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Fill an issue!", "sourceCode": "Read the source code", "versionInfo": "Version info", "successfullyCopied": "Copied!", "serverVersion": "Server version", "clientVersion": "Client version", "title": "You are using" } }, "profile": { "userProfile": "User profile", "displayName": "Display name", "displayNameInfo": "This name will be shown publicly on notes you created or edited.", "changePassword": { "title": "Change password", "old": "Old password", "new": "New password", "newAgain": "New password again", "info": "Your new password should contain at least 6 characters." }, "accountManagement": "Account management", "deleteUser": "Delete user", "exportUserData": "Export user data", "modal": { "deleteUser": { "title": "Delete user", "message": "Do you really want to delete your user account?", "subMessage": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes." } } }, "editor": { "help": { "contacts": { "title": "Contacts", "community": "Join the community", "meetUsOn": "Meet us on {{service}}", "helpTranslating": "Help us translating", "reportIssue": "Report an issue" }, "documents": { "title": "Documents", "features": "Features", "yamlMetadata": "YAML Metadata", "slideExample": "Slide Example" }, "cheatsheet": { "title": "Cheatsheet", "example": "Example", "syntax": "Syntax", "exampleAlert": "This is an alert area.", "underlinedText": "Underlined text", "highlightedText": "Highlighted text", "externalService": "Externals" } }, "error": { "locked": { "title": "This note is locked", "description": "Sorry, only the owner can edit this note." }, "limitReached": { "title": "Reach the limit", "description": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum length this note can be.", "advice": "Please shorten the note." }, "incompatible": { "title": "Your client's version is incompatible.", "description": "The server requires a newer version of the editor.", "advice": "Refresh to update." }, "newVersion": { "title": "New version available!", "description": "A new version of CodiMD is available", "linkText": "See releases notes here", "advice": "Refresh to enjoy new features." }, "userStateChanged": { "title": "Your user state has changed.", "description": "Refresh to load new user state." } }, "viewMode": { "edit": "Edit", "view": "View", "both": "Both" }, "darkMode": { "switchToDark": "Switch to Dark Mode", "switchToLight": "Switch to Light Mode" }, "editorToolbar": { "bold": "Bold", "italic": "Italic", "strikethrough": "Strikethrough", "header": "Header", "code": "Code", "blockquote": "Blockquote", "unorderedList": "Unordered List", "orderedList": "Ordered List", "checkList": "Checklist", "link": "Link", "image": "Image", "uploadImage": "Upload Image", "table": "Table", "line": "Line", "comment": "Comment" }, "menu": { "menu": "Menu", "new": "New", "publish": "Publish", "extra": "Extra", "revision": "Revision", "slideMode": "Slide Mode", "download": "Download", "help": "Help", "deleteNote": "Delete note" }, "export": { "rawHtml": "Raw HTML" }, "import": { "clipboard": "Clipboard" }, "modal": { "snippetImport": { "title": "Import from Snippet", "selectProject": "Select From Available Projects", "selectSnippet": "Select From Available Snippets" }, "gistImport": { "title": "Import from Gist", "insertGistUrl": "Paste your gist url here…" }, "snippetExport": { "title": "Export to Snippet", "visibilityLevel": "Select Visibility Level" }, "revision": { "title": "Revision", "revertButton": "Revert" }, "clipboardImport": { "title": "Import from clipboard", "insertMarkdown": "Paste your markdown or webpage here…" }, "deleteNote": { "title": "Delete note", "question": "Do you really want to delete this note?", "warning": "All users will lose their connection." } } }, "common": { "import": "Import", "export": "Export", "refresh": "Refresh", "cancel": "Cancel", "ok": "OK", "close": "Close", "save": "Save", "or": "or", "and": "and" }, "login": { "chooseMethod": "Choose method", "signInVia": "Sign in via {{service}}", "signIn": "Sign In", "signOut": "Sign Out", "register": "Register", "auth": { "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "username": "Username", "error": { "openIdLogin": "Invalid OpenID provided", "emailLogin": "Invalid email or password", "ldapLogin": "Invalid username or password" } } } }