering error. Please check your browser console."
"vega-lite": {
"png": "Save as PNG",
"svg": "Save as SVG",
"errorJson": "Error parsing the JSON"
"clickShield": {
"previewHoverText": "Click to load content from {{target}}"
"uploadIndicator": {
"uploadMessage": "Uploading file"
"noteLoadingBoundary": {
"createNote": {
"question": "Do you want to create a note with alias '{{aliasName}}'?",
"create": "Create note",
"creating": "Creating note...",
"error": "Note couldn't be created.",
"success": "Note has been created."
"api": {
"note": {
"notFound": {
"title": "Note not found",
"description": "The requested note doesn't exist."
"forbidden": {
"title": "Access denied",
"description": "You don't have the needed permission to access this note"
"landing": {
"intro": {
"exploreFeatures": "Explore all features",
"markdownWhileLoading": "Loading...",
"markdownLoadingError": "Error while fetching intro content"
"history": {
"error": {
"getHistory": {
"title": "Load History Error",
"text": "While trying to load the history form the server an error occurred"
"deleteHistory": {
"title": "Delete History Error",
"text": "While trying to delete the history on the server an error occurred"
"setHistory": {
"title": "Upload History Error",
"text": "While trying to upload the history to the server an error occurred"
"deleteNote": {
"title": "Delete Note Error",
"text": "While trying to delete a note on the server an error occurred"
"updateEntry": {
"title": "Update History Entry Error",
"text": "While trying to update a history entry on the server an error occurred"
"deleteEntry": {
"title": "Delete History Entry Error",
"text": "While trying to delete a history entry on the server an error occurred"
"notFoundEntry": {
"title": "History Entry not found",
"text": "We can't find the history entry you requested."
"noHistory": "No history",
"localHistory": "Below is history from this browser",
"toolbar": {
"cards": "Cards",
"table": "Table",
"selectTags": "Select tags…",
"searchKeywords": "Search keyword…",
"sortByTitle": "Sort by title",
"sortByLastVisited": "Sort by time",
"export": "Export history",
"import": "Import history",
"clear": "Clear history",
"refresh": "Refresh history",
"uploadAll": "Sync the complete history to the server"
"modal": {
"clearHistory": {
"title": "Delete history",
"question": "Do you want to clear the history?",
"disclaimer": "This won't delete any notes."
"importHistoryError": {
"title": "An error occurred",
"textWithFile": "While trying to import history from '{{fileName}}' an error occurred.",
"textWithoutFile": "You did not provide any files to upload the history from.",
"tooNewVersion": "The file '{{fileName}}' comes from a newer client and can't be imported."
"removeNote": {
"title": "Remove note from history",
"question": "Do you really want to remove this note from your history?",
"warning": "This just removes the history entry and won't delete the note itself.",
"button": "Remove note from history"
"tableHeader": {
"title": "Title",
"actions": "Actions",
"tags": "Tags",
"lastVisit": "Last Visit"
"menu": {
"recentNotes": "Recent notes",
"entryLocal": "Saved in your browser history",
"entryRemote": "Saved in your user history",
"removeEntry": "Remove from history",
"deleteNote": "Delete note"
"navigation": {
"intro": "Intro",
"history": "History",
"newGuestNote": "New guest note",
"newNote": "New note"
"footer": {
"releases": "Releases",
"poweredBy": "Powered by <0></0>",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"followUs": "Follow us on <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3>, and <4></4>.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"termsOfUse": "Terms of Use"
"versionInfo": {
"issueTracker": "Found a bug? Fill an issue!",
"sourceCode": "Read the source code",
"versionInfo": "Version info",
"serverVersion": "Server version",
"clientVersion": "Client version",
"title": "You are using"
"profile": {
"userProfile": "User profile",
"displayName": "Display name",
"displayNameInfo": "This name will be shown publicly on notes you created or edited.",
"changePassword": {
"title": "Change password",
"old": "Old password",
"new": "New password",
"newAgain": "New password again",
"info": "Your new password should contain at least 6 characters.",
"failed": "Changing your password failed. Check your old password and try again.",
"successTitle": "Password changed",
"successText": "Your password has been changed successfully."
