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Please check your browser console." }, "vega-lite": { "png": "Save as PNG", "svg": "Save as SVG", "errorJson": "Error parsing the JSON" }, "clickShield": { "previewHoverText": "Click to load content from {{target}}" }, "uploadIndicator": { "uploadMessage": "Uploading file" } }, "noteLoadingBoundary": { "createNote": { "question": "Do you want to create a note with alias '{{aliasName}}'?", "create": "Create note", "creating": "Creating note...", "error": "Note couldn't be created.", "success": "Note has been created." }, "error": { "notFound": { "title": "Note not found", "description": "The requested note doesn't exist." }, "forbidden": { "title": "Access denied", "description": "You don't have the needed permission to access this note" } } }, "landing": { "intro": { "markdownWhileLoading": "Loading...", "markdownLoadingError": "Error while fetching intro content" }, "history": { "error": { "getHistory": { "title": "Load History Error", "text": "While trying to load the history form the server an error occurred" }, "deleteHistory": { "title": "Delete History Error", "text": "While trying to delete the history on the server an error occurred" }, "setHistory": { "title": "Upload History Error", "text": "While trying to upload the history to the server an error occurred" }, "deleteNote": { "title": "Delete Note Error", "text": "While trying to delete a note on the server an error occurred" }, "updateEntry": { "title": "Update History Entry Error", "text": "While trying to update a history entry on the server an error occurred" }, "deleteEntry": { "title": "Delete History Entry Error", "text": "While trying to delete a history entry on the server an error occurred" }, "notFoundEntry": { "title": "History Entry not found", "text": "We can't find the history entry you requested." } }, "noHistory": "No history", "localHistory": "Below is history from this browser", "toolbar": { "cards": "Cards", "table": "Table", "selectTags": "Select tags…", "searchKeywords": "Search keyword…", "sortByTitle": "Sort by title", "sortByLastVisited": "Sort by time", "export": "Export history", "import": "Import history", "clear": "Clear history", "refresh": "Refresh history", "uploadAll": "Sync the complete history to the server" }, "modal": { "clearHistory": { "title": "Delete history", "question": "Do you want to clear the history?", "disclaimer": "This won't delete any notes." }, "importHistoryError": { "title": "An error occurred", "textWithFile": "While trying to import history from '{{fileName}}' an error occurred.", "textWithoutFile": "You did not provide any files to upload the history from.", "tooNewVersion": "The file '{{fileName}}' comes from a newer client and can't be imported." }, "removeNote": { "title": "Remove note from history", "question": "Do you really want to remove this note from your history?", "warning": "This just removes the history entry and won't delete the note itself.", "button": "Remove note from history" } }, "tableHeader": { "title": "Title", "actions": "Actions", "tags": "Tags", "lastVisit": "Last Visit" }, "menu": { "recentNotes": "Recent notes", "entryLocal": "Saved in your browser history", "entryRemote": "Saved in your user history", "removeEntry": "Remove from history", "deleteNote": "Delete note" } }, "navigation": { "intro": "Intro", "history": "History", "newGuestNote": "New guest note", "newNote": "New note" }, "footer": { "releases": "Releases", "poweredBy": "Powered by <0>" }, "versionInfo": { "issueTracker": "Found a bug? Fill an issue!", "sourceCode": "Read the source code", "versionInfo": "Running Version", "title": "Running HedgeDoc on version" } }, "profile": { "userProfile": "User profile", "displayName": "Display name", "displayNameInfo": "This name will be shown publicly on notes you created or edited.", "changePassword": { "title": "Change password", "old": "Old password", "new": "New password", "newAgain": "New password again", "info": "Your new password should contain at least 6 characters.", "failed": "Changing your password failed. Check your old password and try again.", "successTitle": "Password changed", "successText": "Your password has been