/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 The HedgeDoc developers (see AUTHORS file) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common'; import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; import * as request from 'supertest'; import { HistoryService } from '../../src/history/history.service'; import { NotesService } from '../../src/notes/notes.service'; import { HistoryEntryUpdateDto } from '../../src/history/history-entry-update.dto'; import { HistoryEntryDto } from '../../src/history/history-entry.dto'; import { HistoryEntry } from '../../src/history/history-entry.entity'; import { UsersService } from '../../src/users/users.service'; import { TokenAuthGuard } from '../../src/auth/token-auth.guard'; import { MockAuthGuard } from '../../src/auth/mock-auth.guard'; import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm'; import { PublicApiModule } from '../../src/api/public/public-api.module'; import { NotesModule } from '../../src/notes/notes.module'; import { PermissionsModule } from '../../src/permissions/permissions.module'; import { GroupsModule } from '../../src/groups/groups.module'; import { LoggerModule } from '../../src/logger/logger.module'; import { AuthModule } from '../../src/auth/auth.module'; import { UsersModule } from '../../src/users/users.module'; import { HistoryModule } from '../../src/history/history.module'; import { ConfigModule } from '@nestjs/config'; import mediaConfigMock from '../../src/config/media.config.mock'; import { User } from '../../src/users/user.entity'; // TODO Tests have to be reworked using UserService functions describe('Notes', () => { let app: INestApplication; let historyService: HistoryService; let notesService: NotesService; let userService: UsersService; let user: User; beforeAll(async () => { const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({ imports: [ ConfigModule.forRoot({ isGlobal: true, load: [mediaConfigMock], }), PublicApiModule, NotesModule, PermissionsModule, GroupsModule, TypeOrmModule.forRoot({ type: 'sqlite', database: './hedgedoc-e2e-me.sqlite', autoLoadEntities: true, synchronize: true, dropSchema: true, }), LoggerModule, AuthModule, UsersModule, HistoryModule, ], }) .overrideGuard(TokenAuthGuard) .useClass(MockAuthGuard) .compile(); app = moduleRef.createNestApplication(); notesService = moduleRef.get(NotesService); historyService = moduleRef.get(HistoryService); userService = moduleRef.get(UsersService); user = await userService.createUser('hardcoded', 'Testy'); await app.init(); }); it(`GET /me`, async () => { const userInfo = userService.toUserDto(user); const response = await request(app.getHttpServer()) .get('/me') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(response.body).toEqual(userInfo); }); it(`GET /me/history`, async () => { const noteName = 'testGetNoteHistory1'; const note = await notesService.createNote('', noteName); const createdHistoryEntry = await historyService.createOrUpdateHistoryEntry( note, user, ); const response = await request(app.getHttpServer()) .get('/me/history') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); const history = response.body; for (const historyEntry of history) { if ((historyEntry).identifier === 'testGetHistory') { expect(historyEntry).toEqual(createdHistoryEntry); } } }); it(`PUT /me/history/{note}`, async () => { const noteName = 'testGetNoteHistory2'; const note = await notesService.createNote('', noteName); await historyService.createOrUpdateHistoryEntry(note, user); const historyEntryUpdateDto = new HistoryEntryUpdateDto(); historyEntryUpdateDto.pinStatus = true; const response = await request(app.getHttpServer()) .put('/me/history/' + noteName) .send(historyEntryUpdateDto) .expect(200); const history = await historyService.getEntriesByUser(user); let historyEntry: HistoryEntryDto = response.body; expect(historyEntry.pinStatus).toEqual(true); historyEntry = null; for (const e of history) { if (e.note.alias === noteName) { historyEntry = await historyService.toHistoryEntryDto(e); } } expect(historyEntry.pinStatus).toEqual(true); }); it(`DELETE /me/history/{note}`, async () => { const noteName = 'testGetNoteHistory3'; const note = await notesService.createNote('', noteName); await historyService.createOrUpdateHistoryEntry(note, user); const response = await request(app.getHttpServer()) .delete(`/me/history/${noteName}`) .expect(204); expect(response.body).toEqual({}); const history = await historyService.getEntriesByUser(user); let historyEntry: HistoryEntry = null; for (const e of history) { if ((e).note.alias === noteName) { historyEntry = e; } } return expect(historyEntry).toBeNull(); }); it.skip(`GET /me/notes/`, async () => { // TODO use function from HistoryService to add an History Entry await notesService.createNote('This is a test note.', 'test7'); // usersService.getALLNotesOwnedByUser() TODO Implement function const response = await request(app.getHttpServer()) .get('/me/notes/') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(response.body.revisions).toHaveLength(1); }); afterAll(async () => { await app.close(); }); });