"changeDisplayNameFailed": "There was an error changing your display name.",
"accountManagement": "Account management",
"deleteUser": "Delete user",
"exportUserData": "Export user data",
"accessTokens": {
"title": "Access tokens",
"info": "Access tokens are an password-less authentication method for the CLI or third-party applications.",
"infoDev": "Developers can use these to access the public API.",
"noTokens": "You don't have any tokens generated yet.",
"createToken": "Create token",
"label": "Token label",
"created": "created {{time}}",
"lastUsed": "last used {{time}}",
"neverUsed": "never used",
"loadingFailed": "Fetching your access tokens has failed. Try reloading this page.",
"creationFailed": "Creating the access token failed.",
"expiry": "Expiry date"
"modal": {
"deleteUser": {
"title": "Delete user",
"message": "Do you really want to delete your user account?",
"subMessage": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.",
"failed": "There was an error deleting your account. Please try it again or contact your instance's administrator.",
"notificationTitle": "Account deleted",
"notificationText": "Your account has been successfully deleted."
"addedAccessToken": {
"title": "Token added",
"message": "The access token '{{label}}' was created. Copy it from the field below now, as you won't be able to view it again."
"deleteAccessToken": {
"title": "Really delete token?",
"message": "When deleting the access token '{{label}}', the applications that used it won't have access to your account anymore. You eventually need a new token to continue using those applications.",
"notificationTitle": "Access token deleted",
"notificationText": "The access token '{{label}}' has been deleted.",
"failed": "There was an error deleting the access token. Please try it again or contact your instance's administrator."
"editor": {
"linter": {
"defaultAction": "Fix",
"sequence": "The use of 'sequence' as code block language is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.",
"shortcode": "The {{shortcode}} short-code is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use a single line URL instead.",
"frontmatter": "The yaml-metadata is invalid.",
"frontmatter-tags": "The comma-separated definition of tags in the yaml-metadata is deprecated. Use a yaml-array instead."
"upload": {
"uploadFile": {
"withoutDescription": "Uploading file {{fileName}}",
"withDescription": "Uploading file {{fileName}} - {{description}}"
"dropImage": "Drop Image to insert",
"failed": "Error while uploading {{fileName}}"
"untitledNote": "Untitled",
"placeholder": "← Start by entering a title here\n===\nVisit the features page if you don't know what to do.\nHappy hacking :)",
"infoToc": "Structure your note with headings to see a table-of-contents here.",
"help": {
"shortcuts": {
"title": "Shortcuts",
"bold": "Make selection bold",
"italic": "Make selection italic",
"underline": "Underline selection",
"strikethrough": "Strike selection through",
"mark": "Mark selection",
"link": "Add link around selection",
"view": "Show only View",
"both": "Show View and Edit",
"edit": "Show only Edit"
"links": {
"title": "Links"
"contacts": {
"title": "Contacts",
"community": "Join the community",
"meetUsOn": "Meet us on {{service}}",
"helpTranslating": "Help us translating",
"reportIssue": "Report an issue"
"documents": {
"title": "Documents",
"features": "Features",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML Metadata",
"slideExample": "Slide Example"
"cheatsheet": {
"title": "Cheatsheet",
"example": "Example",
"syntax": "Syntax",
"exampleAlert": "This is an alert area.",
"highlightedText": "Highlight"
"onlineStatus": {
"online": "Online",
"noUsers": "No users online"
"error": {
"locked": {
"title": "This note is locked",
"description": "Sorry, only the owner can edit this note."
"limitReached": {
"title": "Reached the limit",
"description": "Sorry, this note reached its maximum length. Notes can be up to {{maxLength}} characters long.",
"advice": "Please shorten the note."
"incompatible": {
"title": "Your client's version is incompatible.",
"description": "The server requires a newer version of the editor.",
"advice": "Refresh to update."
"newVersion": {
"title": "New version available!",
"description": "A new version of HedgeDoc is available",
"linkText": "See releases notes here",
"advice": "Refresh to enjoy new features."
"userStateChanged": {
"title": "Your user state has changed.",
"description": "Refresh to load new user state."