changed successfully." }, "changeDisplayNameFailed": "There was an error changing your display name.", "accountManagement": "Account management", "deleteUser": "Delete user", "exportUserData": "Export user data", "accessTokens": { "title": "Access tokens", "info": "Access tokens are an password-less authentication method for the CLI or third-party applications.", "infoDev": "Developers can use these to access the public API.", "noTokens": "You don't have any tokens generated yet.", "createToken": "Create token", "label": "Token label", "created": "created {{time}}", "lastUsed": "last used {{time}}", "neverUsed": "never used", "loadingFailed": "Fetching your access tokens has failed. Try reloading this page.", "creationFailed": "Creating the access token failed.", "expiry": "Expiry date" }, "modal": { "deleteUser": { "title": "Delete user", "message": "Do you really want to delete your user account?", "subMessage": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.", "failed": "There was an error deleting your account. Please try it again or contact your instance's administrator.", "notificationTitle": "Account deleted", "notificationText": "Your account has been successfully deleted." }, "addedAccessToken": { "title": "Token added", "message": "The access token '{{label}}' was created. Copy it from the field below now, as you won't be able to view it again." }, "deleteAccessToken": { "title": "Really delete token?", "message": "When deleting the access token '{{label}}', the applications that used it won't have access to your account anymore. You eventually need a new token to continue using those applications.", "notificationTitle": "Access token deleted", "notificationText": "The access token '{{label}}' has been deleted.", "failed": "There was an error deleting the access token. Please try it again or contact your instance's administrator." } } }, "editor": { "linter": { "defaultAction": "Fix", "sequence": "The use of 'sequence' as code block language is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.", "shortcode": "The {{shortcode}} short-code is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use a single line URL instead.", "frontmatter": "The yaml-metadata is invalid.", "frontmatter-tags": "The comma-separated definition of tags in the yaml-metadata is deprecated. Use a yaml-array instead.", "fork-awesome": "The usage of Fork Awesome is deprecated and has been removed. Please use bootstrap icons instead. See {{link}} for more information." }, "upload": { "uploadFile": { "withoutDescription": "Uploading file {{fileName}}", "withDescription": "Uploading file {{fileName}} - {{description}}" }, "dropImage": "Drop Image to insert", "failed": "Error while uploading {{fileName}}" }, "untitledNote": "Untitled", "placeholder": "← Start by entering a title here\n===\nVisit {{host}}features if you don't know what to do.\nHappy hacking :)", "infoToc": "Structure your note with headings to see a table-of-contents here.", "onlineStatus": { "online": "Online", "you": "(You)" }, "error": { "locked": { "title": "This note is locked", "description": "Sorry, only the owner can edit this note." }, "limitReached": { "title": "Reached the limit", "description": "Sorry, this note reached its maximum length. Notes can be up to {{maxLength}} characters long.", "advice": "Please shorten the note." }, "incompatible": { "title": "Your client's version is incompatible.", "description": "The server requires a newer version of the editor.", "advice": "Refresh to update." }, "newVersion": { "title": "New version available!", "description": "A new version of HedgeDoc is available", "linkText": "See releases notes here", "advice": "Refresh to enjoy new features." }, "userStateChanged": { "title": "Your user state has changed.", "description": "Refresh to load new user state." } }, "viewMode": { "edit": "Edit", "view": "View", "both": "Both" }, "appBar": { "new": "New" }, "editorToolbar": { "bold": "Bold", "italic": "Italic", "underline": "Underline", "strikethrough": "Strikethrough", "subscript": "Subscript", "superscript": "Superscript", "header": "Heading", "code": "Code", "blockquote": "Blockquote", "unorderedList": "Unordered