import { Router } from 'express' import passport from 'passport' import LDAPStrategy from 'passport-ldapauth' import { config } from '../../../config' import { errors } from '../../../errors' import { logger } from '../../../logger' import { User } from '../../../models' import { urlencodedParser } from '../../utils' import { AuthMiddleware } from '../interface' export const LdapMiddleware: AuthMiddleware = { getMiddleware (): Router { const LdapAuth = Router() passport.use(new LDAPStrategy({ server: { url: config.ldap.url || null, bindDN: config.ldap.bindDn || null, bindCredentials: config.ldap.bindCredentials || null, searchBase: config.ldap.searchBase || null, searchFilter: config.ldap.searchFilter || null, searchAttributes: config.ldap.searchAttributes || null, tlsOptions: config.ldap.tlsOptions || null, starttls: config.ldap.starttls || null } }, function (user, done) { let uuid = user.uidNumber || user.uid || user.sAMAccountName || undefined if (config.ldap.useridField && user[config.ldap.useridField]) { uuid = user[config.ldap.useridField] } if (typeof uuid === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Could not determine UUID for LDAP user. Check that ' + 'either uidNumber, uid or sAMAccountName is set in your LDAP directory ' + 'or use another unique attribute and configure it using the ' + '"useridField" option in ldap settings.') } let username = uuid if (config.ldap.usernameField && user[config.ldap.usernameField]) { username = user[config.ldap.usernameField] } const profile = { id: 'LDAP-' + uuid, username: username, displayName: user.displayName, emails: user.mail ? Array.isArray(user.mail) ? user.mail : [user.mail] : [], avatarUrl: null, profileUrl: null, provider: 'ldap' } const stringifiedProfile = JSON.stringify(profile) User.findOrCreate({ where: { profileid: }, defaults: { profile: stringifiedProfile } }).then(function ([user, _]) { if (user) { let needSave = false if (user.profile !== stringifiedProfile) { user.profile = stringifiedProfile needSave = true } if (needSave) { () { logger.debug(`user login: ${}`) return done(null, user) }) } else { logger.debug(`user login: ${}`) return done(null, user) } } }).catch(function (err) { logger.error('ldap auth failed: ' + err) return done(err, null) }) }))'/auth/ldap', urlencodedParser, function (req, res, next) { if (!req.body.username || !req.body.password) return errors.errorBadRequest(res) passport.authenticate('ldapauth', { successReturnToOrRedirect: config.serverURL + '/', failureRedirect: config.serverURL + '/', failureFlash: true })(req, res, next) }) return LdapAuth } }