'use strict' const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') function isPositiveAnswer (value) { const lowerValue = value.toLowerCase() return lowerValue === 'yes' || lowerValue === '1' || lowerValue === 'true' } exports.toBooleanConfig = function toBooleanConfig (configValue) { if (configValue && typeof configValue === 'string') { return (isPositiveAnswer(configValue)) } return configValue } exports.toArrayConfig = function toArrayConfig (configValue, separator = ',', fallback) { if (configValue && typeof configValue === 'string') { return (configValue.split(separator).map(arrayItem => arrayItem.trim())) } return fallback } exports.toIntegerConfig = function toIntegerConfig (configValue) { if (configValue && typeof configValue === 'string') { return parseInt(configValue) } return configValue } exports.getGitCommit = function getGitCommit (repodir) { try { // prefer using git to get the current ref, as poking in .git is very fragile return require('child_process').execSync('git rev-parse HEAD', { stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'ignore'], encoding: 'utf-8' }).replace('\n', '') } catch (e) { // there was an error running git, try to parse refs ourselves if (!fs.existsSync(repodir + '/.git/HEAD')) { // there is no HEAD information return undefined } let reference = fs.readFileSync(repodir + '/.git/HEAD', 'utf8') if (reference.startsWith('ref: ')) { // HEAD references another ref, try to get the commit SHA from .git/ref/heads reference = reference.substr(5).replace('\n', '') const refPath = path.resolve(repodir + '/.git', reference) if (!fs.existsSync(refPath)) { // ref does not exist in .git/ref/heads return undefined } reference = fs.readFileSync(refPath, 'utf8') } reference = reference.replace('\n', '') return reference } } exports.getGitHubURL = function getGitHubURL (repo, reference) { // if it's not a github reference, we handle handle that anyway if (!repo.startsWith('https://github.com') && !repo.startsWith('git@github.com')) { return repo } if (repo.startsWith('git@github.com') || repo.startsWith('ssh://git@github.com')) { repo = repo.replace(/^(ssh:\/\/)?git@github.com:/, 'https://github.com/') } if (repo.endsWith('.git')) { repo = repo.replace(/\.git$/, '/') } else if (!repo.endsWith('/')) { repo = repo + '/' } return repo + 'tree/' + reference }