import { Router } from 'express' import passport from 'passport' import * as Google from 'passport-google-oauth20' import { config } from '../../../config' import { AuthMiddleware } from '../interface' import { passportGeneralCallback } from '../utils' const googleAuth = Router() export const GoogleMiddleware: AuthMiddleware = { getMiddleware: function (): Router { passport.use(new Google.Strategy({ clientID:, clientSecret:, callbackURL: config.serverURL + '/auth/google/callback', userProfileURL: '' }, ( accessToken: string, refreshToken: string, profile: any, done) => { /* This ugly hack is neccessary, because the Google Strategy wants a done-callback with an err as Error | null | undefined but the passportGeneralCallback (and every other PassportStrategy) want a done-callback with err as string | Error | undefined Note the absence of null. The lambda converts all `null` to `undefined`. */ passportGeneralCallback(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, (err?, user?) => { done(err === null ? undefined : err, user) }) })) googleAuth.get('/auth/google', function (req, res, next) { const authOpts = { scope: ['profile'], hostedDomain: } passport.authenticate('google', authOpts)(req, res, next) }) googleAuth.get('/auth/google/callback', passport.authenticate('google', { successReturnToOrRedirect: config.serverURL + '/', failureRedirect: config.serverURL + '/' }) ) return googleAuth } }