List", "orderedList": "Ordered List", "checkList": "Checklist", "link": "Link", "imageLink": "Image", "uploadImage": "Upload Image", "highlight": "Highlight", "table": { "titleWithoutSize": "Table", "titleWithSize": "{{cols}}x{{rows}} Table", "customSize": "Custom Size", "cols": "Cols", "rows": "Rows", "create": "Create Custom Table" }, "horizontalLine": "Horizontal line", "collapsibleBlock": "Collapsible block", "comment": "Comment", "preferences": "Editor settings", "emoji": "Open emoji picker" }, "documentBar": { "menu": "Menu", "import": "Import", "export": "Export", "extra": "Extra", "slideMode": "Slide Mode", "readOnlyMode": "Read-only mode", "download": "Download", "help": "Help", "deleteNote": "Delete note", "pinNoteToHistory": "Pin note to history", "pinnedToHistory": "Pinned to history" }, "statusBar": { "cursor": "Line {{line}}, Character {{columns}}", "selection": { "characters": "Selected {{count}} characters", "lines": "Selected {{count}} lines" }, "lines": "{{lines}} Lines", "length": "Length {{length}}", "lengthTooltip": { "maximumReached": "You've reached the maximum length of this note.", "remaining": "You may still write {{remaining}} characters until you reach the limit for this note.", "exceeded": "You've exceeded the maximum length of this note by {{exceeded}} characters. Consider shortening it." } }, "export": { "rawHtml": "Raw HTML", "markdown-file": "Markdown file" }, "import": { "clipboard": "Clipboard", "file": "Markdown file" }, "autocompletions": { "link": "Link", "icon": "Icon", "emoji": "Emoji", "image": "Image", "imageWithDimensions": "Image with dimensions", "toc": "Table of contents", "successBox": "Success box", "infoBox": "Info box", "warningBox": "Warning box", "errorBox": "Error box", "tagName": "Name tag", "tagColor": "Color tag", "tagTime": "Time tag", "spoiler": "Spoiler" }, "noteInfo": { "title": "Note info", "created": "Note created", "lastUpdated": "Last updated", "lastUpdatedBy": "Last updated by", "contributors": "Count of contributors", "wordCount": "Count of words" }, "modal": { "snippetImport": { "title": "Import from Snippet", "selectProject": "Select From Available Projects", "selectSnippet": "Select From Available Snippets" }, "gistImport": { "title": "Import from Gist", "insertGistUrl": "Paste your gist url here…" }, "snippetExport": { "title": "Export to Snippet", "visibilityLevel": "Select Visibility Level" }, "revision": { "title": "Revisions", "revertButton": "Revert", "error": "An error occurred while fetching the revisions of this note.", "errorUser": "An error occurred while fetching the user information for this revision.", "length": "Length", "download": "Download selected revision", "guestCount": "Anonymous authors or guests" }, "deleteRevision": { "title": "Delete Revisions for current note", "question": "Do you really want to remove all the previous revisions except the current of this note?", "warning": "All the previous revisions except the current will be deleted for this note. This process is irreversible.", "error": "An error occurred while deleting revisions of this note.", "button": "Delete Revisions" }, "clipboardImport": { "title": "Import from clipboard", "insertMarkdown": "Paste your markdown or webpage here…" }, "deleteNote": { "title": "Delete note", "question": "Do you really want to delete this note?", "warning": "All users will lose their connection. This process is irreversible.", "button": "Delete note" }, "permissions": { "title": "Permissions", "owner": "Owner", "sharedWithUsers": "Shared with users", "sharedWithGroups": "Shared with groups", "sharedWithElse": "Shared with else...", "editUser": "Change {{name}}'s permissions to view and edit", "viewOnlyUser": "Change {{name}}'s permissions to view only", "removeUser": "Remove {{name}}'s permissions", "addUser": "Add user", "editGroup": "Change permissions of group \"{{name}}\" to view & edit", "viewOnlyGroup": "Change permissions of group \"{{name}}\" to view only", "removeGroup": "Remove permissions of group \"{{name}}\"", "denyGroup": "Deny access to group \"{{name}}\"", "addGroup": "Add group", "allUser": "Everyone", "allLoggedInUser": "All logged-in users", "error": "An error occurred while updating the