import { AllowNull, AfterCreate, BeforeCreate, Default, Unique, IsUUID, Model, PrimaryKey, Column, DataType, Table, BelongsTo, HasMany, ForeignKey } from "sequelize-typescript"; import { generate as shortIdGenerate, isValid as shortIdIsValid } from "shortid"; import { Author } from "./author"; import { User } from './user'; import { Revision } from './revision'; // external modules // external modules var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') var LZString = require('lz-string') // external modules var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') var LZString = require('lz-string') var base64url = require('base64url') var md = require('markdown-it')() var metaMarked = require('meta-marked') var cheerio = require('cheerio') var Sequelize = require('sequelize') var async = require('async') var moment = require('moment') var DiffMatchPatch = require('diff-match-patch') var dmp = new DiffMatchPatch() var S = require('string') // core var config = require('../config') var logger = require('../logger') // ot var ot = require('../ot') // permission types enum PermissionEnum { freely = "freely", editable = "editable", limited = "limited", locked = "locked", protected = "protected", private = "private" }; @Table({ paranoid: false }) export class Note extends Model { @PrimaryKey @Default(Sequelize.UUIDV4) @Column(DataType.UUID) id: string; @AllowNull(false) @Default(shortIdGenerate) @Unique @Column(DataType.STRING) shortid: string; @Unique @Column(DataType.STRING) alias: string; @Column(DataType.ENUM({values: Object.keys(PermissionEnum).map(k => PermissionEnum[k as any])})) permission: PermissionEnum; @AllowNull(false) @Default(0) @Column(DataType.INTEGER) viewcount: number; @Column(DataType.TEXT) get title(): string { return Sequelize.processData(this.getDataValue('title'), '') } set title(value: string) { this.setDataValue('title', Sequelize.stripNullByte(value)) } @Column(DataType.TEXT({ length: 'long' })) get content(): string { return Sequelize.processData(this.getDataValue('content'), '') } set content(value: string) { this.setDataValue('content', Sequelize.stripNullByte(value)) } @Column(DataType.TEXT({ length: 'long' })) get authorship(): string { return Sequelize.processData(this.getDataValue('authorship'), [], JSON.parse) } set authorship(value: string) { this.setDataValue('authorship', JSON.stringify(value)) } // ToDo: use @UpdatedAt instead? ( @Column(DataType.DATE) lastchangeAt: Date; // ToDo: use @UpdatedAt instead? ( @Column(DataType.DATE) savedAt: Date; @ForeignKey(() => User) @Column ownerId: string; @BelongsTo(() => User, { foreignKey: 'ownerId', constraints: false, onDelete: 'CASCADE', hooks: true }) owner: User; @ForeignKey(() => User) @Column lastchangeuserId: string; @BelongsTo(() => User, { foreignKey: 'lastchangeuserId', constraints: false }) lastchangeuser: User; @HasMany(() => Revision, { foreignKey: 'noteId', constraints: false }) revisions: Revision[]; @HasMany(() => Author, { foreignKey: 'noteId', constraints: false }) authors: Author[]; @BeforeCreate static defaultContentAndPermissions(note: Note) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // if no content specified then use default note if (!note.content) { let filePath = null if (!note.alias) { filePath = config.defaultNotePath } else { filePath = path.join(config.docsPath, note.alias + '.md') } if (Note.checkFileExist(filePath)) { var fsCreatedTime = moment(fs.statSync(filePath).ctime) const body = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') note.title = Note.parseNoteTitle(body) note.content = body if (filePath !