import express from 'express' import ejs from 'ejs' import passport from 'passport' import methodOverride from 'method-override' import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser' import compression from 'compression' import session from 'express-session' // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase import connect_session_sequelize from 'connect-session-sequelize' import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import morgan from 'morgan' import passportSocketIo from 'passport.socketio' import helmet from 'helmet' import i18n from 'i18n' import flash from 'connect-flash' import { Revision, sequelize } from './models' import { config } from './config' import { logger } from './logger' import { errors } from './errors' import { addNonceToLocals, computeDirectives } from './csp' import { AuthRouter, BaseRouter, HistoryRouter, ImageRouter, NoteRouter, StatusRouter, UserRouter } from './web/' // others import { realtime } from './realtime' import { tooBusy, checkURI, redirectWithoutTrailingSlashes, codiMDVersion } from './web/middleware' const SequelizeStore = connect_session_sequelize(session.Store) const rootPath = path.join(__dirname, '..') // server setup const app = express() let server: any = null if (config.useSSL) { const ca = (function (): string[] { let i, len const results: string[] = [] for (i = 0, len = config.sslCAPath.length; i < len; i++) { results.push(fs.readFileSync(config.sslCAPath[i], 'utf8')) } return results })() const options = { key: fs.readFileSync(config.sslKeyPath, 'utf8'), cert: fs.readFileSync(config.sslCertPath, 'utf8'), ca: ca, dhparam: fs.readFileSync(config.dhParamPath, 'utf8'), requestCert: false, rejectUnauthorized: false } server = require('https').createServer(options, app) } else { server = require('http').createServer(app) } // logger app.use(morgan('combined', { stream: { write: function (message): void { } } })) // socket io const io = require('')(server) = new (require('ws').Server)({ noServer: true, perMessageDeflate: false }) // assign socket io to realtime = io // methodOverride app.use(methodOverride('_method')) // session store const sessionStore = new SequelizeStore({ db: sequelize }) // compression app.use(compression()) // use hsts to tell https users stick to this if (config.hsts.enable) { app.use(helmet.hsts({ maxAge: config.hsts.maxAgeSeconds, includeSubdomains: config.hsts.includeSubdomains, preload: config.hsts.preload })) } else if (config.useSSL) {'Consider enabling HSTS for extra security:')'') } // Add referrer policy to improve privacy app.use( helmet.referrerPolicy({ policy: 'same-origin' }) ) // Generate a random nonce per request, for CSP with inline scripts app.use(addNonceToLocals) // use Content-Security-Policy to limit XSS, dangerous plugins, etc. // if (config.csp.enable) { app.use(helmet.contentSecurityPolicy({ directives: computeDirectives() })) } else {'Content-Security-Policy is disabled. This may be a security risk.') } i18n.configure({ locales: ['en', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'fr', 'de', 'ja', 'es', 'ca', 'el', 'pt', 'it', 'tr', 'ru', 'nl', 'hr', 'pl', 'uk', 'hi', 'sv', 'eo', 'da', 'ko', 'id', 'sr', 'vi', 'ar', 'cs', 'sk'], cookie: 'locale', indent: ' ', // this is the style exports it, this creates less churn directory: path.resolve(rootPath, config.localesPath), updateFiles: config.updateI18nFiles }) app.use(cookieParser()) app.use(i18n.init) // routes without sessions // static files app.use('/', express.static(path.resolve(rootPath, config.publicPath), { maxAge: config.staticCacheTime, index: false, redirect: false })) app.use('/docs', express.static(path.resolve(rootPath, config.docsPath), { maxAge: config.staticCacheTime, redirect: false })) app.use('/uploads', express.static(path.resolve(rootPath, config.uploadsPath), { maxAge: config.staticCacheTime, redirect: false })) app.use('/', express.static(path.resolve(rootPath, config.defaultNotePath), { maxAge: config.staticCacheTime })) // session app.use(session({ name: config.sessionName, secret: config.sessionSecret, resave: false, // don't save session if unmodified saveUninitialized: true, // always create session to ensure the origin rolling: true, // reset maxAge on every response cookie: { maxAge: config.sessionLife }, store: sessionStore })) // session resumption