"viewMode": {
"edit": "Edit",
"view": "View",
"both": "Both"
"darkMode": {
"switchToDark": "Switch to Dark Mode",
"switchToLight": "Switch to Light Mode"
"appBar": {
"new": "New",
"syncScroll": {
"disable": "Disable sync scroll",
"enable": "Enable sync scroll"
"editorToolbar": {
"bold": "Bold",
"italic": "Italic",
"underline": "Underline",
"strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"subscript": "Subscript",
"superscript": "Superscript",
"header": "Heading",
"code": "Code",
"blockquote": "Blockquote",
"unorderedList": "Unordered List",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"checkList": "Checklist",
"link": "Link",
"imageLink": "Image",
"uploadImage": "Upload Image",
"highlight": "Highlight",
"table": {
"titleWithoutSize": "Table",
"titleWithSize": "{{cols}}x{{rows}} Table",
"customSize": "Custom Size",
"cols": "Cols",
"rows": "Rows",
"create": "Create Custom Table"
"horizontalLine": "Horizontal line",
"collapsibleBlock": "Collapsible block",
"comment": "Comment",
"preferences": "Editor settings",
"emoji": "Open emoji picker"
"documentBar": {
"menu": "Menu",
"import": "Import",
"export": "Export",
"extra": "Extra",
"slideMode": "Slide Mode",
"readOnlyMode": "Read-only mode",
"download": "Download",
"help": "Help",
"deleteNote": "Delete note",
"pinNoteToHistory": "Pin note to history",
"pinnedToHistory": "Pinned to history"
"statusBar": {
"cursor": "Line {{line}}, Character {{columns}}",
"selection": {
"characters": "Selected {{count}} characters",
"lines": "Selected {{count}} lines"
"lines": "{{lines}} Lines",
"length": "Length {{length}}",
"lengthTooltip": {
"maximumReached": "You've reached the maximum length of this note.",
"remaining": "You may still write {{remaining}} characters until you reach the limit for this note.",
"exceeded": "You've exceeded the maximum length of this note by {{exceeded}} characters. Consider shortening it."
"export": {
"rawHtml": "Raw HTML",
"markdown-file": "Markdown file"
"import": {
"clipboard": "Clipboard",
"file": "Markdown file"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "Import from Snippet",
"selectProject": "Select From Available Projects",
"selectSnippet": "Select From Available Snippets"
"documentInfo": {
"title": "Document info",
"created": "This note was created <0></0>",
"edited": "<0></0> was the last editor <1></1>",
"usersContributed": "<0></0> users contributed to this document",
"revisions": "<0></0> revisions are saved",
"words": "<0></0> words in document"
"gistImport": {
"title": "Import from Gist",
"insertGistUrl": "Paste your gist url here…"
"snippetExport": {
"title": "Export to Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "Select Visibility Level"
"revision": {
"title": "Revisions",
"revertButton": "Revert",
"error": "An error occurred while fetching the revisions of this note.",
"errorUser": "An error occurred while fetching the user information for this revision.",
"length": "Length",
"download": "Download selected revision"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "Import from clipboard",
"insertMarkdown": "Paste your markdown or webpage here…"
"deleteNote": {
"title": "Delete note",
"question": "Do you really want to delete this note?",
"warning": "All users will lose their connection. This process is irreversible.",
"button": "Delete note"
"permissions": {
"title": "Permissions",
"owner": "Owner",
"sharedWithUsers": "Shared with users",
"sharedWithGroups": "Shared with groups",
"sharedWithElse": "Shared with else...",
"editUser": "Change {{name}}'s permissions to view and edit",
"viewOnlyUser": "Change {{name}}'s permissions to view only",
"removeUser": "Remove {{name}}'s permissions",
"addUser": "Add user",
"editGroup": "Change permissions of group \"{{name}}\" to view & edit",
"viewOnlyGroup": "Change permissions of group \"{{name}}\" to view only",
"removeGroup": "Remove permissions of group \"{{name}}\"",
"denyGroup": "Deny access to group \"{{name}}\"",
"addGroup": "Add group",
"allUser": "Everyone",
"allLoggedInUser": "All logged-in users",
"error": "An error occurred while updating the permissions of this note.",
"ownerChange": {
"error": "There was an error changing the owner of this note.",
"placeholder": "Enter username of new note owner",
"button": "Change the owner of this note"
"shareLink": {
"title": "Share link",
"editorDescription": "This link points to this note in the editor as you currently see it.",
"viewOnlyDescription": "This link points to a read-only version of this note. You can use this e.g. for feedback from friends and colleagues.",
"slidesDescription": "This link points to the presentation view of the slides."