permissions of this note.", "ownerChange": { "error": "There was an error changing the owner of this note.", "placeholder": "Enter username of new note owner", "button": "Change the owner of this note" } }, "shareLink": { "title": "Share link", "editorDescription": "This link points to this note in the editor as you currently see it.", "viewOnlyDescription": "This link points to a read-only version of this note. You can use this e.g. for feedback from friends and colleagues.", "slidesDescription": "This link points to the presentation view of the slides." }, "aliases": { "title": "Aliases", "explanation": "Aliases are alternative names for this note. You may access this note under all the listed names below.", "addAlias": "Add alias", "makePrimary": "Mark this alias as primary", "isPrimary": "This is the primary alias", "removeAlias": "Remove this alias", "errorAddingAlias": "The chosen alias can not be added to this note", "errorRemovingAlias": "There was an error removing the alias", "errorMakingPrimary": "There was an error marking the alias as primary" }, "preferences": { "title": "Preferences", "theme": { "label": "Editor theme", "one-dark": "Dark", "neat": "Light" }, "keyMap": { "label": "Keymap", "sublime": "Sublime", "emacs": "Emacs", "vim": "Vim" }, "indentWithTabs": { "label": "Tab character", "on": "Tabs", "off": "Spaces" }, "indentUnit": "Number of spaces per tab", "spellcheck": { "label": "Spell checking" }, "ligatures": { "label": "Show ligatures" }, "smartPaste": { "label": "Auto format pasted content" } } }, "embeddings": { "clickToLoad": "Click to load", "placeholderImage": { "placeholderText": "Placeholder", "upload": "Upload image" } }, "abcJs": { "errorWhileRendering": "Error while rendering your score. Please check if the code is correct." } }, "views": { "presentation": {}, "readOnly": { "viewCount": "views", "editNote": "Edit this note" } }, "appbar": { "editor": { "readOnly": "read-only" }, "help": { "help": { "header": "Help", "shortcuts": "Shortcuts", "cheatsheet": "Cheatsheet" }, "instance": { "header": "About this instance", "versionInfo": "Running version" }, "legal": { "header": "Legal", "privacy": "Privacy Policy", "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", "imprint": "Imprint" }, "project": { "header": "Project", "github": "Project on GitHub", "reportIssue": "Report an issue", "helpTranslating": "Help us translating" }, "social": { "header": "Social", "discourse": "Join the community", "matrix": "Chat with us on Matrix", "mastodon": "Follow us on Mastodon" } } }, "common": { "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "on": "On", "off": "Off", "import": "Import", "export": "Export", "refresh": "Refresh", "cancel": "Cancel", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "ok": "OK", "close": "Close", "save": "Save", "delete": "Delete", "or": "or", "and": "and", "avatarOf": "Avatar of '{{name}}'", "why": "Why?", "loading": "Loading ...", "errorWhileLoading": "An unexpected error occurred while loading '{{name}}'.\nCheck the browser console for more information.\nReport this error only if it comes up again.", "errorOccurred": "An error occurred", "readForMoreInfo": "Read here for more information", "guestUser": "Guest user" }, "copyOverlay": { "error": "Error while copying!", "success": "Copied!" }, "login": { "chooseMethod": "Choose method", "signInVia": "Sign in via {{service}}", "signIn": "Sign In", "signOut": "Sign Out", "logoutFailed": "There was an error logging you out.\nClose your browser window to ensure session data is removed.", "guest": { "title": "Continue as guest" }, "auth": { "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "username": "Username", "error": { "usernamePassword": "Invalid username or password", "loginDisabled": "The login is disabled", "other": "There was an error logging you in." } }, "register": { "question": "No account yet?", "title": "Register", "passwordAgain": "Password (again)", "usernameInfo": "The username is your unique identifier for login.", "passwordInfo": "Choose a unique and secure password.", "infoTermsPrivacy": "With the registration of my user account I agree to the following terms:", "success": { "title": "Successfully