== config.defaultNotePath) { note.createdAt = fsCreatedTime } } } // if no permission specified and have owner then give default permission in config, else default permission is freely if (!note.permission) { if (note.owner) { note.permission = config.defaultPermission } else { note.permission = PermissionEnum.freely } } return resolve(note) }) } @AfterCreate static saveRevision(note) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { Sequelize.models.Revision.saveNoteRevision(note, function (err, revision) { if (err) { return reject(err) } return resolve(note) }) }) } static checkFileExist(filePath) { try { return fs.statSync(filePath).isFile() } catch (err) { return false } } static encodeNoteId(id) { // remove dashes in UUID and encode in url-safe base64 let str = id.replace(/-/g, '') let hexStr = Buffer.from(str, 'hex') return base64url.encode(hexStr) } static decodeNoteId(encodedId) { // decode from url-safe base64 let id: string = base64url.toBuffer(encodedId).toString('hex') // add dashes between the UUID string parts let idParts: string[] = [] idParts.push(id.substr(0, 8)) idParts.push(id.substr(8, 4)) idParts.push(id.substr(12, 4)) idParts.push(id.substr(16, 4)) idParts.push(id.substr(20, 12)) return idParts.join('-') } static checkNoteIdValid(id) { var uuidRegex = /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i var result = id.match(uuidRegex) if (result && result.length === 1) { return true } else { return false } } static parseNoteId(noteId, callback) { async.series({ parseNoteIdByAlias: function (_callback) { // try to parse note id by alias (e.g. doc) Note.findOne({ where: { alias: noteId } }).then(function (note) { if (note) { let filePath = path.join(config.docsPath, noteId + '.md') if (Note.checkFileExist(filePath)) { // if doc in filesystem have newer modified time than last change time // then will update the doc in db var fsModifiedTime = moment(fs.statSync(filePath).mtime) var dbModifiedTime = moment(note.lastchangeAt || note.createdAt) var body = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') var contentLength = body.length var title = Note.parseNoteTitle(body) if (fsModifiedTime.isAfter(dbModifiedTime) && note.content !== body) { note.update({ title: title, content: body, lastchangeAt: fsModifiedTime }).then(function (note) { Sequelize.models.Revision.saveNoteRevision(note, function (err, revision) { if (err) return _callback(err, null) // update authorship on after making revision of docs var patch = dmp.patch_fromText(revision.patch) var operations = Note.transformPatchToOperations(patch, contentLength) var authorship = note.authorship for (let i = 0; i < operations.length; i++) { authorship = Note.updateAuthorshipByOperation(operations[i], null, authorship) } note.update({ authorship: authorship }).then(function (note) { return callback(null, }).catch(function (err) { return _callback(err, null) }) }) }).catch(function (err) { return _callback(err, null) }) } else { return callback(null, } } else { return callback(null, } } else { var filePath = path.join(config.docsPath, noteId + '.md') if (Note.checkFileExist(filePath)) { Note.create({ alias: noteId, owner: null, permission: 'locked' }).then(function (note) { return callback(null, }).catch(function (err) { return _callback(err, null) }) } else { return _callback(null, null) } } }).catch(function (err) { return _callback(err, null) }) }, // parse note id by LZString is deprecated, here for compability parseNoteIdByLZString: function (_callback) { // Calculate minimal string length for an UUID that is encoded // base64 encoded and optimize comparsion by using -1 // this should make a lot of LZ-String parsing errors obsolete // as we can assume that a nodeId that is 48 chars or longer is a // noteID. const base64UuidLength = ((4 * 36) / 3) - 1 if (!(noteId.length > base64UuidLength)) { return _callback(null, null) } // try to parse note id by LZString Base64 try { var id = LZString.decompressFromBase64(noteId) if (id && Note.checkNoteIdValid(id)) { return callback(null, id) } else { return _callback(null, null) } } catch (err) { if (err.message === 'Cannot read property \'charAt\' of undefined') { logger.warning('Looks like we can not decode "' + noteId + '" with LZString. Can be ignored.') } else { logger.error(err) } return _callback(null, null) } }, parseNoteIdByBase64Url: function (_callback) { // try to parse note id by base64url try { var id = Note.decodeNoteId(noteId) if (id && Note.checkNoteIdValid(id)) { return callback(null, id) } else { return _callback(null, null) } } catch (err) { logger.error(err) return _callback(null, null) } }, parseNoteIdByShortId: function (_callback) { // try to parse note id by shortId try { if (shortIdIsValid(noteId)) { Note.findOne({ where: { shortid: noteId } }).then(function (note) { if (!note) return _callback(null, null) return callback(null, }).catch(function (err) { return _callback(err, null) }) } else { return _callback(null, null) } } catch (err) { return _callback(err, null) } } }, function (err, result) { if (err) { logger.error(err) return callback(err, null) } return callback(null, null) }) } parseNoteInfo(body) { var parsed = Note.extractMeta(body) var $ = cheerio.load(md.render(parsed.markdown)) return { title: Note.extractNoteTitle(parsed.meta, $), tags: Note.extractNoteTags(parsed.meta, $) } } static parseNoteTitle(body) { const parsed = Note.extractMeta(body) var $ = cheerio.load(md.render(parsed.markdown)) return Note.extractNoteTitle(parsed.meta, $) } static extractNoteTitle(meta, $) { var title = '' if (meta.title && (typeof meta.title === 'string' || typeof meta.title === 'number')) { title = meta.title } else { var h1s = $('h1') if (h1s.length > 0 && h1s.first().text().split('\n').length === 1) { title = S(h1s.first().text()).stripTags().s } } if (!title) title = 'Untitled' return title } static generateDescription(markdown) { return markdown.substr(0, 100).replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, ' ') } static decodeTitle(title) { return title || 'Untitled' } static generateWebTitle(title) { title = !title || title === 'Untitled' ? 'CodiMD - Collaborative markdown notes' : title + ' - CodiMD' return title } static extractNoteTags(meta, $) { var tags: string[] = [] var rawtags: string[] = [] if (meta.tags && (typeof meta.tags === 'string' || typeof meta.tags === 'number')) { var metaTags = ('' + meta.tags).split(',') for (let i = 0; i < metaTags.length; i++) { var text: string = metaTags[i].trim() if (text) rawtags.push(text) } } else { var h6s = $('h6') h6s.each(function (key, value) { if (/^tags/gmi.test($(value).text())) { var codes = $(value).find('code') for (let i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { var text = S($(codes[i]).text().trim()).stripTags().s if (text) rawtags.push(text) } } }) } for (let i = 0; i < rawtags.length; i++) { var found = false for (let j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { if (tags[j] === rawtags[i]) { found = true break } } if (!found) { tags.push(rawtags[i]) } } return tags } static extractMeta(content) { try { var obj = metaMarked(content) if (!obj.markdown) obj.markdown = '' if (!obj.meta) obj.meta = {} return obj; } catch (err) { return { markdown: content, meta: {} } } } static parseMeta(meta): NoteMetadata { var _meta = new NoteMetadata(); if (meta) { if (meta.title && (typeof meta.title === 'string' || typeof meta.title === 'number')) { _meta.title = meta.title } if (meta.description && (typeof meta.description === 'string' || typeof meta.description === 'number')) { _meta.description = meta.description } if (meta.robots && (typeof meta.robots === 'string' || typeof meta.robots === 'number')) { _meta.robots = meta.robots } if (meta.GA && (typeof meta.GA === 'string' || typeof meta.GA === 'number')) { _meta.GA = meta.GA } if (meta.disqus && (typeof meta.disqus === 'string' || typeof meta.disqus === 'number')) { _meta.disqus = meta.disqus } if (meta.slideOptions && (typeof meta.slideOptions === 'object')) { _meta.slideOptions = meta.slideOptions } if (meta.opengraph && (typeof meta.opengraph === 'object')) { _meta.opengraph = meta.opengraph } } return _meta } static parseOpengraph(meta, title) { var _ogdata: any = {} if (meta.opengraph) { _ogdata = meta.opengraph } if (!(_ogdata.title && (typeof _ogdata.title === 'string' || typeof _ogdata.title === 'number'))) { _ogdata.title = title } if (!(_ogdata.description && (typeof _ogdata.description === 'string' || typeof _ogdata.description === 'number'))) { _ogdata.description = meta.description || '' } if (!(_ogdata.type && (typeof _ogdata.type === 'string'))) { _ogdata.type = 'website' } return _ogdata } static updateAuthorshipByOperation(operation, userId, authorships) { var index = 0 var timestamp = for (let i = 0; i < operation.length; i++) { var op = operation[i] if (ot.TextOperation.isRetain(op)) { index += op } else if (ot.TextOperation.isInsert(op)) { let opStart = index let opEnd = index + op.length var inserted = false // authorship format: [userId, startPos, endPos, createdAt, updatedAt] if (authorships.length <= 0) authorships.push([userId, opStart, opEnd, timestamp, timestamp]) else { for (let j = 0; j < authorships.length; j++) { let authorship = authorships[j] if (!inserted) { let nextAuthorship = authorships[j + 1] || -1 if ((nextAuthorship !