const tlsSessionStore = {} server.on('newSession', function (id, data, cb) { tlsSessionStore[id.toString('hex')] = data cb() }) server.on('resumeSession', function (id, cb) { cb(null, tlsSessionStore[id.toString('hex')] || null) }) // middleware which blocks requests when we're too busy app.use(tooBusy) app.use(flash()) // passport app.use(passport.initialize()) app.use(passport.session()) // check uri is valid before going further app.use(checkURI) // redirect url without trailing slashes app.use(redirectWithoutTrailingSlashes) app.use(codiMDVersion) // routes need sessions // template files app.set('views', config.viewPath) // set render engine app.engine('ejs', ejs.renderFile) // set view engine app.set('view engine', 'ejs') // set generally available variables for all views app.locals.useCDN = config.useCDN app.locals.serverURL = config.serverURL app.locals.sourceURL = config.sourceURL app.locals.allowAnonymous = config.allowAnonymous app.locals.allowAnonymousEdits = config.allowAnonymousEdits app.locals.authProviders = { facebook: config.isFacebookEnable, twitter: config.isTwitterEnable, github: config.isGitHubEnable, gitlab: config.isGitLabEnable, dropbox: config.isDropboxEnable, google: config.isGoogleEnable, ldap: config.isLDAPEnable, ldapProviderName: config.ldap.providerName, saml: config.isSAMLEnable, oauth2: config.isOAuth2Enable, oauth2ProviderName: config.oauth2.providerName, openID: config.isOpenIDEnable, email: config.isEmailEnable, allowEmailRegister: config.allowEmailRegister } // Export/Import menu items app.locals.enableDropBoxSave = config.isDropboxEnable app.locals.enableGitHubGist = config.isGitHubEnable app.locals.enableGitlabSnippets = config.isGitlabSnippetsEnable app.use(BaseRouter) app.use(StatusRouter) app.use(AuthRouter) app.use(HistoryRouter) app.use(UserRouter) app.use(ImageRouter) app.use(NoteRouter) // response not found if no any route matxches app.get('*', function (req, res) { errors.errorNotFound(res) }) // secure io.use( // auth io.use(passportSocketIo.authorize({ cookieParser: cookieParser, key: config.sessionName, secret: config.sessionSecret, store: sessionStore, success: realtime.onAuthorizeSuccess, fail: realtime.onAuthorizeFail })) // heartbeat io.set('heartbeat interval', config.heartbeatInterval) io.set('heartbeat timeout', config.heartbeatTimeout) // connection io.sockets.on('connection', realtime.connection) // listen function startListen () { let address const listenCallback = function () { const schema = config.useSSL ? 'HTTPS' : 'HTTP''%s Server listening at %s', schema, address) realtime.maintenance = false } // use unix domain socket if 'path' is specified if (config.path) { address = config.path server.listen(config.path, listenCallback) } else { address = + ':' + config.port server.listen(config.port,, listenCallback) } } // sync db then start listen sequelize.authenticate().then(function () { // check if realtime is ready if (realtime.isReady()) { Revision.checkAllNotesRevision(function (err, notes) { if (err) throw new Error(err) if (!notes || notes.length <= 0) return startListen() }) } else { throw new Error('server still not ready after db synced') } }) // log uncaught exception process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { logger.error('An uncaught exception has occured.') logger.error(err) logger.error('Process will exit now.') process.exit(1) }) // install exit handler function handleTermSignals () {'CodiMD has been killed by signal, try to exit gracefully...') realtime.maintenance = true // disconnect all clients Object.keys(io.sockets.sockets).forEach(function (key) { const socket = io.sockets.sockets[key] // notify client server going into maintenance status socket.emit('maintenance') setTimeout(function () { socket.disconnect(true) }, 0) }) if (config.path) { // ToDo: add a proper error handler // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function fs.unlink(config.path, (_) => {}) } const checkCleanTimer = setInterval(function () { if (realtime.isReady()) { Revision.checkAllNotesRevision(function (err, notes) { if (err) return logger.error(err) if (!notes || notes.length <= 0) { clearInterval(checkCleanTimer) return process.exit(0) } }) } }, 100) } process.on('SIGINT', handleTermSignals) process.on('SIGTERM', handleTermSignals) process.on('SIGQUIT', handleTermSignals)