"aliases": {
"title": "Aliases",
"explanation": "Aliases are alternative names for this note. You may access this note under all the listed names below.",
"addAlias": "Add alias",
"makePrimary": "Mark this alias as primary",
"isPrimary": "This is the primary alias",
"removeAlias": "Remove this alias",
"errorAddingAlias": "The chosen alias can not be added to this note",
"errorRemovingAlias": "There was an error removing the alias",
"errorMakingPrimary": "There was an error marking the alias as primary"
"preferences": {
"title": "Preferences",
"theme": {
"label": "Editor theme",
"one-dark": "Dark",
"neat": "Light"
"keyMap": {
"label": "Keymap",
"sublime": "Sublime",
"emacs": "Emacs",
"vim": "Vim"
"indentWithTabs": {
"label": "Tab character",
"on": "Tabs",
"off": "Spaces"
"indentUnit": "Number of spaces per tab",
"spellcheck": {
"label": "Spell checking"
"ligatures": {
"label": "Show ligatures"
"smartPaste": {
"label": "Auto format pasted content"
"embeddings": {
"clickToLoad": "Click to load",
"placeholderImage": {
"placeholderText": "Placeholder",
"upload": "Upload image"
"abcJs": {
"errorWhileRendering": "Error while rendering your score. Please check if the code is correct."
"views": {
"presentation": {},
"readOnly": {
"viewCount": "views",
"editNote": "Edit this note"
"common": {
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"import": "Import",
"export": "Export",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"ok": "OK",
"close": "Close",
"save": "Save",
"delete": "Delete",
"or": "or",
"and": "and",
"avatarOf": "Avatar of '{{name}}'",
"why": "Why?",
"loading": "Loading ...",
"errorWhileLoading": "An unexpected error occurred while loading '{{name}}'.\nCheck the browser console for more information.\nReport this error only if it comes up again.",
"errorOccurred": "An error occurred",
"readForMoreInfo": "Read here for more information",
"guestUser": "Guest user"
"copyOverlay": {
"error": "Error while copying!",
"success": "Copied!"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "Choose method",
"signInVia": "Sign in via {{service}}",
"signIn": "Sign In",
"signOut": "Sign Out",
"logoutFailed": "There was an error logging you out.\nClose your browser window to ensure session data is removed.",
"auth": {
"email": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"username": "Username",
"error": {
"openIdLogin": "Invalid OpenID provided",
"usernamePassword": "Invalid username or password",
"loginDisabled": "The login is disabled",
"other": "There was an error logging you in."
"register": {
"title": "Register",
"passwordAgain": "Password (again)",
"usernameInfo": "The username is your unique identifier for login.",
"passwordInfo": "Choose a unique and secure password. It must contain at least 8 characters.",
"infoTermsPrivacy": "With the registration of my user account I agree to the following terms:",
"success": {
"title": "Successfully registered",
"message": "Your account has been registered successfully. You can now log in with your username and password."
"error": {
"registrationDisabled": "The registration is disabled",
"usernameExisting": "There is already an account with this username.",
"other": "There was an error while registering your account. Just try it again."
"motd": {
"title": "Information"
"errors": {
"notFound": {
"title": "Page not found",
"description": "The requested page either does not exist or you don't have permission to access it."
"noteCreationFailed": {
"title": "Note could not be created",
"description": "The note could not be created. Maybe you don't have permission to create notes."
"notifications": {
"noteDeleted": {
"title": "Note '{{noteTitle}}' deleted",
"text": "You were redirected to the history page, because the note you just edited was deleted."