registered", "message": "Your account has been registered successfully. You can now log in with your username and password." }, "error": { "passwordTooWeak": "The password is too weak.", "registrationDisabled": "The registration is disabled.", "usernameExisting": "There is already an account with this username.", "other": "There was an error while registering your account. Just try it again." } } }, "motd": { "title": "Information" }, "errors": { "notFound": { "title": "Page not found", "description": "The requested page either does not exist or you don't have permission to access it." }, "noteCreationFailed": { "title": "Note could not be created", "description": "The note could not be created. Maybe you don't have permission to create notes." } }, "notifications": { "noteDeleted": { "title": "Note '{{noteTitle}}' deleted", "text": "You were redirected to the history page, because the note you just edited was deleted." } }, "realtime": { "connecting": "Connecting to realtime collaboration server…" }, "settings": { "title": "Settings", "editor": { "label": "Editor", "ligatures": { "label": "Ligatures", "help": "Renders special character sequences as one symbol." }, "smartPaste": { "label": "Smart Paste", "help": "Smart paste detects common formats (like tables) when pasting content into the editor and formats them as markdown." }, "syncScroll": { "label": "Sync Scrolling", "help": "Synchronizes the scroll state of editor and rendering view." }, "lineWrapping": { "label": "Line Wrapping", "help": "Breaks long lines so they're visible without scrolling." } }, "global": { "label": "Global", "darkMode": { "label": "Dark mode", "help": "Enforces the use of the dark mode for the app or lets the browser decide.", "dark": { "tooltip": "Switch to dark mode", "label": "Dark" }, "light": { "tooltip": "Switch to light mode", "label": "Light" }, "browser": { "tooltip": "Let browser decide", "label": "Auto" } }, "language": { "label": "Language", "help": "The primary user interface language" } } }, "shortcuts": { "title": "Shortcuts", "editor": { "header": "Editor", "bold": "Make selection bold", "italic": "Make selection italic", "underline": "Underline selection", "strikethrough": "Strike selection through", "mark": "Mark selection", "link": "Add link around selection" }, "viewMode": { "header": "View Mode", "view": "Show only View", "both": "Show View and Edit", "edit": "Show only Edit" } }, "cheatsheet": { "search": "Search for Cheatsheets", "modal": { "popup": "Open in new tab", "title": "Cheatsheet", "headlines": { "description": "Description", "exampleInput": "Example Input", "exampleOutput": "Example Output", "selectTopic": "Select Topic", "readMoreLink": "Read More" }, "noSelection": "Select an entry on the left side to show the instructions." }, "categories": { "basic": "Basics", "other": "Other", "embedding": "Embedding", "charts": "Charts & Diagrams" }, "basics": { "basicFormatting": { "title": "Basic", "description": "These are the basic markdown formatting rules.", "example": "**Bold**\n__Bold__\n\n*Italic*\n_Italic_\n\n++Underline++\n~~Strikethrough~~\n\nSub~script~\n\nSuper^script^\n\n==Marked==" }, "abbreviation": { "title": "Abbreviation", "description": "Abbreviation definitions create tooltips for matching words. They can be placed defined in the document.", "example": "*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language\n*[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium\nThe HTML specification\nis maintained by the W3C." }, "footnote": { "title": "Footnotes", "description": "Footnotes can be used to add extra information at the bottom of the page. They can be defined anywhere in the document.", "example": "Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^longnote]\n\n[^1]: Here is the footnote.\n\n[^longnote]: Here's one with multiple blocks. Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they belong to the previous footnote." }, "headlines": { "title": "Headlines", "hashtag": { "title": "Hashtag", "description": "Headlines can be used to structure your document into sections. Every headline creates a linkable anchor.", "example": "# Headline 1\n\n## Headline 2\n\n### Headline 3\n\n#### Headline 4\n\n##### Headline 5\n\n###### Headline 6" }, "equal": { "title": "Equals sign", "description": "An alternative form for the first and second level headline is to append a line of only equals signs or dashes after the headline text. ", "example": "Headline 1\n==========\n\nHeadline 2\n----------" } }, "code": { "title": "Code", "inline": { "title": "Inline", "description": "You can define an inline code block by wrapping it in backticks.", "example": "This is `code`." }, "block": { "title": "Block", "description": "You can define a code block by putting a line of three backticks before and after the code part.\n\nIt is also possible to define a language for syntax highlighting. For more information check the entry \"Other > Code Highlighting\"", "example": "```\nthis is a code block\n```" } }, "lists": { "title": "Lists", "unordered": { "title": "Unordered", "description": "You can create unordered lists by prepending lines with dashes or asterisks.", "example": "- A\n- B\n- C\n\n* A\n* B\n* C" }, "ordered": { "title": "Ordered", "description": "You can create ordered lists by prepending lines with numbers followed by a dot. Ordered lists will always start with one. Ordered lists that aren't separated by another element will continue the last list.", "example": "1. A\n2. B\n3. C\n\n\n4. D\n5. E\n\nText\n\n100. A\n101. B\n102. C" } }, "images": { "title": "Images", "basic": { "title": "Basic", "description": "Images can be defined using the link syntax with an exclamation mark in front of it. The text in the brackets will be used as alt-text.", "example": "![This is an icon](/icons/apple-touch-icon.png)" }, "size": { "title": "Size", "description": "The size syntax allows you to set both dimensions of an image. If you omit one of the dimensions then image will be scaled to the relative size.", "example": "![Image](/icons/apple-touch-icon.png =100x50)\n\n![Image](/icons/apple-touch-icon.png =60x)\n\n![Image](/icons/apple-touch-icon.png =x50)" } }, "links": { "title": "Links", "description": "You can create text links by either using the link syntax, by writing the plain URL or by writing it in angle brackets.", "example": "[Example link](https://example.org)\n\nhttps://example.org\n\n" } }, "abcjs": { "title": "abcjs", "description": "You can render music sheets with abcjs by using music standard notation in a codeblock with `abc` as language.", "example": "```abc\nX:1\nT:Speed the Plough\nM:4/4\nC:Trad.\nK:G\n|:GABc dedB|dedB dedB|c2ec B2dB|c2A2 A2BA|\nGABc dedB|dedB dedB|c2ec B2dB|A2F2 G4:|\n|:g2gf gdBd|g2f2 e2d2|c2ec B2dB|c2A2 A2df|\ng2gf g2Bd|g2f2 e2d2|c2ec B2dB|A2F2 G4:|\n```" }, "alert": { "title": "Alert boxes", "description": "Use alert boxes to bring extra attention to parts of your document.", "example": ":::success\nThis is a success\n:::\n\n:::danger\nThis is a danger\n:::\n\n:::warning\nThis is a warning\n:::\n\n:::info\nThis is a info\n:::" }, "blockquoteTags": { "name": { "title": "Name", "description": "Use name tags to indicate who wrote a specific quote e.g. if you're commenting on the text.", "example": "> Imagination is more important than knowledge.\n> [name=Albert Einstein]" }, "color": { "title": "Color", "description": "Use color tags to tint the border of the quote.", "example": "> This is the default color\n\n> This is red! [color=red]\n\n> This is blue! [color=#0000ff]" }, "time": { "title": "Time", "description": "Use time tags to specify when a time stamp", "example": "The password is: changeme\n\n> Please change it ASAP [time=2020-03-05]" }, "title": "Blockquote Tags", "description": "Use name, time or color tags to specify your blockquotes. Color tags modify the border color.", "example": "> [name=Max] Named quote\n\n> [time=today] Time quote\n\n> [color=red] quote\n\n> [name=Max] [color=green] [time=today] Combined quote" }, "bootstrapIcon": { "title": "Bootstrap Icons", "description": "You can use bootstrap icons in your document by putting the name of an icon between colons but prefixed with `bi-`. A listing of all bootstrap icons can be found on their website.", "example": ":bi-music-note-beamed::bi-music-note-beamed::bi-music-note-beamed:\nAround the :bi-globe-americas:\nAround the :bi-globe-asia-australia:\nAround the :bi-globe-central-south-asia:\nAround the :bi-globe-europe-africa:" }, "emoji": { "title": "Emojis", "description": "You can add colored emojis by either placing the unicode character or by using a shortcode. HedgeDoc supports every emoji that Twemoji supports. You can also use the emoji picker in the editor toolbar.", "example": "I :heart: :hedgehog:" }, "csv": { "title": "CSV", "table": { "title": "Table", "description": "You can render a CSV text as table by using a code block with `csv` as language. You must specify the delimiter.", "example": "```csv delimiter=;\nUsername; Identifier;First name;Last name\n\"booker12; rbooker\";9012;Rachel;Booker\ngrey07;2070;Laura;Grey\njohnson81;4081;Craig;Johnson\njenkins46;9346;Mary;Jenkins\nsmith79;5079;Jamie;Smith\n```" }, "header": { "title": "Header", "description": "By adding the header keyword you can define that the first line is used as table header", "example": "```csv delimiter=; header\nUsername; Identifier;First name;Last name\n\"booker12; rbooker\";9012;Rachel;Booker\ngrey07;2070;Laura;Grey\njohnson81;4081;Craig;Johnson\njenkins46;9346;Mary;Jenkins\nsmith79;5079;Jamie;Smith\n```" } }, "flowchart": { "title": "flowchart.js", "description": "Render flowcharts diagrams using flowchart.js by using a code block with `flow` as language.", "example": "```flow\nst=>start: Start\ne=>end: End\nop=>operation: My Operation\nop2=>operation: lalala\ncond=>condition: Yes or No?\n\nst->op->op2->cond\ncond(yes)->e\ncond(no)->op2\n```" }, "gist": { "title": "GitHub Gist", "description": "Embed GitHub Gists by placing a gist URL on a single line.", "example": "# This is my gist\nhttps://gist.github.com/schacon/1\nThis is just the link to a gist: https://gist.github.com/schacon/1\n[Using the link tag will also not trigger the embedding](https://gist.github.com/schacon/1)" }, "graphviz": { "title": "GraphViz", "description": "Render GraphViz diagrams by using the DOT language in a code block with `graphviz` as language.", "example": "```graphviz\ngraph {\n a -- b\n a -- b\n b -- a [color=blue]\n}\n```" }, "katex": { "title": "KaTeX", "description": "You can render LaTeX mathematical expressions using KaTeX by encapsulating them in dollar signs.", "example": "The *Gamma function* satisfying $\\Gamma(n) = (n-1)!\\quad\\forall n\\in\\mathbb N$ is via the Euler integral\n\n$$\nx = {-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac} \\over 2a}.\n$$\n\n$$\n\\Gamma(z) = \\int_0^\\infty t^{z-1}e^{-t}dt\\,.\n$$" }, "asciinema": { "title": "Asciinema", "description": "Embed an Asciinema video by placing the URL in a single line.", "example": "https://asciinema.org/a/117928\n" }, "mermaid": { "title": "Mermaid", "description": "Render diagrams and charts using mermaid.js by adding a code block with the language `mermaid`", "example": "```mermaid\ngantt\n title A Gantt Diagram\n\n section Section\n A task: a1, 2014-01-01, 30d\n Another task: after a1, 20d\n\n section Another\n Task in sec: 2014-01-12, 12d\n Another task: 24d\n```" }, "imagePlaceholder": { "title": "Image Placeholder", "description": "You can use image placeholders to indicate spots where images should be placed. To do this use an image link with `https://` as URL. You can upload the actual image directly from the renderer. Placeholders also support size definition, alt text and title.", "example": "![This is a placeholder image](https://)" }, "iframeCapsule": { "title": "Iframe capsule", "description": "To protect viewers every iframe has to be activated explicitly. Before this, no information is fetched. Adding additional privileges using the sandbox attribute is not allowed.", "example": "" }, "plantuml": { "title": "PlantUML", "description": "Render diagrams and charts using PlantUML by adding a code block with the language `plantuml`. PlantUML diagrams are not rendered in your browser like the other charts, but by an external server.", "example": "```plantuml\n@startuml\nparticipant Alice\nparticipant \"The **Famous** Bob\" as Bob\n\nAlice -> Bob : hello --there--\n... Some ~~long delay~~ ...