# Create your first note We'll assume the domain you use for the instance is , so please substitute your actual domain anywhere you encounter 1. Go to . 2. Click on the "New Note" button in the top right. HedgeDoc will now create a new note for you and redirect you to the editor of this note. ![New Note button on the HedgeDoc start page][new-note]{ width="400" } 3. Start typing your note. On the left (1) you find the editor to do so and on the right (2) you see the rendering of what you wrote. ![The HedgeDoc Editor][editor] 4. Copy the following text into your editor ```markdown # My first note You can format text **bold** or *italic*. There are lists both 1. ordered and - unordered Also you can use - [ ] ToDo Lists ``` ![The HedgeDoc Editor with the example text][editor-filled] ## Further reading - [Checkout HedgeDoc's markdown syntax reference][hfm] - [Creating your first presentation][tutorials/first-presentation] - [Advanced configuration options][config] [new-note]: ../images/tutorial/top-right.png [editor]: ../images/tutorial/note/editor.png [editor-filled]: ../images/tutorial/note/editor-filled.png [hfm]: ../references/hfm.md [tutorials/first-presentation]: first-presentation.md [config]: ../references/config/index.md