== -1 && nextAuthorship[1] >= opEnd) || j >= authorships.length - 1) { if (authorship[1] < opStart && authorship[2] > opStart) { // divide let postLength = authorship[2] - opStart authorship[2] = opStart authorship[4] = timestamp authorships.splice(j + 1, 0, [userId, opStart, opEnd, timestamp, timestamp]) authorships.splice(j + 2, 0, [authorship[0], opEnd, opEnd + postLength, authorship[3], timestamp]) j += 2 inserted = true } else if (authorship[1] >= opStart) { authorships.splice(j, 0, [userId, opStart, opEnd, timestamp, timestamp]) j += 1 inserted = true } else if (authorship[2] <= opStart) { authorships.splice(j + 1, 0, [userId, opStart, opEnd, timestamp, timestamp]) j += 1 inserted = true } } } if (authorship[1] >= opStart) { authorship[1] += op.length authorship[2] += op.length } } } index += op.length } else if (ot.TextOperation.isDelete(op)) { let opStart = index let opEnd = index - op if (operation.length === 1) { authorships = [] } else if (authorships.length > 0) { for (let j = 0; j < authorships.length; j++) { let authorship = authorships[j] if (authorship[1] >= opStart && authorship[1] <= opEnd && authorship[2] >= opStart && authorship[2] <= opEnd) { authorships.splice(j, 1) j -= 1 } else if (authorship[1] < opStart && authorship[1] < opEnd && authorship[2] > opStart && authorship[2] > opEnd) { authorship[2] += op authorship[4] = timestamp } else if (authorship[2] >= opStart && authorship[2] <= opEnd) { authorship[2] = opStart authorship[4] = timestamp } else if (authorship[1] >= opStart && authorship[1] <= opEnd) { authorship[1] = opEnd authorship[4] = timestamp } if (authorship[1] >= opEnd) { authorship[1] += op authorship[2] += op } } } index += op } } // merge for (let j = 0; j < authorships.length; j++) { let authorship = authorships[j] for (let k = j + 1; k < authorships.length; k++) { let nextAuthorship = authorships[k] if (nextAuthorship && authorship[0] === nextAuthorship[0] && authorship[2] === nextAuthorship[1]) { let minTimestamp = Math.min(authorship[3], nextAuthorship[3]) let maxTimestamp = Math.max(authorship[3], nextAuthorship[3]) authorships.splice(j, 1, [authorship[0], authorship[1], nextAuthorship[2], minTimestamp, maxTimestamp]) authorships.splice(k, 1) j -= 1 break } } } // clear for (let j = 0; j < authorships.length; j++) { let authorship = authorships[j] if (!authorship[0]) { authorships.splice(j, 1) j -= 1 } } return authorships } static transformPatchToOperations(patch, contentLength) { var operations: any = [] if (patch.length > 0) { // calculate original content length for (let j = patch.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var p = patch[j] for (let i = 0; i < p.diffs.length; i++) { var diff = p.diffs[i] switch (diff[0]) { case 1: // insert contentLength -= diff[1].length break case -1: // delete contentLength += diff[1].length break } } } // generate operations var bias = 0 var lengthBias = 0 for (let j = 0; j < patch.length; j++) { var operation: any = [] let p = patch[j] var currIndex = p.start1 var currLength = contentLength - bias for (let i = 0; i < p.diffs.length; i++) { let diff = p.diffs[i] switch (diff[0]) { case 0: // retain if (i === 0) { // first operation.push(currIndex + diff[1].length) } else if (i !== p.diffs.length - 1) { // mid operation.push(diff[1].length) } else { // last operation.push(currLength + lengthBias - currIndex) } currIndex += diff[1].length break case 1: // insert operation.push(diff[1]) lengthBias += diff[1].length currIndex += diff[1].length break case -1: // delete operation.push(-diff[1].length) bias += diff[1].length currIndex += diff[1].length break } } operations.push(operation) } } return operations } } export class NoteMetadata { title: string; description: string; robots: string; GA: string; disqus: string; slideOptions: any; opengraph: any; }