'use strict' const os = require('os') module.exports = { domain: '', urlPath: '', host: '', port: 3000, loglevel: 'info', urlAddPort: false, allowOrigin: ['localhost'], useSSL: false, hsts: { enable: true, maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, includeSubdomains: true, preload: true }, csp: { enable: true, directives: { }, addDefaults: true, addDisqus: false, addGoogleAnalytics: false, upgradeInsecureRequests: 'auto', reportURI: undefined, allowFraming: true, allowPDFEmbed: true }, cookiePolicy: 'lax', protocolUseSSL: false, allowAnonymous: true, allowAnonymousEdits: false, allowFreeURL: false, requireFreeURLAuthentication: false, forbiddenNoteIDs: ['robots.txt', 'favicon.ico', 'api', 'build', 'css', 'docs', 'fonts', 'js', 'uploads', 'vendor', 'views'], defaultPermission: 'editable', dbURL: '', db: {}, // ssl path sslKeyPath: '', sslCertPath: '', sslCAPath: '', dhParamPath: '', // other path viewPath: './public/views', tmpPath: os.tmpdir(), defaultNotePath: './public/default.md', docsPath: './public/docs', uploadsPath: './public/uploads', // session sessionName: 'connect.sid', sessionSecret: 'secret', sessionSecretLen: 128, sessionLife: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 14 days staticCacheTime: 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 1 day // socket.io heartbeatInterval: 5000, heartbeatTimeout: 10000, // too busy timeout tooBusyLag: 70, // document documentMaxLength: 100000, // image upload setting, available options are imgur/s3/filesystem/azure/lutim imageUploadType: 'filesystem', lutim: { url: 'https://framapic.org/' }, imgur: { clientID: undefined }, s3: { accessKeyId: undefined, secretAccessKey: undefined, region: undefined }, s3bucket: undefined, s3folder: 'uploads', s3publicFiles: false, minio: { accessKey: undefined, secretKey: undefined, endPoint: undefined, secure: true, port: 9000 }, azure: { connectionString: undefined, container: undefined }, // authentication oauth2: { providerName: undefined, authorizationURL: undefined, tokenURL: undefined, clientID: undefined, clientSecret: undefined, scope: undefined }, facebook: { clientID: undefined, clientSecret: undefined }, twitter: { consumerKey: undefined, consumerSecret: undefined }, github: { clientID: undefined, clientSecret: undefined }, gitlab: { baseURL: undefined, clientID: undefined, clientSecret: undefined, scope: undefined, version: 'v4' }, mattermost: { baseURL: undefined, clientID: undefined, clientSecret: undefined }, dropbox: { clientID: undefined, clientSecret: undefined, appKey: undefined }, google: { clientID: undefined, clientSecret: undefined, hostedDomain: undefined }, ldap: { providerName: undefined, url: undefined, bindDn: undefined, bindCredentials: undefined, searchBase: undefined, searchFilter: undefined, searchAttributes: undefined, usernameField: undefined, useridField: undefined, tlsca: undefined }, saml: { providerName: undefined, idpSsoUrl: undefined, idpCert: undefined, clientCert: undefined, issuer: undefined, identifierFormat: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress', disableRequestedAuthnContext: false, groupAttribute: undefined, externalGroups: [], requiredGroups: [], attribute: { id: undefined, username: undefined, email: undefined } }, email: true, allowEmailRegister: true, allowGravatar: true, openID: false, // linkifyHeaderStyle - How is a header text converted into a link id. // Header Example: "3.1. Good Morning my Friend! - Do you have 5$?" // * 'keep-case' is the legacy HedgeDoc value. // Generated id: "31-Good-Morning-my-Friend---Do-you-have-5" // * 'lower-case' is the same like legacy (see above), but converted to lower-case. // Generated id: "#31-good-morning-my-friend---do-you-have-5" // * 'gfm' _GitHub-Flavored Markdown_ style as described here: // https://gist.github.com/asabaylus/3071099#gistcomment-1593627 // It works like 'lower-case', but making sure the ID is unique. // This is What GitHub, GitLab and (hopefully) most other tools use. // Generated id: "31-good-morning-my-friend---do-you-have-5" // 2nd appearance: "31-good-morning-my-friend---do-you-have-5-1" // 3rd appearance: "31-good-morning-my-friend---do-you-have-5-2" linkifyHeaderStyle: 'keep-case' }