site_name: HedgeDoc 2 Docs site_url: repo_url: site_description: 'HedgeDoc 2 Documentation' site_author: 'HedgeDoc Developers' docs_dir: content edit_uri: nav: - Home: - Tutorials: - Overview: tutorials/ - Setup: tutorials/ - 'Create a user': tutorials/ - 'Create a note': tutorials/ - 'Create a presentation': tutorials/ - 'How-to guides': - Overview: how-to/ - 'Reverse Proxy': how-to/ - Backup: how-to/ - Authentication: how-to/ - Database: how-to/ - Develop: - Setup: how-to/develop/ - 'Frontend setup': how-to/develop/ - 'Build docker images': how-to/develop/ - 'Build Documentation': how-to/develop/ - 'LDAP test environment': how-to/develop/auth/ - 'Core concepts': - Overview: concepts/ - Notes: concepts/ - 'User Profiles': concepts/ - Config: concepts/ - 'API Auth': concepts/ - Events: concepts/ - References: - Overview: references/ - 'HFM Syntax': references/ - Configuration: - Overview: references/config/ - General: references/config/ - Notes: references/config/ - Database: references/config/ - Authentication: - Overview: references/config/auth/ - 'Local accounts': references/config/auth/ - LDAP: references/config/auth/ - 'OpenID Connect (OIDC)': references/config/auth/ - Customization: references/config/ - Media Backends: - Azure: references/config/media/ - Filesystem: references/config/media/ - imgur: references/config/media/ - S3: references/config/media/ - WebDAV: references/config/media/ - Integrations: references/config/ - FAQ: faq/ markdown_extensions: - toc: permalink: true - admonition - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.superfences - attr_list - footnotes - mdx_truly_sane_lists theme: name: 'material' language: en favicon: images/favicon.png logo: images/logo.svg palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: light primary: 'hedgedoc' accent: 'hedgedoc' toggle: icon: material/lightbulb-outline name: Switch to dark mode # Dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate primary: 'hedgedoc' accent: 'hedgedoc' toggle: icon: material/lightbulb name: Switch to light mode features: - navigation.tabs - navigation.sections - toc.integrate font: false extra_css: - theme/styles/hedgedoc-custom.css - theme/styles/roboto.css