\nBob -> Alice : ok\nnote left\n This is **bold**\n This is //italics//\n This is \"\"monospaced\"\"\n This is --stroked--\n This is __underlined__\n This is ~~waved~~\nend note\n\nAlice -> Bob : A //well formatted// message\nnote right of Alice\n This is displayed\n __left of__ Alice.\nend note\nnote left of Bob\n This is displayed\n **left of Alice Bob**.\nend note\nnote over Alice, Bob\n This is hosted by \nend note\n@enduml\n```" }, "spoiler": { "title": "Spoiler", "description": "Hide information by using a spoiler tag.", "example": ":::spoiler This spoiler contains a surprise.\nSURPRISE!\n:::" }, "toc": { "title": "Table Of Contents", "basic": { "title": "Basic", "description": "Add a table of contents that is automatically generated using your headlines by adding `[toc]` into a single line.", "example": "[toc]\n\n# This is a first headline\n\n## This is a second headline" }, "levelLimit": { "title": "Level limits", "description": "You can limit the levels of the headlines the TOC should show", "example": "[toc:2:3]\n\n# This is a first headline\n\n## This is a second headline\n\n### This is a third headline\n\n#### This is a fourth headline" } }, "vegaLite": { "title": "Vega Lite", "description": "Render diagrams and charts using vega lite by adding a code block with the language `vega-lite`", "example": "```vega-lite\n{\n \"$schema\": \"https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json\",\n \"description\": \"Reproducing http://robslink.com/SAS/democd91/pyramid_pie.htm\",\n \"data\": {\n \"values\": [\n {\"category\": \"Sky\", \"value\": 75, \"order\": 3},\n {\"category\": \"Shady side of a pyramid\", \"value\": 10, \"order\": 1},\n {\"category\": \"Sunny side of a pyramid\", \"value\": 15, \"order\": 2}\n ]\n },\n \"mark\": {\"type\": \"arc\", \"outerRadius\": 80},\n \"encoding\": {\n \"theta\": {\n \"field\": \"value\", \"type\": \"quantitative\",\n \"scale\": {\"range\": [2.35619449, 8.639379797]},\n \"stack\": true\n },\n \"color\": {\n \"field\": \"category\", \"type\": \"nominal\",\n \"scale\": {\n \"domain\": [\"Sky\", \"Shady side of a pyramid\", \"Sunny side of a pyramid\"],\n \"range\": [\"#416D9D\", \"#674028\", \"#DEAC58\"]\n },\n \"legend\": {\n \"orient\": \"none\",\n \"title\": null,\n \"columns\": 1,\n \"legendX\": 200,\n \"legendY\": 80\n }\n },\n \"order\": {\n \"field\": \"order\"\n }\n },\n \"view\": {\"stroke\": null}\n}\n```" }, "vimeo": { "title": "Vimeo", "description": "Embed a Vimeo video by placing the URL in a single line.", "example": "https://vimeo.com/23237102" }, "youtube": { "title": "YouTube", "description": "Embed a YouTube video by placing the URL in a single line.", "example": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE7VzlLtp-4" }, "taskList": { "title": "Task Lists", "description": "You can turn any listing into a task list by adding brackets. The checkboxes in the rendering change the markdown content if clicked.", "example": "- [ ] ToDos\n - [X] Buy some salad\n - [ ] Brush teeth\n - [x] Drink some water\n - [ ] **Click my box** and see the source code, if you're allowed to edit!\n" }, "codeHighlighting": { "title": "Code Highlighting", "language": { "title": "Language", "description": "Specify a language after the start tag of a code block to activate code highlighting.", "example": "```js\nvar s = \"JavaScript syntax highlighting\";\nalert(s);\nfunction $initHighlight(block, cls) {\n try {\n if (cls.search(/\\bno\\-highlight\\b/) != -1)\n return process(block, true, 0x0F) +\n ' class=\"\"';\n } catch (e) {\n /* handle exception */\n }\n for (var i = 0 / 2; i < classes.length; i++) {\n if (checkCondition(classes[i]) === undefined)\n return /\\d+[\\s/]/g;\n }\n}\n```" }, "lineWrapping": { "title": "Line wrapping", "description": "Set an exclamation mark to activate line wrapping", "example": "```text\naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n```\n\n```text!\naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n```" }, "lineNumbers": { "title": "Line numbers", "description": "Set a equals sign after the language to show line numbers. You can specify a start line number after the equal sign or a plus to continue the line numbers from the last code block.", "example": "```markdown=12\nline1\n```\n```markdown=+\nline2\n```\n```markdown=\nline3\n```" } } } }