#!/bin/bash set -e version_lt() { test "$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | { [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ] && (sort -V || sort -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n;) } | tail -n 1)" != "$1"; } # run command at repo root CURRENT_PATH=$PWD if [ -d .git ]; then cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" fi if ! type yarn > /dev/null; then cat << EOF FATAL: Yarn could not be found. Run 'corepack enable', then try this script again. If 'corepack' is not available, try 'npm i -g corepack' first. For more information, see the installation instructions at https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install EOF exit 1 fi if version_lt "$(node --version)" 'v16.0.0'; then cat << EOF FATAL: Your Node.js version is not supported. Please upgrade to version 16 or higher and try again. We recommend running the latest LTS release, see https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/ for details. EOF exit 1 fi echo "Copying config files..." if [ ! -f config.json ]; then cp config.json.example config.json fi echo "Installing packages..." yarn workspaces focus --production cat << EOF If you want to build the frontend yourself, you need to run 'yarn install --immutable' before 'yarn build' to install the devDependencies for the build process. Edit the following config file to setup HedgeDoc server and client. Read more info at https://docs.hedgedoc.org/configuration/ * config.json -- HedgeDoc config EOF # change directory back cd "$CURRENT_PATH"